In recent years, the strong rise of mobile Internet industry has entered the era of the people. In particular, the Internet has played an indispensable role in the “indoor life” under the epidemic. Mobile apps have replaced the original offline life scenes and become the online platform for People’s Daily shopping, entertainment, work and communication, and the number of netizens has also increased.

According to the statistical Report on China’s Internet Development, the number of Internet users in China reached 989 million as of December 2020, up 85.4 million from March 2020, and the Internet penetration rate reached 70.4 percent. Out of a population of nearly one billion Internet users, there is a surprising number — the number of China’s “silver-haired Internet users” (those over 50 years old) is nearly 260 million, accounting for more than 26 percent.

Older age groups have long been described as the generation left behind by the Internet, as they grew up in an environment so different from that of contemporary children that many know little about the Internet. However, with the development and popularity of the Internet, the elderly gradually begin to walk into modern life and enjoy the convenience brought by intelligent services.

The use of mobile apps by the elderly has become particularly frequent since the pandemic. Possible use has become compulsory use, shopping for vegetables in the vegetable market has become online delivery, chess games with neighbors have become online, and various offline life scenes have been moved to mobile phones due to home isolation.

As the number of older users increases, many App operators are also faced with the problem of how to increase the conversion rate of older users. A large number of elderly users feedback that the application software is not easy to use and difficult to operate, and the elderly consumption “trap” is increasing day by day. They also put forward higher requirements for the simplicity and security of application operation.

In order to improve the conversion rate of elderly users, the function of “aging appropriate” has become the direction of the next design transformation of many apps. Basic operation has always been the biggest problem faced by the elderly when they use mobile phones. Among them, account registration and login, as the first step after opening the App, have become one of the biggest obstacles for them to use smart phones.

The function of registering and logging in accounts is not only the first step for users to experience the App, but also plays a key role in deciding whether the App will be retained by users. For the elderly group, registering and logging in an account is a very complicated and annoying process. A long wait, long phone number input, or numerous registration information are enough to make the elderly users give up easily in the first stage of using the App.

Even the SMS captcha, now the most frequently used for registering and logging in to an App, is the number one reason for uninstalling an App for a large number of ordinary users. According to statistics, 85% of the users are lost in the registration stage, due to various unstable factors can not receive the verification code, users directly give up, and uninstall the application.

Using MobTech’s one-click second-check login service solves all three of these problems at once, while reducing the operational and development workload. While reducing the cost of acquiring customers, it greatly improves the conversion rate.

  • Reduce registration information filling

    It is often necessary to fill in all kinds of information for the first registration and obtain SMS verification code for identity verification in the subsequent login. However, elderly users are likely to give up using the App in the middle of filling in tedious information. The App integrated with the SECOND test SDK can be directly logged in through the local number with one key, skipping the traditional registration information filling process, and increasing the favorable degree of user experience.

  • Shorten the login authentication duration

The traditional SMS verification code login method fails to deliver SMS messages or lags in arrival time. In addition, the platform is crowded when there are many active users, such as holidays or e-commerce promotion. As a result, users may not receive verification codes, and users may wait too long if they try to obtain verification codes again frequently. In this case, the elderly will easily misunderstand the App as difficult to operate and give up using it directly.

** Second verification Through the carrier’s unique communication gateway number retrieval technology, during the login process can accurately identify the user’s mobile phone number directly complete verification. The entire process takes no more than 3 seconds without user input. ** If it is compared with SMS verification code, the convenience is obviously much stronger, so the rapid login method can also effectively improve user conversion.

  • Reduce the risk of malicious attacks and data leakage

In the case of malicious WiFi access point and pseudo base station attacks, users may face the risk of SMS verification code being read, online banking APP login account and password being tampered with, or even personal property security being threatened. Due to the frequent occurrence of network fraud in recent years, the security performance of mobile Internet has become the key point of concern for netizens.

The login method based on second check can better protect the security of users and App. ** For users, second test integrates the gateway authentication capabilities of the three operators, so there is no need to worry about being hijacked. * * for App, the second test to analyze the user behavior model + integrated data, according to user label set grey, white list, the account registered validation batch machines to prevent the source of behavior, brush and accurately identify try object is a machine, or a normal user account registration, put an end to wool party/false powder invasion of platform.

Not only that, the cost of second verification is lower, which can greatly help the App save costs compared to the increasing SMS tariff. Moreover, the success rate of second verification is as high as 99%, and the conversion rate can be increased by 20%-45%, which can reduce the loss rate caused by verification problems from the root, help to improve the operating value and effectively improve the conversion rate of pulling new products. MobTech has more than 360,000 service developers and partners in various industries, including more than 30 Internet TOP500 companies. MobTech is committed to creating value for customers and helping mobile developers to realize their operational growth.

The user operation of the elderly group needs to be more personalized and targeted. As the number of elderly users of mobile Internet gradually increases, how to solve the problem of elderly users accessing the Internet is particularly important. The transformation of App for “aging” requires in-depth study of the needs and characteristics of this group to provide more convenient and safe operation modes and services. In order to improve the health level of the elderly, improve the quality of life for the elderly as the goal, in addition to the basic large font, loud volume and other superficial needs, find the real needs of the elderly and meet them. Help them integrate into the intelligent life faster and keep pace with The Times.