The Node-gyp compilation tool is installed
Global command to install Node-gyp
cnpm install -g node-gyp
Install python2.7 and the VC++ build Tools compiler windows-build-tools for the node-gyp configuration
cnpm install –global –production windows-build-tools
NPM may be stuck Successfully installed Python 2.7 when installing Windows build-tools
Solution steps: 1, run NPM install -g windows-build-tools 2, find the latest dd_installer_20210421124746.log file in %temp% folder Make sure you have vsCode ps installed. You can skip steps 2 to 4 because your Python environment is already installed. 5, create a file named dd_client_.log in %temp%. 6, edit the file created in 5 and add a Closing Installer. And then save.
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If the version number is displayed, the installation is successful
node-gyp -v