In the usual description of Flutter, there are four features that are most familiar:

  1. Beautiful: Give full play to the designer’s creativity and imagination, so that you really control every pixel on the screen.
  2. ** Fast: Skia based hardware accelerated graphics engine to help you match the speed of native apps.
  3. Productive: The Stateful Hot Reload feature of Flutter helps you see application changes in real time.
  4. Open: Whether it’s the Flutter engine, the Dart development language, or even the engineering team’s workspace, Flutter is Open source and shared transparently with the community on GitHub.

Flutter is led by Google and developed in collaboration with a global community of developers. The number of Developers using Flutter in China ranks first in the world, which also contributes a lot to the ecology of Flutter. This article introduces the latest resources and updates available in the Flutter community in China from the perspective of Open.

Flutter and Dart Chinese documentation released

Documentation is essential for the localization of any technical project, and maintaining a high-quality DOCUMENTATION of Flutter/Dart is something we have been working on for the past few months. We are pleased to announce the official release of the **Flutter Chinese resource website ** ( and the **Flutter Chinese document **. Welcome to visit this website! We also created a separate secondary page for codelabs ** of ** Flutter at codelabs. Flutter – IO. Cn.

Dart’s Chinese documentation website,, is also in localization. We also welcome you to contribute your time and influence Chinese developers around the world!

Enterprise applications and practices

The success of Flutter in 2018 is not an accident. The reason is not only because of the product itself, but also because of the support of Flutter from domestic first-tier Internet companies and fans of open source technology. The Flutter team also attaches great importance to the Chinese developer market. The two major releases of 2018 were both announced at events in China, and the 1.0 release was also officially announced at an event at Google’s Beijing office.

We see that many head companies’ official social platforms have published their research and practice on Flutter, including but not limited to:

  • 58 Wireless technology team: Flutter album optimization refers to north
  • Jingdong ARES Cross-end Team: The Path to Flutter Practice in THE middle stage of JINGdong Technology
  • Hornet’s E-commerce client team: Implementation principle of Flutter and cross-platform development practice in Hornet’s Nest
  • Awesome Technology team: Awesome Design solution of Flutter
  • Weshop Technical team: Flutter hybrid development of componentized and engineered architectures
  • Netease Media Technology team: Development practice of netease News client Flutter hybrid
  • Huatai Securities Front-end technology team: With Flutter, our CPU usage decreased by 50%
  • Wechat team: Cross-platform practice of wechat client based on small program technology stack
  • Watermelon Video Tech Team: Battle between Flutter and iOS: Gesture Interaction Listen to who?

There are still many articles not listed, we thank all the developers/partners who contributed Chinese tutorial content to Flutter!

Online community & Offline community activities

The online community

There are a number of Flutter related technology blogs written by developers on the Internet. In particular, I would like to mention the continuous output and community contribution of The Alibaba Xianyu team to Flutter content. The Technology blog of The Xianyu team has become a necessary material for developers to learn more about Flutter.

Denver and Denver also have their own Flutter columns:

  • Nuggets community Flutter column
  • Q&a with Flutter community

Offline activities

Since 2019, the Flutter team has attended D2 earlier this year and GMTC mid-year, and visited local Flutter developers.

At the same time, at the beginning of this year, there were Ele. me Technology Open Day, and a Flutter Meetup held by RTC development community on March 5th and 22nd. At the end of July, 360 University held a special Flutter session of 360 Internet technology Training camp, which was full of people.

The open source project


FlutterBoost is a Flutter plug-in that makes it easy to provide a Flutter hybrid integration solution for existing native applications.

Fish Redux

Fish Redux is an assembled Flutter application framework based on Redux data management. It is especially suitable for building large and complex applications (from the official REPO introduction).

Flutter Go

Flutter Go is an application that combines all the Flutter resources to help developers quickly get started with Flutter.


RealRichText by bytedance open source, text and text mix.

There is city_pickers, a similar three-level linkage selector for Chinese cities, which is open sourced by Chinese developers and suitable for domestic demand. There is also flutter_DATetime_picker, a global project contributed by Chinese developers. Dart HTTP request library Dio developed by Wen Du, who initially maintained Flutter Chinese documents in China.

These Flutter plug-ins developed by Chinese leading enterprises and many developers have laid a very good foundation for the domestic Flutter ecology.

New Flutter image released

Tsinghua TUNA association synchronizes with the Flutter community Storage image periodically, Pub API adopts the scheduled active capture policy, and the image is configured with a complete failed source policy (recommended).



CNNIC is based on the mirroring service of the TUNA Association, with the same data policy as TUNA, and is accessed through domain names of non-education networks.



Tencent Cloud open source mirror station synchronised with TUNA association image regularly (early every morning), data delay, access speed needs feedback.



Google Developer Conference GDD China 2019

At this year’s GDD, Flutter released its 1.9 official version. Meanwhile, Engineers and PMS from The Google Flutter team, as well as volunteers from the Flutter Chinese community, answered questions at the 02 Flutter panel at Google Developer Conference:

Thank you for the list

The vitality and growth of Flutter Chinese community cannot be achieved without everyone’s contribution to the community. Thanks to the joint efforts of these people who are passionate about the community, Flutter Chinese community is thriving. Thank you all!

Many thanks to the following mentioned Leadership team, corporate/community partners, Chinese document translator team, Google team, etc. :

Chinese document translator team

  1. Thanks to Xinlei Wang for the translation and maintenance of Flutter Chinese documents and for actively answering your questions in the community. Thanks to @jin-zz and @Hayley1643 for the Operation volunteers of the Flutter Chinese Document Translation Project. Thanks to Fei Feng and Ping Ma from GDG Shanghai.
  2. Thanks to the Denver Translation Project for coordinating resources to help complete the launch of the Flutter documentation localization project (2019/4/16);
  3. Thanks to the Reading front End team for coordinating resources to help complete the end of phase 1 of the Flutter document localization project (2019/6/21);
  4. Thanks to Haijun Gu (@amisare) who continues to maintain the Chinese documentation for Dart, for allowing and helping to contribute the translated content to;
  5. Thanks to the volunteers involved in the Flutter/Dart document Localization project: @5ibinbin, @AigeStudio, @amisare, @ASkyBig, @bestony, @changer0, @chenglu, @chunlea, @Dong09, @DongXYZ, @Dosimz, @duxinfeng, @ElderJames, @EvilLee6, @gejiaheng, @git-patrickliu, @guanxf, @Hao3o5, @hijiangtao, @Iamnotromantic, @iCell, @inferjay, @JasonLinkinBright, @Jenniferyingni, @jin-zz, @krave1986, @lennonover, @linguowu, @linhou, @liuzhen0218, @LyndonChin, @MzoneCL, @nanjingboy, @nervouself, @nesger, @noahziheng, @panda8z, @phxnirvana, @qiuyuezhong, @reachzhai, @Realank, @realcarlos, @Robinhaizhou, @shengxinyuan, @songfei, @SouthernBox, @talisk, @tyisme614, @Vadaski, @vinciarts, @wonderful89, @wswdevil, @x531tanxl, @XatMassacrE, @xilihuasi, @xiongcai, @yantao13145210, @yanxin, @yanyixin, @yeqiling, @youngyou, @Yuan, @Zhangdroid, @zhangjiana, @Zhiw, @zhuangtao97, @ ziank, etc.

CFUG team

  1. Thanks to Adam Yi, Zhongdong Yang, Xiaoyu Li, Shena Bian, Bing Gao, Steven Tian, along with Study Jams students and gooGL translators, worked overtime in May 2018 to complete the design of the first version of Flutter Codelabs and the Flutter Chinese community resource website.
  2. Shena Bian, Yihui Miao design of Flutter Chinese community Resource website;
  3. Thanks to Zhongdong Yang for the implementation of the front-end technology of Flutter. Cn, codelabs.
  4. Thanks to Snow Wolf for helping to adapt, debug and make bilingual translation tools and CI debug deployment of debug server, thanks to @zheaoli for helping to build and debug CI and document deployment scheme;
  5. Thanks to @Eatmiya for maintaining the Flutter community wechat public account.

Google and partner teams

  1. Special thanks to Tao Dong, Xiao Yu and Yuqian Li of the Google Flutter team for their ongoing support and outstanding contributions to the Chinese community, and to Lynn Wang, former DevRel team for her active and positive contributions to the Flutter community. Anna from Google’s Developer Operations team;
  2. Thanks to Shuo He from 360 Front-end Committee and Weiyang Zhang from 360 University for hosting 360 Internet Technology Boot Camp Flutter special. Thanks to Xingxing Qin and Olivia from, Thanks to the RTC Developer community and GDG community for hosting multiple Flutter related events (2019);
  3. Thanks to the community contacts of various companies/teams for helping to share Flutter and promote Flutter landing internally, arranging Googler visits in a timely and effective manner, collecting and prioritizing internal technical issues, and attending and speaking at various conferences to endorse and promote Flutter;
  4. Thanks to Alibaba Xianyu’s Zongxin, KyleWong and Shubin, who have been contributing to Flutter code, articles and other resources. Thanks to Fish Redux and FlutterBoost for promoting Flutter within Alibaba.
  5. Thanks to the open source Flutter – Go of Alibaba Auction front-end team;
  6. Thanks to Kai Sun from Kuaishou for introducing the company team to actively communicate with the Flutter team and participating in community presentations for many times.

Volunteer at Google Events/community events

  1. Thanks to the GMTC event organizers and organizers for giving Flutter so much exposure and content, as well as promoting Flutter in the many Developer public accounts under InfoQ (2018-2019);
  2. Thanks to Xinlei Wang for organizing the Flutter Chengdu University series (December 2018);
  3. Thank Xinlei Wang, Congli Ma, Yanbo Liu (Flutter GDE), Bill Fu (TikTok team) for standing at THE Flutter booth at GDD and answering your questions (19/9/11).

Community Contributors (not yet classified)

  1. Thanks to Qinglian Zhang and Wen Du for setting up the Flutter communication forum and translating the Flutter Chinese document (early 2018) when the Flutter community and resources were scarce;
  2. We would like to thank Glow Chiang, founder of the Flutter Community, for your support of the Flutter community, including the August 2018 Flutter Essay Contest, the Flutter Literature, and the Flutter Translation Project manager Xuewen Ding.
  3. Thanks to Sijie Cheng for introducing Flutter X university team to Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai University, Chongqing University and other universities. Thanks to Yuxiang Zhang, Yiqun Hui from Tsinghua University TUNA Association for helping to add Flutter mirror to Tsinghua University open Source Mirror site & implementing the synchronization strategy of Flutter Pub Site API;
  4. Thanks to Sunny Gao, founder of The Flutter community, for helping us create a short link “directly” to the Flutter page (September 2019);
  5. Thanks to @Inferjay, former GDG organizer and now head of Zhengzhou Play Code Technology, for helping to maintain the domain name of Flutter – IO. Cn and infrastructure resources. Thanks to Dashu, founder of Cheerue, who built the REGISTRATION system of AI experience pavilion for Google activities. Help to maintain domain names including IO. Cn and infrastructure resources;
  6. Thanks to the OpenWrite team for developing a multi-platform article synchronization system.

Special thanks to the community list

  1. GDG communities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen;
  2. RTC Developer community;
  3. 360 university;
  4. Gold-digging community;
  5. Sifu community;
  6. Dance company;
  7. Linux User Group of Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
  8. TUNA Association of Tsinghua University;
  9. Linux User Group of Shanghai University;
  10. Blue League Team of Chongqing University.

Most of the above content is sorted in order of contribution start time. Welcome to website to check out the latest thanks list here.