Socket. IO official website document
The service side
The server mainly realizes an information forwarding station, similar to the work of information A -> Server -> Information B process.
- Create a folder, Demo, and run NPM init in that folder to initialize a project.
- Install the Express, socket. IO module
NPM install express@4.15.2; npm install
- Index.js code to implement a simple service:
const { Server } = require('http'); var app = require('express')(); var http = require('http').Server(app); var io = require('')(http); var port = process.env.PORT || 3200; IO. On ('connection', function(socket){// Listen on socket. On ('message', function(MSG){// listen on message IO. MSG) // Send message}); }); Http.listen (port, function(){console.log(' Listening on *:' + port); });Copy the code
The client
Receives the information sent by the server and the user. Create static index. HTML
/ / reference < script SRC = "" > < / script > < script > var socket = io('http://localhost:3200'); If (socket) {socket.on('message', (MSG)=>{// message is the same as the service. Log ('message:', MSG)})} // Send message socket.emit('message', 'hi'); </script>Copy the code
Nginx deployment
Install the node
Wget tar xf node - v12.18.1 - Linux - x64. Tar. Xz CD Node - v12.18.1 - Linux - x64Copy the code
Configuring the Node Environment
Bak export PATH=$PATH:/root/node-v12.18.1-linux-x64/bin source /etc/profileCopy the code
The test environment
node -v
Copy the code
Running the server
Put server-side code on the server
The installation of forever
NPM install forever -g forever start index.js // Enable forever Stop index.js // stopCopy the code
Configure the nginx file
# 80 port location /socket. IO / {proxy_http_version 1.1; Proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; Proxy_pass; }Copy the code
Client IO connection:
Socket = IO (' WSS :// domain name /');Copy the code