Edited by Xiaomi


Coding Dojo recently analyzed 25 programming languages, stacks, and frameworks from indeed.com to identify the seven most promising programming languages for 2018. Java has leapfrogged Python to number one!

As can be seen from the chart, Java, as an old programming language of 20 years, still ranks first. The development of back-end services of many large enterprises is dependent on Java. Compared with 2017, it has declined, but it still cannot shake the dominant position of Java. Python, at number two, moved into the top two thanks to the explosion of artificial intelligence, but the impact of this explosion has still not had a significant impact on Java. Javascript, which has a sense of dominance, is in the top three, and it deserves to be in third place because almost all Web applications need it and NodeJS can be used for back-end application development.

Why is Java so popular?

Java is designed to be easier to learn and use than C. It was also one of the first programming languages to fully support object orientation, and for this reason it quickly gained a following.

Today, Java is widely used to program a variety of solutions and is used by millions of Web applications and Web applets. Popular sites like Linked, Twitter, eBay, and others use Java extensively, and Google has adopted Java as the primary programming language for Developing Android applications.

More recently, Java has also become a very popular tool for Internet of Things (IoT) development because it provides secure, portable code that can be used anywhere.

Part of the appeal is that Java source code can be compiled into bytecode, which can run on any server or client machine where the Java Virtual machine is installed. This means that Java programs are platform-independent — they can run on many operating systems including Windows, iOS, Linux, and Internet of Things operating systems like RIOT, Contiki, and FreeRTOS.

By contrast, iOS programs written by C will not be used as-is on Windows machines.

Easy to learn programming language

Like many popular programming languages, Learning Java is relatively easy because of the many resources available. It also has many standard class libraries and a large number of third-party libraries. For programmers with C or Java, use integrated development environments (such as IntelliJ IDEA) to help them program efficiently.

These ides significantly improve the programming experience and provide the important help of debugging, which is important for beginners – there’s nothing worse than writing some code and not knowing what went wrong!

Ideal programming language for Android and IoT development

Assuming you’re interested in both technologies, Java is probably the ideal programming language for you. Part of its usefulness in these applications is its high degree of portability, but it also has several other advantages:

High security: Java was built with security in mind.

Incredible performance: Modern Java is fast, it’s static, and multithreading allows modern multicore computers (smartphones) to do more and faster.

Maturity: As a deeply rooted programming language, Java has a large community supporting it, a wealth of resources, and many problems have been solved.

Lots of job opportunities

According to Stack Overflow, Java is the no.3 programming language overall, with 36.3 percent of respondents using it (a significant decline in recent years — 42.5 percent in 2013). Many different types of developers use it:

30.7% full stack developers use Java

16.8% of front-end developers use Java

41.6 percent of backend developers use Java

54.2% of mobile developers use Java

Gooroo, a skills analysis platform, reports that there are good jobs in Java, with about 17,000 jobs advertised each month in the United States and an average salary of $100,000. Around 30,000 jobs are advertised each month worldwide, with an average salary of $90,000.

How do YOU start learning Java?

Learning any programming language is all about implementing projects to solve real problems. No matter how big or small a project is, there is a lot of knowledge and skills associated with it.

For example, if you want to write a “file explorer” desktop application in Java, you need knowledge modules such as MVC design pattern, componential construction, object collection and operation, packaging and deployment, multi-threaded traversal and asynchronous I/O operation. Without any module, it is difficult to complete a project.

Therefore, completing a project is like completing a jigsaw puzzle. It is necessary to solve the knowledge modules one by one and then assemble them into a project. In this way, project-driven learning is currently recognized as the most efficient programming learning method:

Easy to get started: Once you have mastered basic knowledge and programming skills, and are ready to complete simple projects, you can start using this learning method.

Make up for what you lack: In the process of doing projects, you can check your learning results and find out the knowledge modules that you lack, so that targeted learning can be more efficient.

Have a sense of achievement: learning results, reflected in one can solve practical problems of the project, so that learning immediate feedback, the sense of achievement!

It should be noted that project-driven learning, project selection should be gradual, each project should include previously learned knowledge modules, and new knowledge modules for learning.

So how do you effectively learn Java from scratch, project-driven? Going through thick textbooks or watching video tutorials is obviously not going to get you started on a project. You need to get started with Java as a field project!

As Udacity takes “Learning by Doing” as its Learning concept, it designs different practical projects from easy to difficult in nano degree project, and organizes Learning modules centering on the project to truly realize project-driven and efficient Learning.

Challenge silicon Valley’s Java field project

Youda School city Java introductory actual combat course, officially released in China in March! You will have the opportunity to start from scratch, challenge 3 Java field projects from Silicon Valley, and enjoy the Java experts line by line review and one to one technical tutoring, 8 weeks to master the most used programming language, become the most popular talent in the workplace.

As the first batch of Chinese students, you will be challenged in the following three practical projects:

Actual Combat Project 1


Completed the judgment logic of the game program “Tic-Tac-toe Game”, practiced the basic syntax and logic of Java, and mastered the use of Java language in the project. Well begun is half done! We’ll provide the UI for the game, and you’ll write the winning logic for the game, using the basic Java knowledge you’ve already learned. You can play against a computer or a friend. Let friends experience your first programming project.

Field Project 2

Crossword puzzles

Design a word guessing game. You will use “classes and methods” to design and write games that allow players to guess the correct English word by guessing letters in a limited number of times. Establish structured programming thinking in the project to achieve efficient programming.

Field Project 3

Space challenge

Establish and master object-oriented thinking in the project, try to solve complex variable problems from simple problems. You will be challenged to simulate sending a range of items to Mars, such as a habitation module, a bunker, food and a rover, during a human settlement. You’ll try to define your own classes, methods, interfaces, and programs to determine how to choose a more appropriate rocket type.

Silicon Valley Universities allow you to master new skills in your spare time

Founded by Sebastian Thrun, the founder of Google’s self-driving car, Udacity has partnered with leading companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon to create a series of cutting-edge technology courses, as well as providing human project review and one-on-one online q&A services. It aims to make everyone able to use the latest and hottest technology education in Silicon Valley at a much lower cost than offline education, and to help students become the sought-after talents who can drive enterprise innovation and change.

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