Our project uses vue on the front end and Node.js on the server. We have been using this Excel export for a year. What we are using now is nothing more than image export, text export, adjust the distance of Excel cells and so on.

The encapsulation of the node side was reviewed by my colleagues (thanks to my colleagues), and I modified and optimized the code constantly. At that time, it was also my first time to contact with Node.js. I just want to tell you that using it is stable!

Node.js Server code

1. How to use the data to be exported after getting it (fake data simulation, below is the page)

 constructor(prop) {
    // Define excel header data
    this.header = [
      { header: 'games'.key: 'gameInfo'.width: 30 },
      { header: 'Publicity pictures'.key: 'image'.width: 15 },
      { header: 'Game Details Page'.key: 'path'.width: 15 },
      { header: 'state'.key: 'activeStatus'.width: 30 },
      { header: 'Sort weight'.key: 'sort'.width: 30 },
      { header: 'Last Edited time'.key: 'updateTime'.width: 30 },
      { header: 'Last editor'.key: 'operatorName'.width: 30]}},/** * Export game management data */
  async exportGameEndGameManage() {
    const { list } = await this.commonGameEndGameManage(true)
    console.log(list, 'list')
    const baseExcelInfo = {
      data: list,
      filename: 'gameManageList'.header: this.header,
      sheetName: 'Game Management List'.imageKeys: [{name: 'image'.imgWidth: '100'.imgHeight: '100',},],}await this.service.common.exportFile.exportExcel(baseExcelInfo)
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BaseExcelInfo defines the basic parameters. Data refers to the source of the excel data. Filename is the filename (but the front end excel export overwrites it). Header refers to the header of the table SheetName indicates the excel table name. ImageKeys: Image information: field name, width and height of the image. However,name must be set as long as there is a picture

It is important, it is assumed that the data returned from the list of status is 1, so I can’t 1 must be exported, should be corresponding to a Chinese, so before export, should be handled, the treatment should be done on the server, rather than the front to do it again, and then to derive the function to do it again, for example

/** * Public game management data *@param { Boolean } IsExport Whether to export */
  async commonGameEndGameManage(isExport) {
    const activeStatus = { // this should be written in constructor
      1: 'open'.2: 'off',}const { ctx, app } = this
    const { limit, offset } = this.paginationDeal(ctx.request.query)
    const isPagi = isExport ? {} : { limit, offset }
    const { list, total } = await ctx.service.operateManage.gameEndPage.
    getGameEndGameManage({ isPagi })
    const data = list.map(node= > {
      const{ status, ... params } = node.toJSON()const activeStatus = activeStatus[status]
      return{ activeStatus, status, ... params } })return { list: data, total }
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2. ExportExcel encapsulation

Install the NPM install exceljs –save package and copy the code below

'use strict'
const Service = require('egg').Service
/ / introduce exceljs
const Excel = require('exceljs')

// Export file related services
class exportFileService extends Service {
  constructor(prop) {
    this.defaultViews = [
        x: 0.y: 0.width: 10000.height: 20000.firstSheet: 0.activeTab: 1.visibility: 'visible',},]this.fontName = 'Arial Unicode MS'
    this.font = { name: this.fontName, family: 4.size: 13 }
    this.fill = { type: 'pattern'.pattern: 'solid'.fgColor: { argb: 'FF8DB4E2'}}this.border = { style: 'thin'.color: { argb: 'cccccc'}}}/** * Export excel *@param { Object } Config passes the Excel object *@param { Array } Config. data Excel data *@param { String } Config. filename specifies the excel filename *@param { Array } Config. header Specifies the excel header@param { String } The config. SheetName table name *@param { Array } Config. imageKeys requires the key * to convert the image@param { String } Config. creator The person who created the table *@param { String } Config. lastModifiedBy The person who last modified the table *@param { String } The width of the * config. ImageKeys. ImgWidth images@param { String } The config. ImageKeys. ImgHeight picture height * * /
  async exportExcel({
    data = [],
    filename = 'file',
    sheetName = 'sheet1',
    imageKeys = [],
    creator = 'me',
    lastModifiedBy = 'her',}) {
    const { ctx } = this
    const workbook = new Excel.Workbook()
    // Set properties - the person who created and last modified it
    workbook.creator = creator
    workbook.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy

    // Get time once
    const now = new Date()
    workbook.created = now
    workbook.modified = now
    workbook.lastPrinted = now
    const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet(sheetName)
    // Set the view when open - set the position
    workbook.views = this.defaultViews
    // Make the worksheet visible
    worksheet.state = 'visible'
    worksheet.columns = header

    for (let i = 1; i <= header.length; i++) {
      worksheet.getColumn(i).alignment = { vertical: 'middle'.horizontal: 'center' }
      worksheet.getColumn(i).font = { name: 'Arial Unicode MS' }
    // Manipulate the image
    const imageList = this.getImageList(imageKeys, data, header)
    // Add the image to sheet
    await this.addPicToSheet(imageList, imageKeys, workbook, worksheet)
    // Multistage header
    const headerOPtion = header.filter((item, index) = > {
      if (item.type && item.type === 'multi') {
        header.splice(index, 1)
        return item
      return item.type && item.type === 'multi'
    // Multilevel header reset sets the header
    if (headerOPtion.length) {
      headerOPtion[0].headerText.forEach((text, index) = > {
        const borderAttr = { top: this.border, left: 
        this.border, bottom: this.border, right: this.border, index }
        const headerAttr = [
            attr: 'values'.value: text,
            attr: 'font'.value: this.font,
            attr: 'fill'.value: this.fill,
            attr: 'border'.value: borderAttr,
        headerAttr.map(item= > {
          worksheet.getRow(index + 1)[item.attr] = item.value
          return worksheet
      headerOPtion[0].mergeOption.forEach(merge= > {
    } else {
      // Set the header style
      worksheet.getRow(1).font = this.font
      worksheet.getRow(1).fill = this.fill
    const bufferContent = await workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer()

    / / set
    ctx.set('Content-disposition'.`attachment; filename=${filename}.xlsx`)
    // Return the file buffer
    ctx.body = bufferContent
  // Set the image size
  getImageList(imageKeys, data, header) {
    return imageKeys.map(
      key= > data.map(
        (item, index) = > ({
          url: item[key.name],
          col: this.app.utils.index.getIndexByKey(header, key.name) + 1.row: index + 2.width: key.imgWidth,
          height: key.imgHeight,
  // Add the image to sheet
  async addPicToSheet(imageList, imageKeys, workbook, worksheet) {
    if (imageKeys.length > 0) {
      await Promise.all(imageList.map(async imgArr => {
        return await Promise.all(imgArr.map(item= > {
          const { url, width, height, row, col } = item
          // Because some pictures do not exist
          if (url) {
            return this.app.utils.index.getBase64(url, this.ctx).then(res= > {
              if(! url)return
              const imgType = url.split('? ') [0].substring(url.split('? ') [0].
              lastIndexOf('. ') + 1).toLowerCase()
              const id = workbook.addImage({
                base64: res,
                extension: imgType,
              worksheet.addImage(id, {
                tl: { col: col - 1.row: row - 1 },
                ext: { width, height },
              worksheet.getRow(row).height = height
              // // Remove background links
              worksheet.getRow(row).getCell(item.key.name).value = ' '})}return item

module.exports = exportFileService
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3. The message returned by Node.js after the download interface is invoked

What the front end sees is a stream of binary files

Content-type: application/octet-stream

The front-end code


// Export the file
export function exportFile(url, params) {
  return request({
    responseType: 'blob'.headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',},timeout: 1000 * 60.url: url,
    method: 'get'.params: {
      query: qs.stringify(params),
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/** * Save the file locally and export *@param { Object } Obj Export file parameter object *@param { Blob } File File resources *@param { String } FileName specifies the fileName (note: the fileName contains the suffix */)
export function loacalSaveFile({ file, fileName, option = { type: 'application/vnd.ms-excel' }}) {
  const ieKit = judgeBrowser('ie')
  const blobData = new Blob([file], option) // Generate a Blob file
  if (ieKit && navigator.msSaveBlob) {
    navigator.msSaveBlob && navigator.msSaveBlob(blobData, fileName)
  } else {
    / / other
    const save_link = document.createElement('a')
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(file) / / create a url
    save_link.href = url
    save_link.download = fileName
    setTimeout(() = > {
      window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url) / / recycling url
    }, 0)}}Copy the code


const file = await exportFile(this.exportItem.apiUrl, data)
loacalSaveFile({ file, fileName: `The ${this.exportItem.fileName}.xlsx` })
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The effect