This article has participated in the third “topic writing” track of the Denver Creators Training Camp. For details, check out: Digg Project | Creators Training Camp third is ongoing, “write” to make a personal impact.

1. Create an account

Apple Developer Account There are several developer account types

Personal Developer Account

  1. Cost: $99 / year (688.00 YUAN)
  2. Number of collaborators: Developers only
  3. You don’t need to fill in your company’s D-U-N-S Number.
  4. App Store can be launched under the account
  5. You need to create an Apple ID

Company Developer Account:

  1. Cost: $99 / year (688.00 YUAN)
  2. Allow multiple developers to collaborate
  3. You need to fill in the D-U-N-S Number of your company.
  4. The app under this account can be published to the App Store
  5. You need to create an Apple ID

Enterprise Developer Account:

  1. Cost: $299 / year (1988.00 YUAN)
  2. Allow multiple developers to collaborate
  3. You need to fill in the D-U-N-S Number of your company.
  4. The app under this account cannot be published to the App Store
  5. You need to create an Apple ID
  6. Note: Application for corporate accounts is particularly difficult

Apply for AppleID

Application for the Apple ID

Main information for registration: first name, first name, country, date of birth, email, password, password protection question, picture verification code, email verification code. Note the content to be filled in must be in English, not In Chinese.

After registration, log in to your Apple device to enable two-factor authentication

Apply for DUN & Bradstreet code (not required for individual developer account)

Open and look for the D-U-N-S number

Information on the form to be filled in when applying for D&B

  • English name of company
  • The street
  • city
  • province
  • Zip code
  • Contact phone number
  • Contact information: Name, phone number (it is possible to call d&B for confirmation), email address (the email address for communication with Huaxia D&B, there is a time limit for timely filling in the company information after receiving the confirmation email)
  • The business license
  • Official seal

Wait for dun & Bradstreet to apply successfully

After successfully applying for the code, DUN & Bradstreet will send the DUNS code to workEmail and wait for 7-14 days to use it (Apple and DUN & Bradstreet are not the same system, so we need to wait for their data synchronization).

After applying for the DUNS code, wait 7 working days (note not a week ~) before applying for the company developer account again.

Apply for a Developer account

  1. Directly search the developer App in the App Store and log in the Apple ID you applied for above (now wechat and Alipay are supported for payment).

  1. Or go to the Apple ID website to apply for Apple ID
  • The following application mainly according to the prompts, to personal information, identity verification, etc
  • If it is a company, it also needs some basic information of the company +DUNS code
  • Basically, it is ok to wait here for the successful application. Now (2021-09) the basic information of the application is ok for one day

2. Apply for signing certificate (Keychain access)

  • The meaning is signature, but also because of Apple’s unique signature mechanism, which makes APP more secure
  1. Open keychain access for Mac App

  1. Issue the certificate

  1. You can fill in the following two information (mainly to make a logo)

  1. Stored in the disk directly, direct is a CertificateSigningRequest certSigningRequest such files

3. In the first Apple Developer To apply for the certificate

  1. Log in to the developer account
  2. The Account page is displayed

  1. To create the ID

We’re mainly launching apps for the App Store, so just pick the first one

  1. Create certificates – The following two certificates are enough for iOS applications, and the rest are Mac App universal certificates, etc.

  1. The next step to create a certificate is to select our key chain application file upload

  1. Configuration files, as the name implies, are configuration files for the formal environment and test environment, such as configuration push

Select the ID we created above

Select the requested certificate (association)

If you’re new and creating your developer certificate for the first time, you’ll also need to upload your Device ID, which is the phone you’re testing

Use the data cable, connect Xcode, and check the identifier in devices

  1. Create the certificate, configuration file, ID, device basically complete here, later need to download the certificate and configuration file double click install; The certificate will be installed in the keystring, and the accessory file will be installed in Xcode, that is, the certificate relationship will be established between the certificate and the app of the bundle ID associated with Xcode

  2. Select your configuration file in Xcode to run your app on the real phone


We can create a wildcard when we create the ID, or we can write one to represent any app, so that we don’t have to create an ID every time we need to test a package name

Of course, in the latest Xcode, you can also directly fixed

In 4. App Store Connect To create the app

If you need to apply for internal purchase, you need to fill in the agreement, bank information related to the bank card information

My app to create an app

The basic information

  • The title
  • subtitle
  • classification
  • The rating
  • Etc.

Price within sales range

  • Sales regions are available
  • Set App Store prices

In the preparation submission, you need to fill in the information that the App Store needs to display

  • preview
  • logo
  • describe
  • Some audit information

If you need to apply for in-app purchase, you need to click apply for in-app purchase information

  • The name of the
  • Id uniquely identifies the current one in the code
  • The information displayed in the window is displayed
  • Internal purchase audit information

To test in-app purchase information, you need to register a sandbox test account

  • Fill in the basic information. One sandbox test account can only be used under one developer account

After setting up, go to your email and click the link to complete it

Log in to the password you set up and continue

Once verified, you can test in-app purchases with your sandbox account

5. XCode is packaged and shipped

Package directly. The main bundle ID must be the same as the developer bundle ID, and the version number must be the same as the App Store Connect version

Finally, after you have completed your build, go to App Store Connect to view the added build version and submit it for review

Ending successfully, waiting for approval ~