Front-end developer

Describes generic positions for developers who have skills in HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript and implement these technologies on Web platforms.

Front End Engineer (aka JavaScript developer or full stack JavaScript developer)

A position for a developer with a computer science, engineering, and background who is using those skills to use front-end technology. The role typically requires a computer science degree and years of software development experience. When the term “JavaScript application” is included in the job title, this will indicate that the developer should be a senior JavaScript developer with advanced programming, software development, and application development skills (that is, years of experience building front-end applications).

CSS/HTML developers

Front-end job description Developer proficient in HTML and CSS (not including JavaScript and application knowledge).

Front-end Web designer

When the word “designer” is included in the job title, it will indicate that the designer will have front-end skills (i.e. HTML and CSS) as well as professional design skills (visual design and interaction design).

Web/ front-end user interface (AKA UI) developer/engineer

When the word “interface” or “UI” is included in the job title, it will indicate that the developer should have interaction design skills in addition to front-end developer skills or front-end engineering skills. Source: yipingweke