The introduction
Elasticsearch ORM framework if you are struggling to build Elasticsearch DSL statements, building complex and lengthy conditions, and getting frustrated with response extraction, then you need a simple and easy to use Framework for Elasticsearch: Ebatis!
The background,
Elasticsearch is a distributed open source search engine for all types of data, including text, digital, geospatial, structured and unstructured data. For Elasticsearch Java client, the Transport client is deprecated and will no longer be supported in 8.0.0. Java Low Level REST Client, Java High Level REST Client (based on Java Low Level REST Client encapsulation), Spring Data Elasticsearch is available from Spring.
However, when we use Elasticsearch Client to search and migrate, we encounter some pain points. First, some old service search is developed based on Transport Client. Since the Transport Client is declared obsolete in the official 7.0.0 documentation and will no longer be supported in 8.0.0, these older services are subject to Client upgrades and selection. Java High Level REST Client is used for Elasticsearch. The original Elasticsearch cluster uses Java High Level REST Client. The original Elasticsearch cluster uses Java High Level REST Client. The Elasticsearch Client needs to be upgraded. However, the Elasticsearch Client needs to be developed on the original version of Elasticsearch Client. Combined with these reasons, the final upgrade can be seamlessly switched with one click.
Only the Java High Level REST Client and Spring Data Elasticsearch Client are available. Spring Data Elasticsearch uses JPA syntax and is easy to use in simple search scenarios. But complex search scenarios require you to manually build your OWN DSL statements. So we needed a Client framework that would help us mask the differences between the underlying Elasticsearch versions and avoid manually building complex DSL statements.
Based on this background, we decided to develop a Elasticsearch framework and ebATIS was born. Ebatis has been running statically on Manbang business system for nearly a year, hosting hundreds of millions of search services per day.
2. Introduction to ebATIS
Ebatis is developed based on the Java High Level REST Client and uses the same idea as MyBatis. You only need to define an interface to access Elasticsearch and isolate services from directly accessing the underlying interface of Elasticserach. Elastisearch driver interface (EBATIS) will be upgraded to Elastisearch driver interface (EBATIS). Elastisearch driver interface (EBATIS) will be upgraded to Elastisearch driver interface (EBATIS). In the form of ORM and ideas to build our conditions, greatly improve the efficiency of development, let’s use a simple example to quickly start ebATIS.
Create indexes
PUT /recent_order_index
"settings": {
"number_of_replicas": 0."number_of_shards": 1
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"cargoId": {
"type": "long"
"driverUserName": {
"type": "keyword"
"loadAddress": {
"type": "text"
"searchable": {
"type": "boolean"
"companyId": {
"type": "long"}}}}Copy the code
Add test data
POST /recent_order_index/_bulk
{"index": {}} {"cargoId": 1."driverUserName":"Zhang"."loadAddress": "Xuanwu District, Nanjing"."searchable": true."companyId": Awesome!}
{"index": {}} {"cargoId": 2."driverUserName":"Bill"."loadAddress": "Qinhuai District, Nanjing"."searchable": false."companyId": 667}
{"index": {}} {"cargoId": 3."driverUserName":"Fifty"."loadAddress": "Nanjing Liuhe District"."searchable": true."companyId": 668}
{"index": {}} {"cargoId": 4."driverUserName":"Daisy"."loadAddress": "Jianye District, Nanjing"."searchable": true."companyId": 669}
{"index": {}} {"cargoId": 5."driverUserName":"Money seven"."loadAddress": "Gulou District, Nanjing"."searchable": true."companyId": 665}
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POM dependencies (currently also supported
<version> RELEASE</version>
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Creating a Cluster Connection
public class SampleClusterRouterProvider implements ClusterRouterProvider {
public static final String SAMPLE_CLUSTER_NAME = "sampleCluster";
public ClusterRouter getClusterRouter(String name) {
if (SAMPLE_CLUSTER_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
Cluster cluster = Cluster.simple("".9200, Credentials.basic("admin"."123456"));
ClusterRouter clusterRouter = ClusterRouter.single(cluster);
return clusterRouter;
} else {
return null; }}}Copy the code
Define POJO objects
public class RecentOrder {
private Long cargoId
private String driverUserName;
private String loadAddress;
private Boolean searchable;
private Integer companyId;
public class RecentOrderCondition {
private Boolean searchable;
private String driverUserName;
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Define the Mapper interface
@Mapper(indices = "recent_order_index")
public interface RecentOrderRepository {
List<RecentOrder> search(RecentOrderCondition condition);
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The test interface
public class OrderRepositoryTest {
public void search(a) {
// assemble the query criteria
RecentOrderCondition condition = new RecentOrderCondition();
// Map the interface
RecentOrderRepository repository = MapperProxyFactory.getMapperProxy(RecentOrderRepository.class, SampleClusterRouterProvider.SAMPLE_CLUSTER_NAME);
// Search for goods
List<RecentOrder> orders =;
/ / assertions
Assert.assertEquals(3, orders.size());
// Print the output
orders.forEach(order ->"{}", order)); }}Copy the code
The ebATIS version is xx.xx.xx.xx.RELEASE. The first three characters represent the version of Elasticsearch that matches the cluster driver, and the last one represents the iteration of EBatis on this version. For example represents the third iteration of ebatis on Elasticsearch version 7.5.1.
Iii. Comparison of other clients
Currently, there are four main drivers for Elasticsearch
The serial number | Drive way | Official support | note |
1 | Transport Client | No further support | Don’t compare |
2 | Java Low Level REST Client | support | Too low to make a comparison |
3 | Java High Level REST Client | support | |
4 | Spring Data Elasticsearch | The third party |
Below, let’s compare a default sorting scenario with a full load to see how different drivers can perform complex search operations. The search DSL statement looks like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{"bool": {
"must": [{"bool": {
"should": [{"terms": {
"startDistrictId": [
684214.981362]."boost": 1.0}}, {"terms": {
"startCityId": [
320705.931125]."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}, {"bool": {
"should": [{"terms": {
"endDistrictId": [
95312.931125]."boost": 1.0}}, {"terms": {
"endCityId": [
589421.953652]."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}, {"range": {
"updateTime": {
"from": 1608285822239."to": null."include_lower": true."include_upper": true."boost": 1.0}}}, {"terms": {
"cargoLabels": [
"Fruit"."Fresh"]."boost": 1.0}}]."must_not": [{"terms": {
"cargoCategory": [
"A"."B"]."boost": 1.0}}, {"term": {
"featureSort": {
"value": "Good"."boost": 1.0}}}]."should": [{"bool": {
"must_not": [{"terms": {
"cargoChannel": [
"Long-distance source"."One price source"]."boost": 1.0}}]."should": [{"bool": {
"must": [{"term": {
"searchableSources": {
"value": "ALL"."boost": 1.0}}}, {"bool": {
"must": [{"terms": {
"cargoChannel": [
"No.1"."No.2"."No.3"]."boost": 1.0}}, {"term": {
"securityTran": {
"value": "Platform Guarantee"."boost": 1.0}}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}}]."adjust_pure_negative": true."boost": 1.0}},"_source": {
"includes": [
"cargoId"."startDistrictId"."startCityId"."endDistrictId"."endCityId"."updateTime"."cargoLabels"."cargoCategory"."featureSort"."cargoChannel"."searchableSources"."securityTran"]."excludes": []},"sort": [{"duplicate": {
"order": "asc"}}, {"_script": {
"script": {
"source": "searchCargo-script"."lang": "painless"."params": {
"searchColdCargoTop": 0}},"type": "string"."order": "asc"}}}]Copy the code
Using the native Java High-level REST Client interface:
final BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final TermsQueryBuilder startCityId = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("startCityId", Lists.newArrayList(320705L.931125L));
final TermsQueryBuilder startDistrictId = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("startDistrictId", Lists.newArrayList(684214L.981362L));
final TermsQueryBuilder endCityId = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("endCityId", Lists.newArrayList(589421L.953652L));
final TermsQueryBuilder endDistrictId = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("endDistrictId", Lists.newArrayList(95312L.931125L));
final BoolQueryBuilder startBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final BoolQueryBuilder endBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final BoolQueryBuilder cityBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final RangeQueryBuilder rangeBuilder = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("updateTime");
final TermsQueryBuilder cargoLabelsBuilder = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("cargoLabels", Lists.newArrayList("Fruit"."Fresh"));
final TermsQueryBuilder cargoCategoryBuilder = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("cargoCategory", Lists.newArrayList("A"."B"));
final TermQueryBuilder featureSortBuilder = QueryBuilders.termQuery("featureSort"."Good");
final BoolQueryBuilder cargoChannelBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final TermsQueryBuilder channelBuilder = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("cargoChannel", Lists.newArrayList("Long-distance source"."One price source"));
final BoolQueryBuilder searchableSourcesBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
final TermQueryBuilder sourceBuilder = QueryBuilders.termQuery("searchableSources"."ALL");
final BoolQueryBuilder securityTranBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
securityTranBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("securityTran"."Platform Guarantee"));
SearchSourceBuilder searchSource = new SearchSourceBuilder();
searchSource.fetchSource(new String[]{"cargoId"."startDistrictId"."startCityId"."endDistrictId"."endCityId"."updateTime"."cargoLabels"."cargoCategory"."featureSort"."cargoChannel"."searchableSources"."securityTran"},
new String[0]);
searchSource.sort("duplicate", SortOrder.ASC);
ScriptSortBuilder sortBuilder = SortBuilders.scriptSort(new org.elasticsearch.script.Script(ScriptType.INLINE,
"painless"."searchCargo-script", Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.singletonMap("searchColdCargoTop".0)),
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Spring Data Elasticsearch
interface CargoRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Cargo.String> {
@Query("{\"match\": {\"name\": {\"query\": \"? 0 \..." }}} ")
List<Cargo> findByCargoCondition(List<String> startCity, List<String> StartDistrictId / *,... * /);
final List<Cargo> cargos=cargoRepository.findByCargoCondition(Lists.newArrayList(320705L.931125L),Lists.newArrayList(684214L.981362L)... ;Copy the code
Because @query requires the entire DSL statement to be filled in, it is short and too long, so it is omitted.
// 1. Create a POJO object for search conditions
public class CargoCondition implements SortProvider {
private City city;
private Range<Long> updateTime;
@Must(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoLabels;
private Boolean searchable;
private CargoLines cargoLines;
private CargoChannel cargoChannel;
@MustNot(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoCategory;
private String featureSort;
private static final Sort[] SORTS = new Sort[]{Sort.fieldAsc("duplicate"),
Sort.scriptStringAsc(Script.inline("searchCargo-script", Collections.singletonMap("searchColdCargoTop".0)))};
public Sort[] getSorts() {
return SORTS;
public static class City {
private StartCity startCity;
private EndCity endCity;
public static class StartCity {
@Should(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<Long> startDistrictId;
@Should(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<Long> startCityId;
public static class EndCity {
@Should(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<Long> endDistrictId;
@Should(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<Long> endCityId;
public static class CargoChannel {
@MustNot(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoChannel;
private Security security;
public static class Security {
private String searchableSources;
private SecurityChannel securityChannel;
public static class SecurityChannel {
@Must(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoChannel;
private String securityTran;
public static class CargoLines {
@Must(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoLines;
private CargoLabel cargoLabel;
public static class CargoLabel {
@Must(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
private List<String> cargoLines;
@Must(queryType = QueryType.TERMS)
privateList<String> cargoLabels; }}// 2. Create a search interface
@Mapper(indices = "cargo")
public interface CargoMapper {
List<Cargo> searchCargo(CargoCondition condition);
// 3. Assembled search conditions
final CargoCondition cargo = new CargoCondition();
CargoCondition cargo = new CargoCondition();
final CargoCondition.City city = new CargoCondition.City();
final CargoCondition.StartCity startCity = new CargoCondition.StartCity();
final CargoCondition.EndCity endCity = new CargoCondition.EndCity();
final CargoCondition.CargoChannel cargoChannel = new CargoCondition.CargoChannel();
cargoChannel.setCargoChannel(Lists.newArrayList("Long-distance source"."One price source"));
final CargoCondition.Security security = new CargoCondition.Security();
final CargoCondition.SecurityChannel securityChannel = new CargoCondition.SecurityChannel();
securityChannel.setSecurityTran("Platform Guarantee");
// 4. Perform the search
final List<Cargo> cargos = cargoMapper.searchCargo(condition);
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Spring Data Elasticsearch (EBATIS) and Spring Data Elasticsearch (EBATIS) are more convenient than Spring Data Elasticsearch (Elasticsearch). In complex conditional scenarios, you need to build your own primitive DSL statements, such as @query (“{“match”: {“name”: {” Query “: “? 0…” }}}”), the construction of conditions in complex scenarios will be very complicated and difficult to locate intuitively. The biggest advantage of using EBATIS is that we can intuitively build our search conditions in the form of ORM, and face our complex search scenes with object-oriented thought, no matter in the construction of conditions or problem positioning, Both are much more convenient than Java High Level REST Clien and Spring Data Elasticsearch.
In addition, the search criteria are always changing. To adjust, if it is a native interface or Spring, you need to constantly adjust the statement, or even modify the interface, but EbATIS only requires you to modify the attributes of a POJO object, very efficient.
Four, ebATIS advanced use
Perform a class diagram
RequestExecutor: a RequestExecutor that is responsible for the entire Elasticsearch request execution process.
RequestFactory: The RequestFactory interface creates an ES request based on the method definition and arguments of the request.
Cluster: a Cluster responsible for Elasticsearch Cluster requests.
ResponseExtractor: ResponseExtractor, extract Elasticsearch response, construct return body.
Interceptor: Interceptor, which intercepts ebATIS calls.
Cluster represents an ES Cluster instance, and EbATIS has two built-in implementations: SimpleCluster, FixWeightedCluster, and SimpleFederalCluster. SimpleCluster differs from FixedWeightedCluster in that the latter is a value with a fixed weight that can be used to control the proportion of the load being balanced on the cluster. SimpleFederalCluster performs batch operations on a batch of clusters and synchronizes a batch of clusters. It is generally used for adding, deleting, or modifying data in a batch of clusters, but not for querying data.
The ClusterRouter is used to route out a Cluster that can access the Cluster. The ClusterLoadBalancer is used to select a Cluster from the same Cluster. According to the different load balancer, EBATIS built in a number of corresponding routers, the default provides random load balancer, polling load balancer, single cluster load balancer, weight load balancer, of course, can also be provided by ebATIS interface, customized their own policy balancer.
Interface defines the supported request and response types
Entity Indicates the Entity type
Request type | annotations | The interface declares the return value |
GET //_search | @Search | Page |
List | ||
Entity[] | ||
SearchResponse | ||
Entity | ||
Long | ||
long | ||
Boolean | ||
boolean | ||
GET //_msearch | @MultiSearch | List<Page> |
Page[] | ||
List<List> | ||
Entity[][] | ||
List<Entity[]> | ||
List[] | ||
MultiSearchResponse | ||
List | ||
Long[] | ||
long[] | ||
List | ||
Boolean[] | ||
boolean[] | ||
PUT //_doc/<_id> | @Index | IndexResponse |
RestStatus | ||
boolean | ||
Boolean | ||
String | ||
void | ||
GET /_doc/<_id> |
@Get | GetResponse |
Entity | ||
Optional | ||
DELETE //_doc/<_id> |
@Delete | RestStatus |
DeleteResponse | ||
boolean | ||
Boolean | ||
void | ||
POST //_update/<_id> | @Update | UpdateResponse |
GetResult | ||
RestStatus | ||
boolean | ||
Boolean | ||
Result | ||
void | ||
POST //_bulk | @Bulk | List |
BulkResponse | ||
BulkItemResponse[] | ||
GET //_mget | @MultiGet | MultiGetResponse |
MultiGetItemResponse[] | ||
List | ||
List | ||
Entity[] | ||
List<Optional> | ||
Optional[] | ||
POST //_update_by_query | @UpdateByQuery | BulkByScrollResponse |
BulkByScrollTask.Status | ||
POST //_delete_by_query | @DeleteByQuery | BulkByScrollResponse |
BulkByScrollTask.Status | ||
GET /_search/scroll | @SearchScroll | SearchResponse |
ScrollResponse | ||
DELETE /_search/scroll | @ClearScroll | ClearScrollResponse |
boolean | ||
Boolean | ||
GET //_search | @agg (currently only supports bucket aggregate terms query) | SearchResponse |
Aggregations | ||
List | ||
Map<String, Aggregation> |
These are the search types currently supported; the other request types will need to be supported in subsequent iterations.
Asynchronous support
Mapper search method supports asynchronous operation, just need to define the result returned by Mapper interface as CompletableFuture<Page>, so that the asynchronous call will not block and immediately returned, the business side can continue to process their own business logic, when it needs to obtain the result, extract the result.
The interceptor
Ebatis interceptor loaded by way of SPI, only need to provide the target class implements the IO. Manbang. Ebatis. Core. The interceptor. The interceptor interface, And in/meta-inf/services directory. Provide IO manbang. Ebatis. Core. The interceptor. The interceptor files, content to provide the fully qualified name of the target class. You can also add an annotation @autoService (interceptor.class) to the target class, which is generated by the auto-service. Different interfaces of interceptors are called at different stages of the request’s life cycle, and you can customize interceptors that fit your own business logic.
public class TestInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public int getOrder(a) {
return 0;
public void handleException(Throwable throwable) {
log.error("Exception", throwable);
public void preRequest(Object[] args) {...// The value of the binding can be retrieved from the ContextHolder
String userId = ContextHolder.getString("userId");
public <T extends ActionRequest> void postRequest(RequestInfo<T> requestInfo) {... }@Override
public <T extends ActionRequest> void preResponse(PreResponseInfo<T> preResponseInfo) {... }@Override
public <T extends ActionRequest, R extends ActionResponse> void postResponse(PostResponseInfo<T, R> postResponseInfo) {... }}Copy the code
Integration with Spring starts with the addition of POM dependencies
<version> RELEASE</version>
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Increase the Config
@EnableEasyMapper(basePackages = "io.manbang.ebatis.sample.mapper")
public class EbatisConfig {
@Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
public ClusterRouter clusterRouter(a) {
Cluster cluster = Cluster.simple("".9200, Credentials.basic("admin"."123456"));
ClusterRouter clusterRouter = ClusterRouter.single(cluster);
returnclusterRouter; }}Copy the code
Five, the summary
More detailed use of ebatis documentation is available:… If you need more help, please contact us. If you feel EBatis has helped you, please give our github diandian .
If you have any questions or suggestions, please scan the following qr code to enter the group.
Hu Weilong: Now HE is the R&D engineer of Manbang Middleware Group II, involved in the infrastructure construction of Manbang, and currently responsible for the construction of manbang gravity system.
Zhang Duoliang: Currently in charge of manbang application layer cloud native field, leading the development and implementation of Manbang chaos engineering and service grid technology, committed to the certainty of manbang stability, ultimate development experience and efficiency.
If you are interested in cloud native, want to pursue higher and more interesting challenges, want to grow with the team, want to participate in the infrastructure construction of Manbanggroup, and agree with our vision – make road logistics better, please send your resume to