Never thought it would happen to me.

I have written four articles about the open Source Lost Events series before, four open source lost events are as follows:

“Open source embarrassed (a) make a mess, write a bug by the national information security vulnerability sharing platform caught?”

“Open source embarrassing things (2) Finally, I was still they made a breakdown”

“Open source embarrassing matter (3) open source project in idle fish, B station is resold? What SAO operation is this?”

“Open source jiong matter (four) you these sell code of ability leave oneself of QQ number? Leave my QQ number why?”

And at the beginning of Canto IV, I add:

This is the fourth article in “Open Source Lost Things”, and I really don’t want more lost things in the future, sincerely.

But it didn’t work out! That article was published on May 9, 2021, and just a few days later, a message was received that… It’s pretty sudden. Look at the title you should also know what is going on, I hope you can give more likes and retweets, let more people know this matter.

Now, let me tell you the whole story.

What!! My open source project is being used by MOOCs to make a Large Java course?

Previous embarrassments have come from emails, QQ messages or group messages from strangers. This time is different, a good friend found me in wechat to talk about this thing, the chat record at that time is as the picture below:

He sent me a link, it was mooC, and he told me that my project was used in the course. I was speechless. At the same time, I was wondering, “MoOCs are using my project as a course? Shouldn’t, such a big platform can do such a thing?”

After that, I followed the link and wanted to find out. Here is the picture of the course details page:

At first glance, it seemed normal. I didn’t see my project, only the course information: name, price, preferential price, total number of students and praise. At that time, I still didn’t believe that my project would be used in this course.

So I kept scrolling through, like, six screens, and I was stunned by what I saw.

My open source project is being used by MOOCs as the ultimate Java career class project!

The page that shocked me read:

At first, I didn’t notice what copywriting was on the page, but I was intimidated by the project preview.

After all, newbee-Mall project is an open source project that I have maintained for 3 years, and I really saw it at a glance. Page is very familiar, at the same time, the mood is also very complex.

I then found the address of the preview and downloaded the image for you to compare.

On June 1, 2021, the Java Engineer system course was upgraded to the 2021 version, using the same ultimate project. No matter Java Engineer 2020 edition or Java Engineer 2021 edition, these two courses are suspected of infringing my legal copyright.

Then, I used the screen shot of the newbee-Mall project, an open source project, to make a layout similar to the preview of the Java system course on moOCs. You can have a taste of it:

Not unrelated, but exactly the same. The comparison between the two pictures is a matter of opinion, and the best ones are yet to come.

In order to avoid moOCs “optimizing” or “upgrading” the course information overnight after the article is published, I also recorded the video, and have done evidence preservation in the notary office, recorded and saved all the relevant videos and course content, so I don’t worry about this matter.

The source file for newbee-Mall is in the source code of the course. !!!!!

The comparison of the two near-copy-and-paste project previews above is enough to prove something. But if we’re gonna hammer, let’s hammer hard.

To come.

First of all, this friend gave me two screenshots of his own analysis, and HERE I will show them directly, including the pictures and what this friend said.

The QR code is just changed, but the source file is still there.

There are other pictures. Let me show you.

Next, she took a picture for me, which is part of the files in the source code of MOOCs Java System course. The screenshot is as follows:

Good guy, these pictures are not familiar, completely copied from the past, not deleted ah! Have you seen the LOGO picture of New Bee Mall? Have you seen my QR code? There is my payment code inside!! Ha ha ha, very funny. There are also several product pictures, which are from a long time ago. I found the pictures when I was developing the project in 2019. Good boy, I didn’t delete them either. The picture file in the Newbee-Mall project is shown below:

How can such a coincidence? This is a copy and paste of the ashes! There are some differences, I put different kinds of images in two folders, while this project is in one folder.

Then the friend provided the source code for the project, called “imooc-Mall,” which I looked at and totally confirmed a few things.

PS: Later I also bought this course, also saw the source code, these files do exist.

The ultimate moOCs project was supposed to borrow “most” of the page design from Newbee-Mall. Now, it looks like a direct modification to the newbee-Mall source code.

A detailed comparison of Newbee-Mall project and Mu Mu Fresh Project

Next, I drew on some of the information I’ve gathered over the past few days to compare the ultimate Java project on MOOCs to my open source project, Newbee-Mall. From the page display comparison, function point comparison and project flow comparison, one by one.

Project the main color

In the Project of Newbee-Mall, the main color + black + white is mainly used, and all the pages have these three colors. The main color is # 1Baeae, and the color display is as shown in the picture below:

Newbee-mall buttons, hints, and images will also use this color.

The main color of the project is also # 1Baeae, which is not a very popular color. Besides newbee-Mall, I have not seen other projects using this color. Why is it so “coincidence”?

The page layout

The page layout of mu Mu fresh mall is basically a copy of Newbee-Mall, without any difference.

Mu Mu fresh backstage management system end page layout, just changed the color and style, although it does not look like, but careful analysis down is also a copy of the Newbee-Mall end, including fields, copy, button location, functional area location layout, can be said to be exactly the same.

Mall home page comparison – not logged in status

The following are the home page of Newbee-Mall and The home page of Mu Mu fresh Mall under the logged state:

Mall home page comparison – login status

The following are the home page of Newbee-Mall and The home page of Mu Mu Fresh mall under the login state:

I’ve annotated it so you can compare it.

Product details page comparison

Below are the newbee-Mall and Muo Fresh product details pages:

I’ve annotated it so you can compare it.

Commodity management module comparison

The following are the product management pages of newbee-Mall and Mu Fresh backstage management system respectively:

I’ve annotated it so you can compare it.

Function point comparison

Generally speaking, Mu Fresh is a lower-level version of Newbee-Mall, and most of its functions are the same. But mu fresh deleted a lot of functions, page also deleted a few, such as background management system:

Table structure design comparison

Here are some key table designs:

  • Classification table: the fields are basically the same, there is no difference
  • Commodity table: The fields are basically the same. Compared with newbee-Mall, three fields are deleted, namely, commodity original price field, commodity small label field and commodity details field.
  • Shopping cart table: The fields are basically the same, with one more field compared to the Newbee-Mall item.
  • Order table: The fields are basically the same, compared with the newbee-Mall project, two fields are added, which are shipment time and transaction completion time.

The more contrast I am more chilling, really, my heart a tight. Every page, every function module, every line of copy, is a mold carved out. At first, I thought it was just the mall side of the page is very similar, the backend management system should be different, the results of the two comparison, the background is completely copied and pasted in the past, just changed a page style, field, copy, button position, functional area location can be said to be exactly the same.

I don’t understand why MOOCs would do this. I don’t understand it at all. Here only say a few more obvious copy and paste, you can take a look at the main color of the two projects, as well as the copy on the page, is completely copied over completely unchanged, there are more places that can be seen at a glance, space limited will not continue to expand.

This article only for the four pages of contrast, in fact, I did all of the page, a total of 20 pages, look after you will have a deeper understanding, a more detailed comparison function and page, another article I wrote about the newbee – mall open source project by mu courses network to do, the project detailed records, more solid hammer look here “. You can check it out for yourself.

Ask moOCs at !!!!!!

  • Hello, MOOCs. Your platform is using my open source project to create a course and put it on sale. Why am I the author and not aware of it?

The newbee-Mall open source project was developed in 2019 and opened during the National Day of 2019. The Java engineer system course was put on sale in 2020, and the real number of students has reached more than 14,000. But why I was never informed of it?

How is it that I, as the author, have no idea that a course is being created and sold from my open source project? Why is the source of this project not mentioned in the course as Newbee-Mall? Why delete files related to Newbee-Mall? Why delete all the Copyrights in newbee-Mall project? That’s how you approach the course, right?

  • Hello, MOOCs. Why did your platform transform my open source project and put it on sale without my authorization?

In 2019, after Newbee-Mall became open source, I occasionally published articles to publicize the project, and the project has obtained the Software Copyright document of the People’s Republic of China, which is protected by the Intellectual Property rights of the National Copyright Administration and the National Computer Software Copyright! The copyright document clearly states the date of completion and first publication of the project and my copyright rights.

Also, I have published the Newbee-Mall software Copyright scan in the open source repository. May I ask, how did you ignore my legitimate rights and interests and without obtaining legal authorization to transform my project and put it on sale?

  • Hello, MOOCs. Is there any problem of lax review in the production and launching process of courses on your platform?

Why take an open source project and then do a course? Why is it that people see through the transformation of the project so carelessly? And did the function and page deletion before the launch, the platform audit mechanism is there any problem?

Without informing the project author and obtaining the authorization of the project author, you can transform the project protected by the Intellectual property rights of the National Copyright Administration and the national computer software copyright, and sell the project online for nearly two years. Are there any deficiencies in the review of course content on your platform? The course online process is not strictly checked, is there any problem that the process is not rigorous?

  • Hello, MOOCs. Where is your platform’s respect for open source, respect for intellectual property, respect for originality?

Moocs are a great PLATFORM for IT education, and the courses on MOOCs are excellent, and moOCs always advocate respect for intellectual property and respect for creators.

So what explains this incident? What about the platform’s intellectual property awareness? Where does the platform respect originality and respect authors? I haven’t received any notice since the course was launched two years ago. Moocs bills itself as a platform for producing quality courses and continues to deliver quality courses to its users. Is it just to give someone else’s hard work a makeover and sell it online?

You only respect your own intellectual property, only protect their own intellectual property, only protect their legitimate interests from being infringed, is that right?

Where is respect for open source, respect for intellectual property, respect for originality, respect for the rights of authors?

  • Hello, MOOCs. Why would your platform take such a big risk to do something that infringes on someone else’s legitimate intellectual property?

As a matter of fact, IT has been a week since I wrote this article, and I still have no idea that such a large platform, such an excellent IT course platform, could do such a thing.

I have talked to several friends about this, and they have the same idea as me:

How dare moOCs? Why?

I also don’t understand. As one of the top IT online education platforms in China, your platform should protect intellectual property rights and originators. Why do you want to take such a big risk to infringe others’ legal intellectual property rights?

  • Hello, MOOCs. How does your platform explain to users how to reinvent an open source project as the ultimate JAVA career course?

Finally, for the 14,543 paying users of this course, do you have any disrespect for paying users on your platform?

I have seen the following copy on the official website of the MOOCs platform:

Abiding by the responsibility of conscience, focusing on pure education, craftsmanship to create high-quality courses, won the trust of a large number of users and word of mouth recommendation.

This project to transform me is not just a violation of my legal rights. It also makes me want to ask for moOCs users, is such a lax course production process and such a disregard for intellectual property right? Forget what you started out with?

I’m angry, but I can’t act on emotion. I need to calm down. I should not call names without any reason, nor should I spread rumors, nor should I violate the reputation of others. Especially, MOOCs is a well-praised IT education platform, and I should not say something that may damage the reputation of their platform because I am not calm.

Therefore, I choose to trust the law of the People’s Republic of China, and I will defend my rights through prosecution. At present, I have collected evidence and done notarization. I have also found a lawyer and opened the way for my rights protection.


In fact, I spend a lot of time on the optimization and maintenance of newbee-Mall project every year, and I will continue to maintain this open source project carefully in the future. This is my work, and you can’t just violate my legal rights.

Moocs, as the leading IT education platform in China, should carry the banner of protecting intellectual property, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of originators, severely crack down on plagiarism, plagiarism and piracy, and set a good example for its peers. Never try to infringe on a developer’s legitimate intellectual property rights from above, and never encourage such abuses. Moocs, your sword should point to the dragon!

I’m programmer thirteen. As for the event that MOOCs modified my open source project Newbee-Mall and sold it online without notice or authorization, I didn’t just write this article, nor did I publish it on one platform. These articles have been published simultaneously on 13 platforms, including Jinri Toutiao, wechat official account, Weibo, Zhihu, Bilibili, Digg gold, Blog Park, CSDN, InfoQ writing platform, Si Fu, 51CTO, OSCHINA, Tencent Cloud + community, all under the name of “Programmer 13”.

I will continue to voice in my wechat public account, follow me to see the details of the event and the latest progress, after all, in other platforms may be inexplicable articles “no”. Also hope that you see the article friends can help forward, thank you again.

If there is a need to reprint friends, indicate the source can be reproduced, or you can contact me for article authorization.

June 6, 2021 is my first time to speak out on this incident, a total of three articles:

  • “Newbee-mall open source project was used as a course by MOOCs, but I had no knowledge of it. What kind of operation is this?”
  • “Newbee-mall open source project was used by MOOCs as a course, detailed comparison and record of the project, see here for more details”
  • An open source mall project used by MOOCs as the ultimate project of Java employment class. I recommend it to you.

I will continue to update.

In addition to indicate the reprint/source, all are the author’s original, welcome to reprint, but without the consent of the author must retain this paragraph of statement, and in the article page clearly given the original link, or reserve the right to seek legal responsibility.