

  1. Download & Install Postman
  2. Install Windows Mac Linux


Postman official documents do not use networked workspaces. You can disable automatic updates ❗❗❗ by clicking the Scratch Pad mode in the Settings icon in the upper right corner

1. Download and install Postman

Download the Postman

Latest Version Download Official Download pageDownload link:Win64 Win32 Mac Linux
Pay attention to👇👇👇👇👇 see below 👇👇👇👇👇Pay attention to
Historical Version Download Please replace the “version number” in the link below with the specified version number, for example: 8.8.0
Windows64 a Dl. PSTMN. IO/download/ve…The version number/win64
Windows32 a Dl. PSTMN. IO/download/ve…The version number/win32
Mac Dl. PSTMN. IO/download/ve…The version number/osx
Linux Dl. PSTMN. IO/download/ve…The version number/Linux

Install the Postman

2. Install The Chinese package

A prerequisite for

  1. Install the Postman
  2. Download the corresponding Chinese package


  1. Download the corresponding version of

  2. Go to the Postman installation address/version /resources directory

    Right-click the Postman application on the desktop -> Open the file location and enterapp-*.*.*/resourcesDefault installation address:C:/Users/ User name /AppData/Local/PostmanExample:C: / Users/username/AppData/Local/Postman/app - 8.8.0 / resources

  3. Copy to the Resources directory

    willapp.zipUnzipping to the current folder generates oneappDirectory into theappSee the following figure for the directory

  4. Just restart Postman

Operating the GIF


  1. Download the corresponding version of

  2. Unpack the app. Zip

  3. Visit to/application/Postman. The app/Contents/Resources /

    Go to access/apps and go to and right click on the package and go to Contents/Resources

  4. replaceappfolder

    If there is no app folder in the directory, unzip to get the app folder, then copy the app folder extracted from to the Resources directory. Replace the original app folder, delete or rename the original app folder first

  5. Just restart Postman


  1. Download the corresponding version
# for making the address below Replace the version number for the corresponding to the version number, for example: 8.8.0 wget version number/app. ZipCopy the code
  1. Unzip && replaceappfolder
Unzip -o -d Postman install address /app/resources app.zipCopy the code

Disable automatic update ❗❗❗

This is a dangerous operation and will prevent your computer from connecting to the Postman download server. Of course, this will prevent your Postman application from being updated

Add this resolution to your computer’s host file hosts dl. PSTMN. IOCopy the code

Hosts file in

Windows: C: / Windows/System32 / drivers/etc/hosts Linux & Mac: / etc/hosts