In workflow development, onClick is the first response to click interaction. In addition to onClick, there are other events for better interaction!! For example, onMouseDown and onFocus
1. OnClick issues
In a custom component that uses the onFocus and onBlur events to trigger the React event. The onClick event of the child component causes A focus switch, which triggers the onBlur event of component B and the onFocus event of component A.
The onClick event occurs after onFocus and does not prevent subsequent events from firing.
If you want to avoid subsequent event triggering, there are two options.
2. Solutions
Scheme 1 (modify sub-component trigger mode) :
To prevent the onBlur and onFocus events from firing, you need to block them in events that are executed earlier than them. You can change the onClick trigger event to an onMouseDown event because it is executed before the onFocus and onBlur events to prevent event propagation.
Scheme 2 (modify parent component trigger mode) :
Keep the onClick trigger event (more complicated; Prone to other errors
not recommended)Copy the code
1. If the click child causes the onBlur skip event to execute. OnBlur execution of non-child components.
2. Find the order of various mouse events
OnMouseDown (earliest) -> onBlur (onFocus) -> onClick -> onMouseUp
3. Determine whether blur caused by click can be created through onMouseDown
let mouseFlag = useRef(true); // let handleBlur = (e) => {if (! mouseFlag.current) return; SetStatus (false)} let handleShow = (e) => {mouseflag.current = true; setStatus(true) } const handleMouseDown = (e) => { mouseFlag.current = false; }Copy the code