Introduction to the

Collect the Flutter plug-ins of the common third-party SDK for mobile terminal development, hoping to save time in Flutter development.

Other types of plug-ins commonly used for Flutter development will also be collected later. Stay tuned!

Update from time to time, you can pay attention to the latest dynamic GitHub address in GitHub project;

You can also leave a comment on GitHub if you have an error or if you have a better plugin.

Three-party SDK (push, map, IM and other common three-party SDK)

Push part

The library link Introduction to the
mobpush_plugin website Pub GitHub MobTech official development and maintenance: Android supports vendor channel, push arrival rate is ok, maybe due to free reasons share push bandwidth delay is a little high;The key for freeAnd most of the company’s other products support FlutterFive non-native platform plug-ins are available
jpush_flutter website Pub GitHub Aurora official maintenance :Android support manufacturer channel arrival rate is very high, manufacturer channel need to contact business, as the name implies is to money –Eight non-native platform plug-ins are available
getuiflut website Pub GitHub A push official development and maintenance –Eight non-native platform plug-ins are available
tpns_flutter_plugin website Tencent worker bees Tencent Carrier pigeon (TPNS) official development and maintenance –Three non-native platform plug-ins are available

Map part

The library link Introduction to the
amap_location_flutter_plugin website GitHub Autonavi has officially developed and maintained the location plugin for Flutter. Other 3D maps and search functions are currently under development
amap_map_fluttify website Pub GitHub Unofficial development and maintenance, support positioning, map, search, navigation and other basic functions, the community version basically meets the needs, special needs to use the paid professional version or contact the author to customize, the company currently uses the community version
flutter_bmflocation website Pub Baidu official development and maintenance of Baidu positioning plug-in
flutter_bmfmap website Pub Baidu official development and maintenance of Baidu map plug-in

IM part

The library link Introduction to the
rongcloud_im_plugin website Pub GitHub Rongyun official development and maintenance – no UI
jmessage_flutter website Pub GitHub Aurora official development and maintenance – no UISix non-native platform plug-ins are available

Social sharing

The library link Introduction to the
sharesdk_plugin website Pub GitHub MobTech shareSDK official development and maintenance –Five non-native platform plug-ins are available
jshare_flutter_plugin website Pub GitHub Aurora share official development maintenance –Provides plug-ins for Flutter and RN platforms

App Promotion

  • App promotion: Install without invitation code
  • Installation with parameters
  • Deeplink
  • Quick installation with one-click pull up
  • Advanced App geo-promotion statistical scheme — accurate basis for assessment, management, reward and punishment of geo-promotion activities
The library link Introduction to the
openinstall_flutter_plugin website Pub Openinstall official development maintenance —Seven non-native platform plug-ins are available
jmlink_flutter_plugin website Pub GitHub Aurora Magic chain official development and maintenance –Provides plug-ins for Flutter and RN platforms
moblink website Pub GitHub MobTech official development and maintenance –Four non-native platform plug-ins are available

Statistics section

The library link Introduction to the
janalytics website Pub GitHub Aurora statistics official development maintenance –Five non-native platform plug-ins are available
UMCAnalytics website Umeng official development and maintenance –Only the Flutter platform plugin is available
flutter_growingio_track website Pub GitHub GrowingIO platform official development maintenance –Five non-native platform plug-ins are available

Certification part

  • It integrates the gateway authentication capabilities of the three carriers to provide developers with one-click login and number authentication functions, optimizing user registration, login, and number authentication experiences and improving security
The library link Introduction to the
jverify website Pub GitHub Aurora Certification official development and maintenance –Four non-native platform plug-ins are available

Pay some

The library link Introduction to the
fluwx Pub Github Tripartite development and maintenance – including wechat sharing (including small programs), login and payment functions. If you want to use sharing, login and payment separately, there are corresponding libraries
flutter_alipay Pub Github Tripartite development and maintenance of Alipay payment plug-in
# # about me

The Denver nuggets: AriesHoo

Jane: AriesHoo

GitHub: AriesHoo

Email: [email protected]