
Sstoolkit is a set of Category type library, with a lot of custom controls function good ~

BFKit is another set of Category Kit, and a couple of utility classes

APUtils is another Kit of Category types

QSKit another set of Category Kit

Ios-categories Is another Kit of Category type

BlocksKit brings the Block style to UIKit and Founcation

Cocoa -helpers some cocoa extensions two years ago

Ios-nbukit is a set of basic tools

CoconutKit has a range of extensions and some custom components

STUtils series of extension packs

PSFoundation a series of extensions and enhancements

ConciseKit is an interesting set of macro definitions

DTFoundation has another set of extensions…

BBBootstrap Is an extension library for some common functions

Objective-shorthand is a Category that simplifies the long method

BGUtilities Several easy to use Cagegory

Cooliris-toolkit Cooliris is a basic tool library from Google Clone

BaseKit A set of basic tool libraries

NSObject – Utility – Categories such as the topic

NSArray – Utilities, such as the topic

Aqtoolkit some common things

DLIntrospection Some extension of NSObject

YOLOKit some handy quick enumeration methods

Nsdate-extensions indicates the subject date

ALActionBlocks Block events added to UIControl

Jrswizzle is mainly swizzling

Moriarty has some useful features

QSUtilities some basic libraries (useful for Instagram)

Libextobjc a bunch of oc extensions

PrettyTimestamp Extension of friendly time

DateTools is a good time handling related toolbox

Ios-jail -break-detector checks if jailbreak is online

Crackify detects whether the App is cracked

Uiview-animatedproperty Adds an animation property to UIView, useful in swizzle

UIView-Positioning Adds more attributes to UIView frame and other attributes to facilitate view setting

Block-kvoblock KVO~

MTDates Category of some Data

CocoaSecurity A common hash, encryption and decryption algorithm

FCFileManager provides better and more convenient access to files and folders

Sskeychain Access keychain supports iOS Mac addresses

UISS sets UIKit styles in JSON style

Underscore. M is written like the Underscore. JS for accessing and processing data

TICoreDataSync synchronizes CoreData across devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac)

SoloComponents-iOS several lightweight components, nothing useful, not updated in 2 years

MAObjCRuntime wraps the runtime as ObjC

Objective-c-generics defines schemas that are barely implemented through macros

TBMacros Some commonly used macro definitions

NSString-Ruby brings string-related functionality to Ruby programmers

The ObjectiveRecordCoreData wrapped active record has an RoR style API

Basis function

Mediaextract Pure C some common media files parse read

Here’s s one presumably by someone who writes too much Java EE. Annotation dependency injection xx factory or something

The TyphoonIoC container

HTKit is a bunch of crap

StringScore fuzzy match string finds the degree of similarity between two strings

RegexKitLite Regular Expression Library (from Mirror)

Objective-c – regex-categories regular expression

FormatterKit Is an NSString formatter that supports time, color, address, name, etc

TransformerKitNSValueTransformer encapsulation

NanoStoreKV storage (no mode /NoSQL)

TMCachetumblr is an open source memory/file cache

PINCachepinterest is an open-source memory/file cache, modified from TMCache, quickly deadlock-free

EGOCacheEGOImage Cache function

Haneke an out-of-the-box image Cache

HJCache A Cache that stores network content, etc

RNCryptor encryption and decryption related seems to be more advanced, note: check out his blog for more detailed articles

MIHCrypto various encryption and decryption algorithms (AES, DES, RSA, MD5, SHA, etc.) are packaged from OpenSSL

Ssziparchivezip Zip decompress ~

ZipKit A ZipKit mirrors from Bitbucket

ZipKit is like ZipKit changed to ARC

The zipzapZip file processing base is libz

MTMigration executes once when the version rises

Mtcontroljquery-style Touch event binding

Storage Fast, thread-safe I/O storage operations

CHCSVParserCVS file parsing

YLMoment date parsing, formatting, etc., support multiple languages

CMUnistrokeGestureRecognizer all sorts of strange gesture detection

EKAlgorithms is an ObjC implementation of common algorithms, including sorting, searching, arrays, strings, common data structures…


Three20Facebook’s huge iOS development framework, once widely used, is old and no longer maintained

Nimbusthree20 replacement another huge framework

BeeFramework is a framework based on MVC.

OmniGroup a very large set of libraries (OmniGroup) support Mac and iOS

ReactiveCocoa is a Functional Reactive Programming framework that supports Mac

ComponentkitFacebook is a functional, responsive UI framework for Facebook apps

Asyncdisplaykita framework from Facebook for keeping UI smooth. The principles used for Paper

React -nativeFacebook framework, using JS and React to build native interface

KVOControllerFacebook’s thread-safe KVO

MAKVONotificationCenter a custom KVO Center

The event passed between WebViewJavascriptBridgeUIWebView and Cocoa

JavaScriptBridgeJavaScriptCore to pass variables between the Cocoa and Bridge code execution

OCUDL custom literals is interesting

Motif supports Live Reload through JSON customization interface

KiwiBDD for iOS

MagicalRecordCoreData wrapper simplified code

FmdbSQLite encapsulation

KZPropertyMapper A jSON-like wrapper around a Model

BlockInjection injects blocks before and after a method, similar to AOP

Aspects is another AOP library, an aspect implemented with Swizzle…

Bolts-ios a low-level, better library for managing asynchronous tasks. Supports Facebook AppLinks(also available on Android)

Nsobject-objectmapjson and XML wrap around an Object

Ejecta through OpenGL OpenAL to achieve WebCanvas JS, very large ~

FCModel wraps CoreData for SQL programmers


Ios-system-services retrives various device information including hardware, network, memory, processes, and so on

IAppInfos Simply obtains device information, such as device, space, and Provisionning

LocationManager is a more useful tool for capturing and tracking device locations, including GPS information

MKStoreKitiAP in libraries

CargoBay is a library that wraps StoreKit for iAP

RMStore is very lightweight iAP packaging

OpenUDID Alternative of the system UDID

UIDevice-with-UniqueIdentifier-for- ios-5 another UUID solution but iOS7 does not work

A series of uidevice extensions have the latest PrivateAPI works in cookbook-code

InAppSettingsKit wraps things like Settings, URLScheme, Mail, Icon, etc

DTWebArchive allows access to WebArchive formatted rich text in the clipboard

Routable -iosinApp URL definition Opens custom urls within the App (decoupled)

JLRoutes Complex URL Scheme resolution and routing

Emoji Access to Emoji images

PDKeychainBindingsController similar UserDefault way to access the Keychain

CoreTextWrapper A wrapper around a CoreText library

Encapsulation of AttributeString by Slash

ABContactHelper Accesses contacts

APAddressBook encapsulates the ability to access contacts/contacts

GVUserDefaults wraps NSUserDefaults, so you just have to declare properties, which is pretty handy

YapDatabase is a KV library wrapped in SQLite, but with more wrapped features such as caching/full text search

YTKKeyValueStore – another KV library, simply packaged from SQLite (FMDB)

Realm-cocoa is a database specifically designed for mobile devices to replace SQLite /CoreData

IHasApp detects whether an App is installed and integrates common URL schemes

A collection of UIActivityCollectionGithub UIActivity project

Better custom ViewCtrl transitions animation API for STPTransitions

PureLayoutAutoLayout package, support iOS/Mac, support Swift

MasonryAutoLayout encapsulation

KeepLayoutAutoLayout encapsulation seems to work better

JTSHardwareInfo Defines an enum to obtain and determine the device model

MTGeometryCGPoint/Size/some of the Rect geometry calculation

MYSRuntime wraps some of RunTime’s methods, making them easier to use

MTStringAttributes makes it easier to access and modify NSAttributedString

MTPDF CF based PDF Object package, easier to access and create PDF

Network based

AFNetworking is a great HTTP network communication library

Asi-http-request An HTTP library that is also well known and performs well but is no longer maintained

MKNetworkKit an HTTP library that supports Mac is also good

STHTTPRequest a very simple HTTP library that wraps NSURLConnection

SVHTTPRequest a very concise HTTP library

RestKit is an HTTP library used to interact with RESTful services

AFIncrementalStore uses CoreData and AFNetworking to persist HTTP data

The CocoaAsyncSocketTCP/UDP wrapper library supports Mac great

ARC, GCD Reachability

SDReachability iS very similar to Apple’s.

Socket. IO-objc supports HTTP long polling socket.IO

DTBonjourBonjour and Wifi

XMPPFrameworkXMPP client library ~ Mac supported

CocoaHTTPServer A lightweight HTTPServer that supports Mac

GCDWebServer a lightweight HTTP Server with GCD implementation of the event driver

HTTPKit is a lightweight/high-performance embedded HTTP Web Server, complete and powerful, based on Mongoose, can be used to write services ~

Barista is an HTTP Web Server that can be used to write services

Mongoose pure C HTTP Web server lib, embedded/cross-platform

Fossa pure C multi-protocol server lib, embedded/cross-platform, support HTTP,Websocket,MQTT,mDNS and other protocols

SocketRocketWebSocket Indicates the client ~

MailCoreIMAP SMTP mail protocol

CocoaSPDYSPDY agreement ~

Interpreternode. js for iOS 7, is no longer maintained


JSONKit is a very good JSON parsing library, but it can now be replaced with system apis

Json -frameworkSBJson Has been widely used for poor json performance

TouchJSON is another JSON library

Yajl-objc A JSON library that supports stream parsing and Mac support

MantleJSON parsing and object mapping library,Github’s own, reliable and powerful

JSONModelJSON parsing and object mapping library, widely used

MJExtensionJSON parsing and object mapping library


MWFeedParserFeed/Atom parsing

RSSKitRSS Atom parsing

ElementParser provides Html and XML parsing

Hpple provides Html/XML parsing

OnoOno (axe), Html/XML parsing, wrapped from libxml2

Objective-c-hmtl-parser is a simple HTML Parser that wraps libxml

OCGumbo is an OCGumbo HTML parsing library, packaged with Google Gumbo(C99).

RaptureXML a simple XML parser wraps libxml

Libxml is wrapped around the KissXML parsing library

TBXML a library that quickly parses XML

Xmldocument is another library for parsing XML

XMLDictionary is an XML-to-NSDictionary class

XML – to – turn NSDictionaryXML NSDictionary

MMMarkdown a small engine that renders Markdown to HTML

Ashton converts between NSAttrbuteString and Html

XMLParserXML parses to JSON ~


SDWebImage web image & cache, great, used by many apps

FastImageCache Network image & cache,Path development

EGOImageLoading downloads a library that uses images from the Web

AsyncImageView loads and displays images asynchronously

TCBlobDownload Download large file/breakpoint continuation

GroundControl a library that changes configuration via remote PList

Appirater’s ability to remind users to come to the AppStore later and rate you

IRate is similar to appirater to remind users to go to the AppStore later to score support for Mac

ShareKit’s ability to share some of the social networking features abroad has been widely used

Harpy is updated to remind you of the AppStore review

IVersion New version Indicates the update notification function

DataKit uses a CoreData-like Model to fetch network resources

SDURLCacheURL cache

The objective-GitlibGit wrapper is huge

NsrailsRoR style network interaction API


CZWeatherKit obtains weather data and supports multiple weather services

Openshare several domestic social network sharing function, direct tuning API, code simplification

Facebook – ios – sdkFacebook SDK

MGTwitterEngine a set of Twtter libraries

Twitter- Oauth-iphonetwitter OAuth feature

Foursquare – API – v2Foursquare library

objectiveflickrFlicker API

Octokit objcGithub API

ParcelKitDropbox encapsulation CoreData

Cocoalibspotifyspotify official SDK

DeepBeliefSDKJetpac SDK for image recognition

GDFileManagerKit accesses cloud storage such as Dropbox GDrive

Audio, video, OpenGL

AudioKit’s powerful iOS audio toolbox supports audio analysis, processing, compositing, and sequencer

EZAudioiOS audio library, support recording, playback, waveform display, etc., good effect

TheAmazingAudioEngine is a sound library packaged with CoreAudio

AudioStreamer Audio stream playback library supports Mac

SimpleAudioEngine is a simple library for playing sound

DOUAudioStreamer audio stream playback

StreamingKit streaming audio playback, rich features

IOSSystemSoundsLibrary lists and plays iOS system sounds ~

A novocaine sound library recording playback page has a link to CoreAudio’s tutorial

Audiograph an AU tutorial & sample project ~

MIDIFileSequence is an AU based library that parses Midi sequences and plays

NVDSP A DSP processing function on iOS

Blip-Synth A Blip sound synthesizer

PGMidi A Midi library

Sc_listener Library for detecting system sound levels

Objectal-for-iphone an OpenAL wrapper library works better

SoundBankPlayer is a library that mimics SoundFout but is simpler

Finch for the underlying OpenAL wrapper

SoundManager is very simple for Sound playback management

OrigamiEngine music playback engine supports FLAC, CUE, MP3, M4A, M3U

Libpd – a library that uses PD to create music? Pure C

Pd – for – ios libpd

RCTMidiLib A wrapper for a Pad to connect to Midi device communication

Octave is a free audio library that includes 48 UI sounds

RBDMuteSwitch Checks whether the mute function is enabled on iOS5

SfArkLib converting sfArk and sf2 libraries is simple

Sfarkxtc simply decompress a CPP of sfArk

Unsfark, like sfArkXTm above, is the older pure C version

MuseScore is a cross-platform music software ~ not iOS

OpenSFZ An OpenSFZ player & SF2 based on SFZero

Alsaplayer a Linux PCM library with SF2 MIDI and other processes

The game

Cocos2d -iphone2D game engine (SpriteKit is coming next…)

Cocos2d iphone – extensionscocos2d extension

Smooth-drawingcocos2d to draw a smooth curve

Tiny-wings Demo uses Cocos2D

Tiny Wings – Remake – on – Android as title.

Tweejump is a Game where birds jump 100 layers

Wizardwar is a complete 2D mini-game that supports battles and is available in the AppStore

Sparrow-Framework open Source game engine 2D version 1.0

Sparrow- 2D 2.0 version of the Framework open Source game engine

IjkplayerB video player library, based on FFMPEG, support iOS/Android, support streaming playback

Kxmovie a video player based on FFMPEG

GPUImage Real-time image and video processing based on GPU

XBImageFilters A GPU real-time processing library similar to GPUImage

FilterKit is a library for building and adjusting filters in iOS, based on GPUImage

Videoshader video filter library, supporting the effect of script adjustment, rich function

CeedGL an OpenGL wrapper is easier to use

Rend -ios is an OpenGL lightweight wrapper close to UIKit

GLView wrapped around UIView makes it easy to use OpenGL

Sift – GPU-iphone a package GL used, do not know dry hair

ShaderManager Creates a Shader as a Manager

GLImageProcessing demonstrates how to process images with a GPU

FRD3DBarChart 3D bar chart drawn with OpenGL

EarthView displays 3D topographic maps using OpenGL

CoreAR is an interesting AR

VRToolKit is a virtual reality library

Kickflip – ios-SDK Video capture and live streaming

LayerSprites load sprites

Image display/parsing

Concorde takes advantage of libjpeg-Turbo to parse JPeGs more quickly and supports parse & display while downloading

FLAnimatedImageGIF display, low memory, good performance/effect, easy debugging

Uiimageview-playgifgif display, high performance low memory, good interface

OLImageViewGIF display, nice

The YLGIFImageGIF display is also good

VVeboImageView displays giFs in low memory and looks mediocre

Uiimage-from-animated – GIF Displays giFs, which are easy to use and consume memory

AnimatedGIFImageSerializationgif serialization, UIImage support

WebPImageSerializationwebp serialization, UIImage support

UIFontSerialization font files serialization, UIFont support

DFImageManager image download, cache, processing, display package

PocketSVGsvg image parsing and display is compact and easy to use

FMPSDPSD image read and write (logic plucked from Acorn)

SFPSDWriterpsd layer manipulation/write

MMLayershots take screenshots and write them as PSD files

The image processing

NYXImagesKit is a set of image processing libraries added to UIImage

Ios-image-filtersuiimage extends ps-like functionality with CoreImage

VImageCategoryUIImage extends some simple processing

MGImageUtilities several simple image processing UIImages

UIImageAdjust Some extension of UIImage such as brightness blur

CKImageAdditions some nice features of UIImage ~

Uiimage-blurredframe only blurrs an area of the image

How does the LBBlurredImageUIImage extension blur

FFAngularPointilism triangle Mosaic effect that supports animation

TCam uses CIFIlter to implement instagram-like classes

CLImageEditor is a full-featured image processor (filters/curves/clipping/rotations/etc.)

PKCoreTechniquesCA and CG characteristic demonstration

Uiimage-categoriesuiimage extensions

Uiimage-dspuiimage blur some methods

Ios7-trans-blur Blur the shape of an image

UIImage Sprite – AdditionsUIImage Sprite ~

Ios-scratch-n-see is similar to the effect of ice glass drawn open by hand

OBGradientView A gradient CALayer is better than a systematic one

ANImageBitmapRep Some Bitmap processing methods

KGNoise Generates noisy images that support Macs

KGNoiseColorTester demo of KGNoise above

SQRiskCursor an example of a custom control with CA and UIControl

AmazeKit is said to be used for PNG acceleration or self-drawing mainly to improve performance of controls

Uiimage-pdf display PDF with UIImage as shown in the problem

JMNoise adds Noise to UIView

SWSnapshotStackView with Stack frame

RMShapedImageView a subclass of UIImageView that ignores transparent clicks

MOOMaskedIconView is a library that displays ICONS through a Mask and can generate many styles of ICONS like Tabbar with only one Mask

FTAssetRenderer runtime image Mask generation?

Wolfpack image processing library CI CG

DSGraphicsKit supports image common processing view control 3D and more

Uiimage-helpers Helpers several Category widgets: screenshot, blur, and pure color

CAM an AVFoundation packaging, photography and other functions

Filtrr several filters are also not fast

PhotoTweaks is an image adjustment control that supports rotation and cropping

ZXingObjCZXing QR code/bar code processing

RSBarcodes QR code/barcode recognition/synthesis

Tesseract-ocr -iOSOCR text recognition

Card. IO – ios-source fast and powerful credit card recognition library, used by Uber/PayPal and other companies

ANPR license plate recognition based on OpenCV


Uicolor -utilitiesUIColor extension and color swatches

Color a series of UIColor extensions

ColorUtils a UIColor extension

ColorConverterRGB and HSL conversion

InfColorPicker a color picker

RSColorPicker A nice color picker has a magnifying glass

Colorpicker a powerful Colorpicker packs a lot of stuff

ColorPicker is a great ColorPicker

ILColorPicker A fairly standard ColorPicker

NPColorPicker a HSV triangle color picker

KZColorPicker another HSV disk color picker

Color-picker-for-ios A simple monochrome Picker has a slider

LEColorPicker A ColorPicker can pick up the main color of the picture, etc

UIColor- Converter some UIColor tools ~ ~

SUColor offers 2K + Japanese colors

Colours offer many common Colours and several methods

ColorArt is similar to iTunes to take the main background color of a picture, etc. (this is a Mac feature)

SOZOChromoplast extracts feature colors from images

Image Feature Color Extraction (Based on Lab Color Space and K-means clustering Algorithm)

IOS7ColorsiOS7 several common colors

Drawing library

IOSPlot Is a library that uses CA to draw pie/line charts

PNChart Flat style line chart/bar chart

TEAChart Flat style pie/bar chart

Ios-linechart easy to use pie/linechart

JBChartView simple animated line chart/bar chart iOS7 only

JYRadarChart radar map (mantis cobweb map), various styles

BEMSimpleLineGraph graph

Core-animation-pie-chart draws Pie Chart examples using CA

MSSimpleGauge sector dashboard

FBDigitalFontLED LCD effect fluorescent font, achieved in CG

FBGlowLabelLED LCD effect fluorescent font, UILabel

ADGraphView a CG drawing library stock curve demo

SVGKit is a library for rendering SVG images using CA

Smooth-line-view Using QuartZ to draw Smooth curves

Smooth- line-view uses the library above to build more complete artboard features such as color pickers

PPSSignatureView a QuartZ touch to draw smooth curves ~ ~ ~

DynamicGraphView Dynamic line graph

XYPieChart pie chart ~ with animation

BEMSimpleLineGraph is an animated line graph

Animate the contours of the text and shapes

Animation/effects CA

Keyframe tween animation based on CASharpLayer implementation, more convenient

CA360 a complete set of CA animation Demo

Core-animation-fun-house is a set of CA Animation demos

Core-animation-demos A set of CA Animation Demos

EnterTheMatrixCA animation Demo

Ftutils a set of CA Util libraries has some commonly used animations

Dazzle implements all sorts of interesting particle effects with CA

AGGeometryKitCA and 3D effects

RBBAnimation Block-based CA animation

JHChainableAnimations make animation implementation easier with chained code

The animation curve

PopFacebook Paper animation library, support spring animation, support real-time interaction

Pop-mcanimate configures POP animations with properties for easy development

Popping is a DemoApp that displays various effects implemented with pop

AGGeometryKit-POP A POP-based animation that eraser views when dragged (the deformation is AGGeometryKit based)

MMTweenAnimation is a pop-based animation library that supports various types of animation curves

CHAnimation – a small library that shows how to build an animation engine that mimics pop

DynamicXray is used to display and debug UIKit Dynamics states and boundaries

AnimationEngine is a library for building complex animations, supporting various animation curves, spring effects, etc

NSBKeyframeAnimation Animation rate curves for those jQuery bands

CAAnimation-EasingEquations Animate curves that CA does not have

Uiview-easingfunctionsuiview animation curve ~~

Chipmunk: PhysicsAnimation

CMTraerPhysics engine supports UIKit spring/particle/spider web/elastic cloth effects, great

BCMeshTransformView is a great UIView (based on OpenGL rendering), check out its blog ~

DPMeterView has a 2D graphic animation with gravity sensing (like water in a bottle) that looks interesting

ParallaxiOS7’s Depth-of-field background animation is mediocre..

MTAnimation25 kinds of animation curves ~~~

SKBounceAnimation Bounces the animation curve

Common animation

The effect of jell-o inhalation is the same as the effect of Mac minimization

VBFJellyView jelly effect based on UIKit Dynamics

ICarousel is a great variety of coverflow-like Spaces for the Mac

OpenFlow similar to CoverFlow effect quite old project support Mac

Paperfold-for-ios a set of imitation 3D effect similar to newspaper development is achieved by CA

The MPFoldTransition page flipping from Cube/Paper left to right is great

Ios-flip-transform A Flip page effect supports up, down, left, and right page turning to darken

AFKPageFlipper A Flip page effect may not perform well and will not darken

DoorwayTransition is an animation of OpenDoor

Flipboard-3d-transform-effect-example flipboard-3D-transform-example

PaperFoldMenuController A Map origami animation is mediocre

XYOrigamiMap Origami animation ~

SCSiriWaveformViewSiri recognizes the sound when the wave animation

WaverSiri’s wave animation of sound recognition (another one)

PaperStack uses OpenGL to achieve the effect similar to iBook but general

GCRetractableSectionController TableView can according to Group together

HMGLTransitions an OpenGL view transition doesn’t work? Not updated for a long time

EPGLTransitionView An OpenGL view that includes iBook effects origami page-turning effects scatter effects

Leaves a set of leaves somewhat like an iBook, but only with horizontal pages for reading

GC3DFlipTransitionStyleSegue by GL implementation of ibooks

KNSemiModalViewController launched a ModalView shrinks up behind the animation

LetterpressexplosionUIView shredded explosion effect (CA)

FancySegue how many GLS do it not animate very well, right

CoreImageTransition uses CI to implement some animation transitions over fog ~

LTransitionImageView The transition effect of an Image

STScratchView scratchview effect

XBPageCurlGL implementation of page turning effect ~

ADTransitionController has lots of interesting navigation view switching animations

VCTransitionsLibraryiOS7, some custom transition animation ~ nice

Canvas adds animations directly to Xcode

JazzHandsIFTTT is an animation framework for keyframes

Controls HUD

MBProgressHUD A HUD that is widely used in shadowless full-screen mode

MBProgressHUD is the same as MBHUD but with an update to add BLock iOS6

JGProgressHUDiOS7 volumeadjustment-style HUD works well

ATMHud great HUD with shadows and animations ~

SVProgressHUD A HUD style similar to MB_HUD with some progress etc

HTProgressHUD is another HUD

Hot wheels ETActivityIndicatorViewWindows Phone 7 style


JMSlider A small fresh Slider painted with CA

ASValueTrackingSlider slides out a pop that displays a numeric, variablecolor Slider

Ios-custom-controls hold the UISlider that can Pop

MTZTiltReflectionSlider a Slider that mimics iOS6 Music

ASRangeSlider a two-section Slider

EFCircularSlider A circular slider

SAMultisectorControl handsome ring slider

DCFineTuneSlider can drag the outside Slider and display the left and right arrows

ARAnnotatedSliderKVO teaches a ~ that displays a small Poper on top of the Slider

LARSBar displays the sound dB Slider

EDStarRating Slider control

OBSlider simulates the performance of the iPhone’s music progress

TLTiltSlider mimics iOS6 volume Slider and has metallic luster animation

RETrimControl is similar to the iOS6 video reduction control bar


KOAProgressBar Customizes the ProgressBar

DDProgressView Flat-style Progress bar

WNProgressView Some interesting progressViews

YLProgressBar some nice styles of ProgessBar

DACircularProgress circular progress bar

MRProgress Ring progress bar,iOS7 style,iOS7 Only

MDRadialProgress Ring progress bar, various styles iOS6+

PWProgressView cake shape progress bar, translucent style, good effect

TWRProgressView Progress for customizing shape masks

ASProgressPopUpView is a simple popup bar that displays progress

M13ProgressSuite is a set of different styles of Progress: including circle, ring, Progress, mask, and more

SpinKit-ObjC is modeled after the JS version of SpinKit, with several nice ActivityIndicators


JDStatusBarNotification status bar control, supporting iOS6 and 7

CWStatusBarNotification Status bar space, iOS7 and above

MTStatusBarOverlay status bar control, but it hasn’t been updated for a long time

KGStatusBar status bar control, reminding


BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets a Block to support the Alert control support customization good ~

PXAlertView a system Alert, highly customizable, iOS7 style

MBAlertView a neat AlertView and HUD

MJPopupViewController pops AlertView with different left and right animations

MZFormSheetController a nice pop-up Alert Controller

WCAlertView some nice custom AlertView

GRAlertView Colored AlertView drawn with CA

SBTableAlert is an AlertView that can have tables that can be apple style

URBAlertView custom AlertView and various animations

SIAlertView is a nice looking custom AlertView

MBMenuController is a custom AlertSheetVC

JLActionSheet Another custom AlertSheet

AMSmoothAlert An Alert with an exaggerated bouncing effect

ASDepthModal implements a simple 3 d depth of field modal view to provide background blur

The RNBlurModalView blurs the rear view

NZAlertView is a notif style Alert, flattened

LMAlertViewiOS7 Customizable AlertView content

SDCAlertViewiOS7 customizable AlertView content


Notif at the top of CRToast (status bar/navigation bar)

EKNotifView is a very simple Notif implementation below

MKInfoPanelDemo a Notif control that slides down from above similar to TwieetBot

TSMessages shows a drop down Notif in the navigation bar works fine

CSNotificationView transparent navigation bar, slide down Notif(iOS7)

YRDropdownView is similar to Tweetbot’s warning dropdown control

NoticeView is similar to Tweetbot’s drop down control

AJNotificationView works very well as an upper Notif prompt


NYSegmentedControl a variety of styles and animations of the control, great

SVSegmentedControl a segmented selection control similar to the UI found in Mac10.7 beta

URBSegmentedControl A flexible segmented control that can go up and down

MCSegmentedControl A subclass of system segmentation with custom colors

AKSegmentedControl is a completely custom segmented control with a nice style

HMSegmentedControlChrome style Tabbar segmentation

SDSegmentedControl a discrete and sagged segment

DZNSegmentedControl displays the segment of numbers, usually at the top of a profile

PPiFlatSegmentedControl Flat style Segment (including iOS7 style)


DCRoundSwitch faux-Uiswicher can be customized great

TTSwitch a fully customizable UISwich ~ ~

KLSwitchiOS7 style Switch high copy

The MBSwitchiOS7 Switch has many effects

The Switch of the SevenSwitchiOS7 style has many effects


CoolButtons use CA to paint a Glow button emulating system

FRDLivelyButton A tween animated shape button implemented with CA

VBFPopFlatButton is based on FacebookPop’s bouncing shape button

MAConfirmButton a button similar to AppStore download can animate color size etc

FTWButton A UIControl instance of the Button can see how to customize controls have good animation effects

Gradientbuttons A Button with a different style ~ painted with CA

DCActionButtonsController inside a PopOver button with all kinds of paint

BPBarButtonItem A nice on the fly generation of BarItem

BButton a custom Button style similar to Twitter Bootstrap drawn with CA

OBShapedButton A special shape button drawn with CA that can detect path touch

UIGlossyButton… UIGlossyButton… UIGlossyButton…


MarqueeLabelUILabel running lantern effect

ShimmerFacebook Paper highlights the text Label, similar to Slide to unlock

ICTextView text search, support for re, keyword highlighting

CoreTextHyperlinkView is a Text drawn with CoreText that can have a Link

ZSSRichTextEditor wysiwyg rich text editor, very good, HTML support

SECoreTextView multi-line rich text TextView that supports images, clickable links, editing, etc. (also supports OSX)

The EGOTextViewUITextField alternative supports rich text editing

Ios-rich-text-editor Edit Rich Text

MTAnimatedLabel Flash Label similar to sliding to unlock

TextGlowDemo A glowy Demo for a Label

FXLabel Some Label effects, such as shadow stroke, etc

THLabel Many Label effects, such as gradients, shadows, strokes, etc

AUIAnimatedText A UILabel subclass that can simply animate color size fonts

RTLabel Simple rich text labels can be styled in Html

TTTAttributedLabel A Label control that supports rich text attributes

MDHTMLLabel A rich text Label control that supports link and click events

DTCoreTextCoreText packaging, support parsing Html, support complex typesetting and graphics

LTCoreText Is a dtcoreText-based TextView for displaying books and supporting CJK vertical typesetting

OHAttributedLabel supports NSAttributedString UILabel control.

ARLabel automatic font size

LEffectLabel Gradient animation color of the Label, similar to sliding unlock

BBCyclingLabel animates when the Label changes

TOMSMorphingLabel animates the letter when the Label changes

HTAutocompleteTextFieldTextField with automatic completion

JVFloatLabeledTextField A text box with floating placeholders

CMHTMLView displays rich text in HTML, but has a similar experience to Native

An AePubReader that reads an Epub

KFEpubKit is an epub parsing library


UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh support with GIF rendered down pull

MSPullToRefreshController a good pull refresh control up and down There is a rainbow

EGOTableViewPullRefresh is a drop-down refresh that has not been updated for several years

PullToRefresh Pulldown refresh

SVPullToRefresh Dropdown refresh extends UIScrollView for ease and convenience

HybridRefreshGestureRecognizer dropdown refresh a similar like TweetBot style

Sspulltorefresh Pull-down refresh

BOZPongRefreshControl fun drop down refresh: drop down to ping pong

CBStoreHouseRefreshControlStorehouse appear in the drop-down effect, scatter/gather together the flashing text

MJRefresh A pull-down refresh that is said to be widely used in the country


LRSlidingTableViewCell A simple swiping left and right Cell similar to Twitter

TISwipeableTableViewUITable sliding around Similar to Twitter

TDBadgedCell adds badge on the right side of TableCell in different styles

UITableViewZoomController sliding Table similar to Google + scale according to the internal images

UITableViewTricksTableView fan style

IPhoneMK has several simple self-implemented views and cells that provide some common functions

EasyTableView a support around the TableView is good ~

ZKRevealingTableViewCell A simple TableCell that slides left and right

ADLivelyTableView very nice TableCell display animation ~ ~ ~

MHLazyTableImages a simple table-loading network image modified from the Apple example

MHPagingScrollView A ScrollView that can Page but can see the left and right preview similar to WP7

KLScrollSelect a vertical scroll selection waterfall stream

RNRippleTableViewCell comb shake ~ quite creative

RETableViewManager Data-driven tables draw Table contents from data

FXForms quickly builds a Table Based form/setup interface

XLForm is a powerful table/ form/Settings builder

Ios-sdnestedtable Indicates the Table of the level-2 menu

SWTableViewCell is similar to Cell in iOS7 email. Slide left and right to display multiple function keys

NJKScrollFullScreenNav automatically hides the upper and lower navigation bars when the content is swiped

AMScrollingNavbarNav content automatically hides the upper navigation bar when swiped

TSUIKit complex data table, TAB display UI control, suitable for complex data display


The Popover implementation of PopoverViewCA is available on the iPhone and looks fresh

WYPopoverController is highly customizable Popover style is nice, great

CMPopTipView brings PopView to iPhone

FPPopover a PopOver that supports iPhone

WEPopover is a copycat Popover API library that supports iPhone

UAModalPanel a popView-like control can be more of a custom Demo style mess

ColorPopover A monochrome selection written in WEPopover

MultiRowCalloutAnnotationView popup with form of Pop in the Map

QBPopupMenu similar to iOS text Pop can be customized ~

Kxmenu a PopView, action is ok

RNGridMenu a Pop menu, background blur, good effect ~

CNPPopupController modal pop-up box with many custom options

GIKPopoverBackgroundView is great for providing a seamless background for popovers

AwesomeMenuPath’s Fan eject button effect (CA)

The fork of AwesomeMenu on QuadCurveMenu resembles the menu of Path

MGTileMenu Popup button menu works well in squares around

ADPopupView pops up on UIVIew and it draws its own ugly interface but let’s see how it works

KLExpandingSelect four-leaf clover style pop-up menu ~

StackMenuMac’s Stack pop-up menu


AQGridView is like a TableView but with horizontal classification, like an Android Launcher

GMGridView and a GridView is very good, with horizontal and vertical sorting and editing functions

KKGridView another GridView has been Deperacted directly with the system

A3GridTableView – another GridView that seems to support a bar like a graph

LIExposeController is something like a GridView

Interface switching/navigation

LTNavigationBar NavBar Category that automatically fades in with Scroll

BLKFlexibleHeightBar NavBar that automatically fades in with Scroll, supporting various over effects

APExtendedPageController is similar to a Chrome control that slides left or right to toggle views

Strange view from MBSpacialViewController2D levels of navigation

MSMatrixController is another strange view of 2D navigation up, down, left and right..

MHTabBarController an Android-like upper Tabbar

Tabbar FSVerticalTabBarController on the left side

AKTabBarController Custom Tabbar style similar to AppStore

The MGSplitViewController is similar to the system’s UISplitVC but with more functionality

PSTCollectionView100% compatible with UICollectionView space in order to support iOS4.3

AMWaveTransition Navigation between two TableViews, jitter effect

JMTabView A TabView drawn by CA, similar to a radio control on the Mac system

MWFSlideNavigationViewController a able to slide up and down or so simple navigation bar

ZFDragableModalTransition pop-up Modal Controller of the animation, the effect also can

UIScrollSlidingPages a left – to – right Pager similar to Chrome

FlipBoardNavigationController like netease client/unique mobile phone left Nav

The engineering BCTabBarControllerTwitter similar Tabbar 2 years ago

CKSideBarController is similar to the left Tabbar on The Twitter iPad

DVSlideViewController is like a slide switch in Safari

HGPageScrollView is a paging control similar to Safari browsing,

HSImageSidebarView a keynote-like sidebar

CBHazeTransitionViewController similar iOS6 drop-down refresh animation switch, water droplets form drag and drop

JTMaterialTransitionAndroid Material transitions (circular zoom to full screen)

KYPingTransitionAndroid Material Transition (Circle zoom to full screen)

RNSwipeViewController Slides the interface to display another interface similar to the drop-down status bar to view the weather

RESideMenuiOS7 style sideslip

SloppySwiper Slide left in full screen to return

MLTransition full screen left slide back, perfect effect, no screenshots

MultiLayerNavigation full screen left swipe back with screenshot

Lateral spreads

Left and right side slide controls for ViewDeck

MSDynamicsDrawerViewControlleriOS7 dynamic flexibility and the sideslip ~ of depth of field

ECSlidingViewController is a very simple side-sliding control

JASidePanels is a nice style of sideslip controls

PSStackedView is a set of controls that slide sideways and Stack like the Twitter iPad

PKRevealController is a sideslip control

JTRevealSidebarDemo A similar to FB sideslip Demo

Another similar PPRevealSideViewController FB the slide of the controls

CLCascade is similar to Twitter’s swipe control for iPad

MMDrawerController a sideslip control

MFSideMenuFacebook style slink

Sideslip SWRevealViewControllerFacebook style

DDMenuController is another Facebook-style slideshow

REFrostedViewController is an ios7-style frosted glass side slider menu

AMSlideMenu is similar to GoogleMap sideslip

RNFrostedSidebar a translucent menu (small circle) drawn by the side, good interaction effect

Famous effect Demo

KLNoteViewController is a Stack interface that looks like an old Version of Evernote in green

REComposeViewController is a system similar to Twitter sharing interface

An ios DETweetComposeViewController twitter share similar ios 5

Similar JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo a Demo of the Clear

Opaque Indicates a Clear Demo

MCSwipeTableViewCell is a Mailbox control similar to Clear

CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout waterfalls flow control

PSCollectionView is a waterfall like control

IIIThumbFlow Waterfall flow control

WaterflowView waterfall View looks like a lot of Star

KNPathTableViewController the time in the right side of the Table shows a similar Path is simple ~

GSBookShelf an implementation similar to iBook bookcase

M6ParallaxController looks like a Path cover

ZGParallelView’s path-like cover looks good

TimeScroller is similar to the time slider on the right of Path

THSpringyCollectionViewiOS7 message bubble has the effect of the elastic sliding

ChatheadsFacebook a always top profile picture click to display the Table

MBSliderView slides to unlock

DKLiveBlur Yahoo weather style dynamic blur

Ios -realtimebluriOS7 blur effect

GHSidebarNav new Facebook sideslip UI

LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayoutiBook drag in the function of the book

MDCParallaxView Depth of field effect like Path cover

CRMotionViewFacebook Paper, scroll left and right with gestures

Advanced features

Mapbox-gl-nativemapbox vector map library

PAPasscode is similar to the password input interface of the system

KKPasscodeLock is another interface similar to system password entry

PTShowcaseViewController can display a bunch of formatted files such as audio and video control

Reader is a library that displays PDF files, supports large files, encrypts files, and has an iBook-style interface that works well

FastPdfKit is a SET of PDF libraries that are said to perform well and have interfaces

M13PDFKitPDF display library, with iBook style thumbnails

Kal a set of calendar controls that mimic iOS by default

Objc-timessquare is a set of calendar controls similar to the iOS default

ABCalendarPicker high copy iOS default calendar DatePicker~

EBPhotoPages image viewer control, which provides features similar to Facebook Browser

MWPhotoBrowser is a set of image browsing controls that mimic the iOS default support for web images

PTImageAlbumViewController photo copy iOS default view control

FGallery-iPhone Image browser

AGImagePickerController Supports multiple images

ELCImagePickerController A mock ImagePicker but supports multiple options

PhotoViewer is an image viewer control

The KTPhotoBrowser image browsing control hasn’t been updated in 3 years

DLCImagePickerController an ImagePicker function implemented with GPUImage, supporting photography and effects

Route-me a set of custom MapView simulation system but support different data sources

SlackTextViewController is similar to the SMS sending interface

GrowingTextView IS an input box for sending highly modeled text messages

PHFComposeBarView high imitation SMS send input box

JSQMessagesViewController high copy iOS7 text interface, can be customized, supports text, images, video, the result is right

Chats App

UIBubbleTableViewiOS SMS bubble interface, can support pictures

ODRefreshControl – an iOS6 drop-down refresh control

The SsmessagesViewController is kind of a crude text-messaging interface that the system already provides

SVWebViewController is a simple browser function control

TSMiniWebBrowser is an easy built-in browser

TITokenField is a control that mimics Mail and SMS to select contacts

DAAppsViewController is a list interface that mimics the AppStore

Wuemoticonsole Custom keyboard for entering emoticons

CKCalendar an unpretentious calendar

Cool-ios-camera Custom photo Ctrl

TGCameraViewController a nice Ctrl for taking pictures

SCRecorder a good video Ctrl, support real-time switching filter

LBYouTubeView displays Youtube videos.. Domestic useless

JustTypeKeyboard extension, gesture support, etc


Tapkulibrary a large set of custom controls including a nice HUD, progress bar, calendar,CoverFlow, etc

FlatUIKit IS a complete set of UI styles (Flat).

FlatUI is a set of controls that mimic iOS7

UI7Kit is a set of ios7-style controls that can be used on iOS5 and 6

PrettyKit a system UI subclass with smooth gradients and shadows

Nui a set of categories added to UIKit that allow CSS class code to control styles

QuickDialog is a set of custom control libraries for quickly building table-based Settings

MGBoxKit a set of UIView extensions and subclasses (Table Grid..) There are nice CSS class features and some nice code

Older versions of MGBoxMGBox should see V2

Ios-boilerplate some examples of common functions :HUD Table sliding, open URL with WebView and other quite old projects

Idev-recipesidevrecipes blog code that shows how to customize some controls that are older..


SMPageControl AN API class that mimics UIPageControl and allows you to customize dots

REActivityViewController open ActivityView implementation

DCControls nice fan-shaped sliding control plane style

BSKeyboardControls Controls the top and the next items related to the keyboard

FBAnnotationClustering a MapKit that shows things that are automatically aggregated across multiple locations

OCMapView a MapKit annotation aggregation of things ~

NJKWebViewProgress Displays the WebView loading progress

REMenu a navigation bar drop-down menu is nice ~

Action-sheet-blocks provides block methods for ActionSSheet

ADClusterMapViewMap landmark Cluster should be good ~

TPKeyboardAvoiding The upward movement of a UIView when there is a keyboard

Calloutview implements a private UICalloutView similar to the pop-up control in a map

SVPulsingAnnotationView A custom MapLocator animation control

OWActivityViewController is a system-like sharing control

SYEmojiPopover displays an Emoji selection de PopOVer

Using fingertips to show touch points on the screen only supports iPad2 and iPhone4s above

ASTouchVisualizer adds instructions for screen touches available for screen recording

Openspringboard is a copy of SpringBoard

HMLauncherView is a copy of SpringBoard

CQMFloatingController A floating VC similar to Popover(without arrows) can be used in landscape iPhone etc

WSCoachMarksView masks a control like Spotlight

COSTouchVisualizer displays finger touch events on the screen

KLHorizontalSelect Horizontal sweep selection

Ios-styledpagecontrol Customizes PageControl in multiple styles

Ios-blurios7 Blurring effect iOS7Only

The FXBlurViewiOS7 blur effect works with iOS5 and beyond

LiveFrostView dynamic blur effect, ideas and effects are good, slightly poor performance

The color of the CRGradientNavigationBariOS7 transition status bar

MYBlurIntroductionView Intro with a blurred background effect

MLPAccessoryBadge Some custom badge~

JSBadgeView Digital Badge

DKNightVersion Night mode

Context-menu. iOS a nicely animated drop-down Menu

Foldingtabbar. iOS is an animated, collapsible Tabbar

MSCellAccessoryCell small arrow ~

Ios – Fontawesome a set of ICONS realized with fonts

WTGlyphFontSet Another set of ICONS implemented with fonts

DAKeyboardControl slides away, just like the system’s built-in SMS interface

JWFoldersiOS6 folder expansion effect

OCCalendarPopover style date picker

IBAFormsForm build. It was built 2 years ago..

ActionSheetPicker-3.0 Picker displayed with Popover

Above style iOS6 MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout calendar events

MosaicUIWP7 Disk Style View Adaptive size

MosaicLayoutWP7 Disk style Layout UICollectionView

IntroductionTutorial for creating a startup boot interface.

US2FormValidator A set of Table form validation prompts

AURosetteView expands menu like rose petals

YRActivityIndicator – an interesting Loading animation that supports Interface Builder adjustment

PQFCustomLoaders many different styles of Loading animation, quite interesting

Introduction to EAIntroViewApp startup

OnboardApp launches boot

PEPhotoCropEditor image cutting tool, similar to the system of picture App

The InformaticToolbar bottom pane displays prompts and actions

CCHMapClusterController automatically categorizes the tags on MapKit

JTSImageViewController: Click to pop up an image, double click to zoom, and then click to shrink back.

A more complete App

ResearchKit Apple’s official open source medical-related library, including 4 independent apps made based on it, complete documentation, support appleDoc, has a very good reference value

Brushes is an awesome App, available in the App Store

Inkpad is a complete vector drawing App. It’s great. It’s on the shelves

Apps -ios- Wikipedia official Wikipedia App

ViewfinderSquare open source the entire ViewFinder source, including server and client (iOS/Android) awesome!

Sol beautiful flat style weather App

Chatsecure-ios An XMPP client ~ Supports XMPP protocols such as Jabber and GTalk


PlainReaderCnBeta is a simple, easy-to-use CB client that was once on the AppStore but was removed due to copyright issues

Ioctocat is a Github client

Trailer keeps Github online ~ including iOS/OSX clients

LayerPlayer an App used to showcase CoreAnimation features, available in the AppStore

Eigen browse art masterpieces from around the world, available in the AppStore

Doppio looks for the nearest Starbucks

Cheddar -ios a calendar management App should be better known

Bible-Assistant, available now

Appsales-mobile uses iTunes Connect to check App sales

Canabalt -ios is a running mini game ~

Baker’s ebook library, built in HTML5, seems pretty powerful

IPhoneTracker is a pretty old App 2 years ago

Off-the-record-ios a real-time chat feature that supports some XMPP protocols

Kokuban a small iPad sketchpad 3 years ago

Glpaint changed from Appled’s GLpaint

OpenGLMilkyWay Galaxy ~ ~ great textbook

IPhone -appOSChina open source China.. It moved to

BeeFancy a pseudo-Fancy client based on BeeFranework

Ruby-china-for-iosrubychina official client

Ruby-china-ios same as above?

Wh-app-ios The official White House app

CastleHassle seems to be quite a hassle for a Cocos2D physics mini-game

DocSets- for-iosios displays DocSets. You can download the iOS official Doc~

Newsyc A client (iPhone Hacker News)

Upcoming a great schedule

Anypic is a photo-sharing community App like Instagram

ClassicMap Old iOS map

NtlniphTwitter client is an ancient project

Lastfm -iphoneLast. FM official client

FFCalendariPad calendar, similar to iOS7 calendar. Some rough

ThatInboxInk out of the mail client

ThatCloudInk out of cloud file management

ThatPDFInk out of the PDF editor

ThatPhotoInk for photo editing

XctoolFacebook iOS engineering build and test tool for alternative system xcodebuild (CI)


The prototype tool used for Facebook Paper is the Quartz Composer plugin

TweaksFacebook Paper used interface adjustment widgets, you can give products/developers to adjust and try animation/color, etc

Ios – Snapshot-test-caseFacebook’s ios unit testing tool uses screenshots for UI testing

ChiselFacebook provides a set of LLDB enhancement commands, note that this is a Python script

Plcrashreporter is a library that captures, generates and uploads crash logs on the client. Go to the official website for details

QuincyKit automatically generates and uploads crash logs, which can be viewed on the page. Contains Server/Client code, depending on the library above

BugshotKit is a bug reporting tool that supports screenshots and logs (not for AppStore use)

PonyDebugger is a set of Debugger tools that can be used to debug iOS programs remotely in a computer browser

NSLogger NSLogger is a set of Log tools that can be used to view REAL-TIME NSlogs, even pictures and binary files on Android

KIF is a set of Private API to do debugging library, can be tested in the user’s way (touch in XXX)

Gh-unit is an ObjC testing framework

WBWebViewConsoleApp debugging WebView terminal

Remote Push SimulatorRemoteNotifications simulation tool, debug APNS

FLEXFlipboardc is a great tool for in-app debugging and real-time modification

DCIntrospect is an iOS debugging tool that displays information on the iOS interface

CocoaLumberjack is a set of things like Log4j that provide enterprise-level Log~~~~


ARAnalytics user behavior statistics, supporting major App data platforms

SkyLabA/B Test tool ~

HeapInspector-for-iOS tests and locates memory leaks to libraries

RHObjectiveBeagle A library that tracks the state of an object in memory

Xtrace outputs all method call messages (can be filtered by instance/class)

Frank Automated test tools?

DSYMToolsMacApp, resolve crash log through dSYM file

Umeng -crash-symbolMac script to parse the crash Log for Umeng

Superdb a Debuger tool with command line debugging.

Ios-hierarchy -Viewer is an iOS interface debugging tool that can be accessed through a browser

Hierarchydetective IS a debugging tool that displays the iOS view hierarchy in 3D

CATransform3D-Test Debug CATransform3D matrix tool ~

Lldb-quicklook Calls QuickLook from the command line during debugging to display pictures, UIView, etc

IConsole displays debugging information and executes debugging commands in App

Nocilla a debug library that simulates HTTP responses

Dyci-main a tool for dynamically adding code during debugging requires changes to Xcode

GestureLab debugs and plays with GestureRecognizor’s

Cedarbdd-style unit testing

Ios-ui-assetsios 5.1, system controls and App image resources Dump um.. It’s not going to work after iOS7

Ios-artwork -Extractor Export image resources for iOS apps and controls only to iOS5

Old code & weird stuff

Peertalk, a hack technology developed by a former Apple employee, sends high-speed data between Macs and iOS via USB and is used in on-screen extensions

DB5 uses PList to build interfaces

HockeyKit is an ad-hoc update framework for iOS. Includes the PHP server

Briefs is a set of similar prototyping tools

OpenTLD video tracking detection seems pretty sophisticated

SimFinger Some Fake system icon apps and some pictures of device outer frame and touch point can be used

Scifihifi – iPhone deprecated old code new project go to github page

IPhone earkit four-year-old code Augmented Reality (AR)

TouchDB-iOS an embedded CouchDB implementation

Ios-run-time Headers Public/private Framework Headers dumped from Runtime can be used to compare different versions

ObjectiveresourceRoR something related

GRMustacheMustache template?

Titanium_modulesTitanium common module

Fontdiao is something akin to FontAwesome and contains the logo of some domestic website

Big package of code base

IPhone -3.0- Cookbook – Code with Book

IOS -5-Cookbook



Programming-iOS- ExamplesProgramming iOS 7 Book code

Ios7-day-by-dayios7-day-by-day blog code

IOS7 – Demo of some new features in SampleriOS7 ~

MyProjects some code above HTTP :/ /mysparks

Xcode-snippets Some Xcode Snippets

Mac Only

Gitx is a Graphical client for Git

Chameleon cloned UIKit into the Mac

Induction of a database client on a Mac supports Mysql Postgre Nosql Redis etc

Twui is a Mac custom control library with iOS – like Table and Tab,CA implementation

Code editing on kodMac,Chrome style, small and fast

Manage Windows on slateMac

Nu a wrapper, write things in NU language, right?

Macgap is wrapped so that functions can be called in jS-like writing

Quicksilver this.. The Mac is known for its quick boot

Mogenerator generates the Code for CoreData

NvNote program

ITerm2 Well-known terminal ~

Sparkle is a Framework for software upgrades

PostgresAppPostgresSQL client

Terminal-notifier Sends Notification messages through terminals

The ShiftIt plugin for managing the status bar of desktop Windows

Textmate. ~ ~ ~

Textmate -missingdrawerTextmate plugin is a sidebar

AckMateTextmate plugin to run ack?

The clicktoflashWebkit plugin blocks Flash

MongoHub-MacMongoDB client

CocosBuilder for COcos2D JS binding GUI design

Rebel some extensions to AppKit

Textual lightweight IRC client

Vico is a text editor for development

Pomodoro is a time management App

VisorTerminal plugin

GoAgentX goes without saying….

Pixen pixel drawing tool

Color-picker -Pro Color Picker status bar plug-in

SNRHUDKitMac version of the HUD

ConnectionKitFTP and WebDAV

OpenEmu various game simulator

MPV video player, powerful customization function, based on MPlayer

Hacky is a complete Hacker News client

WWDC downloader for downloading WWDC, Xcode5 only

QuickCast is a video sharing App

Zephyros Window management for Hackers

ShuttleSSH shortcut menu bar plugin

Qlstephen QuickLook plug-in for viewing text files without extension

INAppStoreWindowMac AppStore style NSWindow

Spectacle Window management without a mouse

LimechatIRC client

LiveReload front-end development, edit code after automatic refresh, very popular App, has been put on AppStore

Selfcontrol. No Internet access for a period of time

Popup Indicates the Popup in the status bar

MPlayerX A test branch of MPlayerX

QuickCursor Starts editing quickly

LaunchrocketPrefPane, which manages HomebreW-installed services

Sonora is a nice little music player

Git is a Google Music client

SafariOmnibar is a Sarari plugin

Hexend hexadecimal editor

Macdown is a great Markdown editor

AtomGithub’s official 21st century open source editor 🙂

CakebrewHomebrew graphics management ~

SequelproSequel Pro accesses MySQL

DrawKitMac vector drawing library, rich features

GIFs searches the web for GIFs and is available in the AppStore

ISpartaAPNG and WebP format conversion, Tencent out of the QQ mobile expression

MIDIApps Two apps, one is Midi Monitoring, the other is SysEx

Xcode plug-in/development tools

AlcatrazXcode plugin management and discovery plugin ~ ~

The PolychromaticXcode plugin assigns different colors to different variable types

Clangformatt-xcodexcode plug-in clang-format code formatting

BBUncrustifyPlugin-XcodeXcode plugin for Uncrustify formatting

The hostringSense-for-Xcodexcode plug-in edits escape strings directly

The ZLGotoSandboxPluginXcode plugin quickly opens the emulator’s Sandbox folder

Cocoapods – xcode – pluginXcode cocoapod plug-in

KFCocoaPodsPluginXcode plugin for Cocoapod makes it easy to edit podfiles and display build logs

FuzzyAutocompletePluginXcode plugin better code completion automatically

XCActionBarXcode plug-in workflow, “Alfred for Xcode”

XcodeBoostXcode plug-in code operations, such as symbol highlighting, method copying, re matching, etc

The dash-plugin-for-xcodexcode plug-in replaces the default Doc browser with Dash

VVDocumenter-XcodeXcode plug-in automatically reminds JavaDoc style when writing comments

In writing SCXcodeSwitchExpanderXcode plug-in switch, automatic completion all options (only support NS_ENUM)

Colorsense-for-xcodexcode plugin supports dynamic adjustment of UIColor

The KSImageNamed-XcodeXcode plugin supports displaying UIImages in projects

The lin-Xcode5xcode plug-in displays the corresponding string for NSLocalizedString

The XToDoXcode plugin lists all the poor performance of TODO FIXME etc

The CodePilotXcode plug-in quickly finds and locates code

The XVimXcode plug-in supports binding VIM shortcuts

CATweakerXcode plug-in/standalone App edit CAMediaTimingFunction animation curve

Tween-o-matic edit CAMediaTimingFunction animation curves

Nib2objc translates XIb and NIB into M including commands, guIs, and services

Ios-universal -Framework The Universal template for compiling iOS Framework supports ARMV7s

Ios-framework Common template for compiling the iOS Framework

SCStringsUtility internationalization/translation tool for making and modifying localIZABLE Strings

XcodeEditor parses and manipulates Xcode project files

UIEffectDesignerView native iOS/Mac particle effect design

Avocado’s very powerful iOS interaction design toolbox, based on Facebook Origami

JSONExport attaches JSON strings to generate ObjC/Swift/Java objects

Acani can generate Object code directly from JSON strings

Appledoc generates doc documents through code comments and only supports ObjC

Jazzy generates doc documents through code comments, supports ObjC/Swift, and is analytical and accurate

CocoaPods manages Cocoa library dependencies

Carthage decentralized dependency management (similar to Cocoapods)

Apns-pusher sends push ~ through APNS

Swift Basic Features

ExSwift a set of Extensions

SwiftMoment is a handy time processing library (moment.js)

Timepiece A time processing library (NSDate)

Design-pattern-in-swiftswift display of Design Patterns

HanekeSwift a generic cache

SugarRecord encapsulates data storage, supporting CoreData/Realm

SQLite. SwiftSQLite encapsulation

AsyncGCD encapsulation

SwiftSSL Encryption and decryption, supporting MD5,SHA, and HMac

CryptoSwift encryption and decryption, support MD5,SHA,HMac,AES, etc

Bond Bind various events

Actions of the dollar.Swift container class (Underscore. Js)

Swiftz functional programming, overload of a glop operator…

Runes several seemingly useful operator overloads (such as the alphabets ah-ha…)

Euler Operator overloading of some mathematical symbols

The framework

ReactKitReactive framework

Swift pilot version of RXSwift ActivecoCOA

PromiseKitFuture and Promise programming. This is a bilingual version of the library (ObjC/Swift)

SwiftTask Task management Promise + Progress + Pause + Cancel + Retry

CartographyAutolayout encapsulation

SnapKitAutolayout encapsulation


AlamofireSwift the most popular HTTP request library

Just is a simple HTTP request library

SwiftHTTP Simple HTTP request wrapped in NSURLSession

StarscreamWebSocket link libraries

ArgoJSON parsing and object mapping

SwiftyJSONJSON parsing

ObjectMapperJSON Object mapping/conversion

KFSwiftImageLoader Image loading (iOS and  Watch)

Image loading in Kingfisher Network (imitating SDWebImage)


DKChainableAnimationKit makes animation implementation easier with chained code

Spring is a great animation library


PKHUD an ios8-style HUD that works well

TouchVisualizer is a line of code that displays the location of a touch on the screen

Fingertips customize UIWindow for displaying the touch position on the screen

KYCircularProgress simple and easy to use circular progress bar

PerseiScrollView embedded menu at the top, good animation effect

MarkdownTextView A Markdown text box based on TextKit

RichEditorView rich text editing, support and HTML conversion (based on WebView)

DynamicBlurView effect with support for animation

PullToMakeSoup a very interesting drop-down refresh animation

BreakOutToRefresh pull-down refresh animation to hit bricks

ParticleLab particle system implemented with Metal

MaterialKit – A set of Controls with Android Material style (Ripple animation)

Paper-switch A switch with circle zooming animation (Material style)

ZFRippleButton A set of Material style buttons (Ripple animation)

BubbleTransition is a navigation Transition, Material style circle zoom in

SevenSwitch Several custom style switches

TextField ects several good TextField effects

PageMenu is a Top Tabbar Controller similar to netease News

WobbleView left slide removed when edge wobble animation

Hamburger -button Removes the animation that changes between the hamburger button and hamburger button

LTMorphingLabelUILabel special effects are great

Animated on animated tabbar, supports flip, spring, frame animation, etc

Adaptive tab-bar Automatically hides text retention ICONS over time with Tabbar…

SAHistoryNavigationViewController navigation returns, in a similar iOS multitasking interface display all historical content, the result is right

SCLAlertView-Swift Indicates a customized AlertView

GuillotineMenu a menu that flips up and down in the navigation bar

Ios-charts library, supporting broken line/pie chart/bar chart/sector/radar chart /K line, etc

PNChart-Swift Chart drawing library, Swift version of PNChart


CleanroomLoggerLog tool, Swift version of CocoaLumberjack/log4j

QuickBDD testing framework with ObjC support

Sleipnir another BDD

DBPathRecognizer recognises complex gestures

FontBlaster makes it easier to load custom fonts

SurgeAccelerate the package of the library

Toucan image adjustment library, support cropping, resize, Mask, rounded corners and other functions

Siren update prompt popup (Swift version of Harpy) should be used with caution for AppStore review

MusicKit music analysis, chord detection, MIDI I/O


Chats A Chats App with a native interface style (note this also comes with a companion open source server)

SwiftWeather is a great weather App

VPNOnVPN connection management, supporting Watch, has been installed

V2EXClient Indicates a V2EX client

ImWildCat is another V2EX client

SwiftHN a Hacker News client

News-yc — Another Hacker News client for iPhone

FlappySwiftFlappy Bird

swift-20482048 Art auction information

A lot

Cooliris-toolkit Cooliris makes the basic kit and Github has Clone

Core-plot is a powerful 2D data plot library

J2objc magic stuff, translate Java into ObjC ~ Google produced

Theunarchiver decompression, support Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, 7-zip, Rar, LhA, StuffIt, etc

Macfuse creates the OSX file system ~

Google-toolbog-for-mac is the famous Google toolbox

RegexKitLite’s famous ObjC regular expressions

Zipachive’s widely used ObjC zip file compression (github has several mirrors)

Turn on: and then add a qr code, are interested in or questions you can add me!