Old driver iOS weekly, just for you to present valuable information.

You can also contribute to the project, if you find valuable information, articles, tools, etc., please send it to us in Issues, we will deal with it as soon as possible. Be sure to include a reason for your recommendation. Suggestions and comments are also welcome to Issues.

A warm welcome to the 34th editor of the Weekly newspaper team@Damien! Damien is currently working for Ctrip Foundation Platform.


This week we have five articles from WWDC20 on our official account, and they’re all great!

  • WWDC 2020 Session 10041 – What’s new in SwiftUI
  • WWDC2020 10646 – What’s new in Web Inspector
  • Lifecycle and best practices for IAP subscription services
  • This section describes the StoreKit test in Xcode
  • Create complex functions in SwiftUI


🐎 Github badge +1: Arctic Code Vault Contributor

@ JonyFang: GitHub this year sealed 21 terabytes of open source Code in the Arctic, which is expected to last for 1,000 years through specially designed film and the GitHub Arctic Code Vault. This code sealing was completed on July 8, 2020. GitHub has also designed a special badge to thank developers for their contributions. When a developer’s Code is selected to be stored in the Arctic, the Arctic Code Vault badge will be displayed on their personal page. In addition, the GitHub Archive Program is working with Project Silica, which has developed media that can store cloud-scale data in quartz glass by changing the structure of glass materials using ultra-fast laser light technology. Because quartz glass is a durable storage material that can hold data for tens of thousands of years and is resistant to electromagnetic interference, water and heat, it is an ideal storage medium for open source programs, GitHub says. GitHub has sealed 6,000 of its most popular repositories with the technology.

Your Git code has been successfully settled in the Arctic Circle for at least 1000 years

The novice recommended

🐎 🌟 Flutter widgets our quick quiz | phase I

@ CrazyCoderShi: This is a series of tutorials that will help students who are new to Flutter quickly learn about Widgets and cool ways to use them. It is highly recommended that they check them out. Each video is short on portals.

The article

🐕 🌟 IOS14 privacy adaptation and part of the solution

@Hertzon: Privacy has always been a priority for iOS, and at WWDC 2020, Apple showed us the new iOS14. IOS14 adaptation, a very important part of the focus on user privacy and security. This article covers the privacy changes in iOS 14 and how developers can keep up with them, covering the following areas:

  • Album add Limited
  • Added fuzzy location to geographical location
  • LAN information
  • The clipboard
  • Camera and microphone
  • IDFA

🐕 🌟 IOS 14 Apple’s optimization of objective-C Runtime

Despite Swift’s momentum, Objective-C is still having some steam of its own. In WWDC 2020, Apple made three optimizations for Runtime in Objective-C:

  • Class data structure changes: Saved more memory for the system
  • Method address optimization: saves memory and improves performance
  • Tagged PointerFormat changes: improvedmsgSendperformance

🐢 🌟 Dynamic behavior of Meituan Takeaway Flutter

Xiaofei86: Dynamic is a topic that Flutter cannot avoid. Starting from the characteristics of Flutter, this paper describes the process of meituan takeout team’s exploration of Flutter dynamics, as well as the design concept, core principles and business application experience. The perspective of this paper is not limited to the framework itself, but more about what the technical team needs to do in the process of problem solving, hoping to inspire and help you.

🐎 🌟 Build sound air safety

Damien: Null value errors are one of the most common errors and the Dart team has come up with a null safety plan to help developers build safer applications. This article describes the Dart team’s efforts to build an air safety plan in terms of design principles, syntax, ease of use, and compatibility. The launch of the Air Safety Program not only makes your applications more secure but also improves performance by 19% with compiler optimizations. Dart & Flutter is a required reading for those who are involved in the field of Flutter.

🐢 A Best in Class iOS App

AidenRao: The author maintains a list to support every detail mentioned in the list to help you make your APP better. It covers five parts:

  • Ancillary features: The best applications, designed for everyone’s use, such as Voice Over support for visual AIDS, high enough color contrast (at least 7:1).
  • Platform technology: To support new features offered by Apple, such as dark mode and iPadOS multitasking.
  • User Experience: A good user experience is a no-brainer, as it should be. For example, all clickable interface elements should be at least 44 by 44 in size with the correct audio Settings and gracefully respond to audio interrupts.
  • Design: This section lists well thought-out design specifications. For example, use the correct system margins (layoutMarginsGuide, safeAreaLayoutGuide, etc.).
  • App Store: The App Store presentation materials are carefully designed, such as creating preview videos and carefully researching keywords and categories.

🐕 Our Transition to React Native

Looping: This article describes the reasons for migrating the Khan Academy app to React Native, the challenges encountered, and the overall migration process. At the same time, the solutions to the problems of integration and internationalization are also discussed. Finally, I put forward some personal views on RN, the current technical status of my team and the prospect for the future. It is recommended for those who are working on similar technology migrations and are interested in long-term cross-platform technology evolution.

🐕 Recent advances in Flutter and desktop applications

Speed Boy: Flutter targets all platform languages, including mobile desktop and Web applications. In the latest dev branch, Flutter has begun to provide support for MAC Apps. This article introduces the latest developments in Flutter Desktop. The new version of Flutter desktop optimizes the desktop keyboard and mouse input experience, provides support for Windows external functions, provides support for Windows and Linux plug-ins through a common interface approach, and provides good compatibility in Windows. Note that Windows and Linux are available on the Master Channel, while macOS is only available on dev’s Channel. The macOS version, while more stable, is not recommended for production.

🐕 You Should All Build This Custom Instrument for Your App

Instruments is a powerful tuning tool. The core of Instruments was rewritten in Xcode 10 in 2018 to make it easier to customize. The author introduces the procedures and APIS for measuring network request times through an example.

🐎 Explore WebAssembly implementing iOS hotfixes/First article /WebAssembly Quick Start

🐎 Exploring WebAssembly implementing iOS hotfixes/Part zero/Introduction

@Backboard: The author has implemented a set of iOS hotfix framework based on libffi + WebAssembly. The overall idea is quite clear. It is a good article for students who want to learn about Objective-C Runtime. This is the first and second part of a series.


Time to dump Postman, Apifox smells good!

Parsifal: Apifox is a tool that integrates Postman’s interface debugging, Swagger’s interface document management and Mock’s fake data simulation. It is currently in open beta. If you are tired of switching between different tools, you can try it.


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🚧 indicates that a tool is required, and 🌟 indicates that editing is recommended

Estimated reading time: 🐎 in a short time (1-10 mins); 🐕 medium (10-20 mins); 🐢 slow (20+ mins)