It’s a little long because it summarizes so many things, and this is what I’ve been doing for a long time.
Py2 VS Py3
Print becomes a function, python2 is the keyword
There are no more Unicode objects, and STR is Unicode by default
Python3 Divisor returns a floating point number
No longer long
Xrange does not exist. Range replaces xrange
You can define function names and variable names in Chinese
Advanced unpacking and * unpacking
Variables that qualify the keyword argument * must have the name = value
raise from
Iteritems removed to items()
Yield from links to child generators
Asyncio,async/await Native coroutines support asynchronous programming
The new enum, mock, ipaddress, concurrent futures, asyncio urllib, the selector
- Different enumeration classes cannot be compared
- Only equal comparisons can be made between the same enumerated classes
- Use of enumeration classes (numbering starts at 1 by default)
- To avoid the occurrence of the same enumeration value in an enumeration class, you can decorate the enumeration class with @unique
# Considerations for enumeration
from enum import Enum
class COLOR(Enum):
# # YELLOW = 2 complains
GREEN=1GREEN is an alias for YELLOW
print(COLOR.GREEN)#COLOR.YELLOW, will still print YELLOW
for i in COLOR:# If I iterate over COLOR, I won't get GREEN
# color.yellow \ \ \n
for i in COLOR.__members__.items():
# output:('YELLOW',
for i in COLOR.__members__:
# enumeration conversion
It is better to use enumerated values in database access than tag name strings
# Use enumerated classes in your code
print(COLOR(a))# output:COLOR.YELLOW
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Py2/3 conversion tool
- Six modules: Modules compatible with Pyton2 and Pyton3
- 2TO3 tools: Change the syntax version of the code
- Future: Use the functionality of the next version
The commonly used libraries
Collections you must know…
Python sorting and heAPQ modules…
Itertools module super utility method…
An uncommon but important library
Dis (Code bytecode Analysis)
Inspect (generator state)
CProfile (Performance Analysis)
Bisect (Maintaining ordered lists)
- Fnmatch (string,”*.txt”) #win case insensitive
- Fnmatch is determined by the system
- Fnmatchcase is completely case sensitive
Timeit (code execution time)
def isLen(strString):
We should still use ternary expressions, faster
return True if len(strString)>6 else False
def isLen1(strString):
Note the false and true positions here
return [False.True][len(strString)>6]
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit('isLen1("5fsdfsdfsaf")',setup="from __main__ import isLen1"))
print(timeit.timeit('isLen("5fsdfsdfsaf")',setup="from __main__ import isLen"))
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- @ contextlib. Contextmanager generator function into a context manager
Types (type objects that contain all types defined by the standard interpreter and can be modified to asynchronous mode for generator functions)
import types
types.coroutine # implements __await__
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- HTML (implement escaping HTML)
import html
html.escape("<h1>I'm Jim</h1>") # output:'< h1> I' m Jim< /h1> '
html.unescape('< h1> I' m Jim< /h1> ') # <h1>I'm Jim</h1>
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- Mock (resolve test dependencies)
- Concurrent (create process pool and thread pool)
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ' ' '
from concurrent.futures importThreadPoolExecutor pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() task = pool.submit()# this method does not block and returns immediately
task.done()Check whether the task is completed
task.result()# block method to view the return value of the task
task.cancel()# Cancel an unexecuted task, return True or False, or return True on success
task.add_done_callback()# callback function
task.running()# Whether task is being executed is a Future object
for data (function, argument list):# return a list of completed tasks, executed in order of argumentsPrint (returns the execution result data of the completed task)from concurrent.futures importAs_completed AS_completed (Task list)Return a list of completed tasks, one by oneWait (task list,return_when= condition)Block the main thread based on four conditions
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- Selector (encapsulating select, user multiplexing IO programming)
- asyncio
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ' ' 'Future =asyncio.ensure_future(coroutine) = future=loop.create_task(coroutine) Future.add_done_callback () adds a completed callback function Loop.run_until_complete (future) future.result() view written as return result asyncio.wait() accepts an iterable coroutine object asynicio. Gather (* iterable,* iterable) The results are the same, but Gather can cancel in bulk, Only one loop in a thread must be loop.run_forever() when loop.stop otherwise an error will be reported loop.run_forever() can perform non-coroutine last executionfinallyLoop.close () asyncio.task.all_tasks () gets all tasks and iterates through them in turn. Cancel () Cancels partial() Loop. call_soon(function, argument) call_soon_threadsafe() thread-safe loop.call_later(time, function, argument) In the same code block, call_soon takes precedence, and multiple later times are executed in ascending order of time. If you must run blocking code, wrap it with loop.run_in_executor(executor, function, argument) into a multithread and place it in a task list. Implement HTTP Reader,writer= via Asyncio to run via wait(Task list)awaitAsyncio.open_connection (host,port) writer.writer() Sends requestsasync for data in reader:
data=data.decode("utf-8") list.append(data) Then the list stores HTML AS_completed (Tasks) one by one, and returns an iterable coroutine lockasync with Lock():
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P * * * * ython advanced
Interprocess communication:
- Manager(built-in data structure, memory sharing between multiple processes)
from multiprocessing import Manager,Process
def add_data(p_dict, key, value):
p_dict[key] = value
if __name__ == "__main__":
progress_dict = Manager().dict()
from queue import PriorityQueue
first_progress = Process(target=add_data, args=(progress_dict, "bobby1".22))
second_progress = Process(target=add_data, args=(progress_dict, "bobby2".23))
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- Pipe(for both processes)
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from multiprocessing import Pipe,Process
Pipe performs better than queue
def producer(pipe):
def consumer(pipe):
if __name__ == "__main__":
recevie_pipe, send_pipe = Pipe()
# PIPE can only be used for two processes
my_producer= Process(target=producer, args=(send_pipe, ))
my_consumer = Process(target=consumer, args=(recevie_pipe,))
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- Queue(not for process pools, Manager().queue () is used for communication between process pools)
from multiprocessing import Queue,Process
def producer(queue):
def consumer(queue):
data = queue.get()
if __name__ == "__main__":
queue = Queue(10)
my_producer = Process(target=producer, args=(queue,))
my_consumer = Process(target=consumer, args=(queue,))
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- The process of pool
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def producer(queue):
def consumer(queue):
data = queue.get()
if __name__ == "__main__":
queue = Manager().Queue(10)
pool = Pool(2)
pool.apply_async(producer, args=(queue,))
pool.apply_async(consumer, args=(queue,))
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Sys module several common methods
- Argv command line arguments list, the first being the path to the program itself
- Path Returns the search path of the module
- Modules.keys () returns a list of all modules that have been imported
- Exit (0) exits the program
A in s or B in s or C in S
- Use any: all() returns True for any iterable that is empty
Method a #
True in [i in s for i in [a,b,c]]
Method # 2
any(i in s for i in [a,b,c])
Method # 3
list(filter(lambda x:x in s,[a,b,c]))
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Set application
- {1,2}. Issubset ({1,2,3}
- {1, 2, 3}. Issuperset ({1, 2})
- {}.isdisjoint({})# Check whether the intersection of two sets is null
Chinese matching in the code
- [u4e00-u9FA5] 正 式 正 式 [u4e00-u9FA5]
View the default encoding format
import sys
sys.getdefaultencoding() # setDefaultencodeing () sets the system encoding mode
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- getattr VS getattribute
class A(dict):
def __getattr__(self,value):# return if the access attribute does not exist
return 2
def __getattribute__(self,item):# block access to all elements
return item
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Class variables are not stored in the instance __dict__, only in the class __dict__
Globals /locals
- Globals holds all the variable attributes and values in the current module
- Locals holds all variable properties and values in the current environment
Python variable Name resolution mechanism (LEGB)
- Local scope (Local)
- Enclosing locals is the local scope where the current scope is embedded.
- Global/module scope (Global)
- Built-in scope
Implement groups of three from 1 to 100
print([[x for x in range(1.101)][i:i+3] for i in range(0.100.3)])
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What is a metaclass?
- When you create aclass, you just set metaclass= metaclass. Metaclass needs to inherit type, not object, because type is a metaclass
type.__bases__ #(<class 'object'>,)
object.__bases__ # ()
type(object) #<class 'type'>
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class Yuan(type):
def __new__(cls,name,base,attr,*args,**kwargs):
return type(name,base,attr,*args,**kwargs)
class MyClass(metaclass=Yuan):
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What is a duck type (i.e., polymorphism)?
- Python does not determine the type of an incoming argument by default when it is used; it executes as long as the argument is executable
Deep copy and shallow copy
- Deep copy copy content, shallow copy copy address (increase reference count)
- Copy module to achieve god copy
Unit testing
- The generic test classes inherit TestCase from the unitTest module
- Pytest module quick tests (methods start with test_ / Test files start with test_ / Test classes start with Test and cannot have init methods)
- Coverage Statistics test coverage
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class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):Execute before each test case is executed
print('This method is being tested')
def setUp(self):Do this before each test case is executed
print('End of test of this method')
def tearDownClass(self):The @classMethod decorator must be used and run once after all tests have been run
print('Start testing')
def setUpClass(self):The @classMethod decorator must be used once before all tests are run
print('End of test')
def test_a_run(self):
self.assertEqual(1.1) # Test cases
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The GIL will be released according to the number of bytecode lines and time slices executed. The GIL will be released when IO operations are encountered
What is Monkey Patch?
- Monkey patch that replaces blocking syntax with non-blocking methods at runtime
What is Introspection?
- Runtime ability to determine the type of an object, id,type,isinstance
Is Python passed by value or by reference?
- Neither. Python is a shared argument, and the default argument is executed only once
Difference between else and finally in try-exception-else -finally
- Else is executed when no exception occurs, and finally is executed whether or not an exception occurs
- Except can catch more than one exception at a time, but in order to handle different exceptions differently, we usually catch them in batches
GIL Global interpreter lock
- Only one thread can execute at a time. CPython(IPython) features no other interpreter
- CPU intensive: multiple processes + process pool
- IO intensive: multithreading/coroutine
What is a Cython
- Interpret Python as a C code tool
Generators and iterators
Iterables only need to implement the __iter__ method
- Objects that implement the __next__ and __iter__ methods are iterators
Generator functions that use generator expressions or yields (generators are a special type of iterator)
What is a coroutine
- A lighter way to multitask than threads
- implementation
Dict Underlying structure
- Hash tables are used as the underlying structure to support fast lookups
- Average hash table lookup time complexity is O (1)
- The CPython interpreter uses second probes to resolve hash conflicts
Hash Expansion and Hash conflict resolution
Link method
Secondary probing (open addressing) : Used by Python
- Cyclic copy to new space for expansion
- Conflict resolution:
for gevent import monkey
monkey.patch_all() # change all blocking methods in the code. You can specify which method to change
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- Determines whether it is a generator or coroutine
co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags
Check if it is coroutine
if co_flags & 0x180:
return func
Check if it is a generator
if co_flags & 0x20:
return func
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- Fibonacci solved the problem and deformation
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# A frog can jump up one step or two at a time. Find out how many ways the frog can jump up n steps.
How many ways are there to cover a large 2* N rectangle with n small 2*1 rectangles?
# Method 1:
fib = lambda n: n if n <= 2 else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
# Method 2:
def fib(n):
a, b = 0.1
for _ in range(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return b
# A frog can jump up one step or two at a time... It can also jump up n levels. Find out how many ways the frog can jump up n steps.
fib = lambda n: n if n < 2 else 2 * fib(n - 1)
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- Gets the environment variables set by the computer
import os
os.getenv(env_name,None)Get the environment variable None if it does not exist
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Garbage collection mechanism
- Reference counting
- Mark clear
- Generational recycling
# View generation collection trigger
import gc
gc.get_threshold() #output:(700, 10, 10)
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True and False are the exact equivalent of 1 and 0 in code and can be evaluated directly with numbers. Inf denotes infinity
- C10M:8 core CPUS, 64G memory, maintains 10 million concurrent connections on a 10Gbps network
- C10K: 1 GHZ CPU,2 GB memory, and 1 GBPS network maintain the FTP service provided by 10,000 clients
The difference between yield and yield:
- Yield from follows an iterable, and there is no constraint after yield
- Triggered when the GeneratorExit generator stops
Several uses of the single underscore
- When defining a variable, it is represented as a private variable
- During unpacking, useless data is discarded
- Represents the result of the last code execution in interactive mode
- Can do concatenation of numbers (111_222_333)
If you use break, else is not executed
Go from base 10 to base 2
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def conver_bin(num):
if num == 0:
return num
re = []
while num:
num, rem = divmod(num,2)
return "".join(reversed(re))
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- List1 = [‘ A ‘, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’] how to get to A list element named after the new list A = [], B = [], C = [], D = []
list1 = ['A'.'B'.'C'.'D']
Method a #
for i in list1:
globals()[i] = [] Can be used to implement reflection in Python
Method # 2
for i in list1:
exec(f'{i}= [] ') # exec executes string statements
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- Memoryview and bytearray containing
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Bytearray is mutable, bytes are immutable, and memoryView does not generate new slices and objects
a = 'aaaaaa'
ma = memoryview(a)
ma.readonly A read-only memoryView
mb = ma[:2] # no new string will be generated
a = bytearray('aaaaaa')
ma = memoryview(a)
ma.readonly Writable memoryView
mb = ma[:2] # new byteArray will not be generated
mb[:2] = 'bb' # change to MB is change to MA
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- Ellipsis type
# the code appears... The Ellipsis phenomenon is an Ellipsis object
L = [1.2.3]
print(L) # the output: [1, 2, 3, [...]]
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- Lazy computing
class lazy(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
val = self.func(instance) This is equivalent to executing area(c), where c is the Circle object below
setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, val)
return val`
class Circle(object):
def __init__(self, radius):
self.radius = radius
def area(self):
return 3.14 * self.radius ** 2
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- Walk through the file, pass in a folder, print out the path of all the files in it (recursion)
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all_files = []
def getAllFiles(directory_path):
import os
for sChild in os.listdir(directory_path):
sChildPath = os.path.join(directory_path,sChild)
if os.path.isdir(sChildPath):
return all_files
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- File storage, file name processing
#secure_filename converts a string to a secure filename
from werkzeug import secure_filename
secure_filename("My cool") #
secure_filename(".. /.. /.. /etc/passwd") # output:etc_passwd
secure_filename(u'i contain cool \xfcml\xe4uts.txt') # output:i_contain_cool_umlauts.txt
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- Date formatting
from datetime import datetime"%Y-%m-%d")
import time
Only localtime can be formatted, time cannot be formatted
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- Tuple uses += strange problem
# will return an error, but the tuple value will change because t[1]id does not change
t[1=] + [4.5]
# t[1] using the append\extend method does not report an error and can be executed successfully
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- __missing__ you should know
class Mydict(dict):
def __missing__(self,key): The value returned when Mydict uses slices to access properties that do not exist
return key
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- + and + =
# + cannot be used to connect lists to primitives, while += can (via iadd, internally extends(), so you can add tuples), and + creates a new object
# immutable objects do not have an __iadd__ method, so the __add__ method is used directly, so the ancestor can be added to each other using +=
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- How do I turn every element of an iterable into all the keys of a dictionary?
dict.fromkeys(['jim'.'han'].21) # output:{'jim': 21, 'han': 21}
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- Wireshark capture software
Network knowledge
What is the HTTPS?
- Secure HTTP protocol, HTTPS requires CS certificate, data encryption, port 443, security, the same website HTTPS seo rank will be higher
Common response status code
204No Content // The request was processed successfully. No body of the entity is returned206The Partial Content //Get scope request was processed successfully303See Other // Temporary redirection, expect to use GET to get304Not Modified // Request cache resources307Temporary Redirect // Temporary Redirect, Post does not change to Get401Unauthorized // Authentication fails403Forbidden // The resource request is rejected400// Request parameters are incorrect201// Added or changed successfully503// Server maintenance or overloadCopy the code
- Idempotency and security of HTTP request methods
# environ: A dict object that contains information about all HTTP requests
# start_response: a function that sends an HTTP response
def application(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type'.'text/html')])
return 'Hello, web!
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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a Security protocol that provides Security and data integrity for network communications.
SSH is short for Secure Shell and formulated by the Network Working Group of the IETF. SSH is a security protocol based on the application layer. SSH is a reliable protocol that provides security for remote login sessions and other network services. The SSH protocol can effectively prevent information leakage during remote management. SSH began as a program on UNIX systems and quickly expanded to other operating platforms. SSH, when used correctly, makes up for network vulnerabilities. SSH clients are applicable to multiple platforms. Almost all UNIX platforms — including HP-UX, Linux, AIX, Solaris, Digital UNIX, Irix, and others — can run SSH.
TCP: connection-oriented/reliable/byte stream based
UDP: connectionless/unreliable/packet oriented
Three handshakes and four waves
- Three-way handshake (SYN/SYN+ACK/ACK)
- Four waves (FIN/ACK/FIN/ACK)
Why is there a three-way handshake when you connect and a four-way handshake when you close?
- After receiving a SYN request packet from the Client, the Server sends a SYN+ACK packet. ACK packets are used for reply, and SYN packets are used for synchronization. However, when the Server receives a FIN packet, the SOCKET may not be closed immediately. Therefore, the Server can only reply with an ACK packet to tell the Client, “I received the FIN packet you sent.” I can send FIN packets only after all packets on the Server are sent. Therefore, THE FIN packets cannot be sent together. Therefore, a four-step handshake is required.
Why does the TIME_WAIT state take 2MSL to return to CLOSE?
- Although logically, all four packets are sent and we can directly enter the CLOSE state, we must pretend that the network is unreliable and the last ACK can be lost. Therefore, the TIME_WAIT state is used to resend ACK packets that may be lost.
- HttpOnly prevents JAVASCRIPT scripts from accessing and manipulating cookies, effectively preventing XSS
Index improvement process
- Linear structure -> binary lookup -> Hash -> binary lookup Tree -> balanced binary Tree -> multiple lookup Tree -> multiple balanced lookup Tree (B-tree)
Mysql Interview Summary basics…
Mysql Interview Summary advanced section…
Simple Mysql
Ningning. Today / 2017/02/13 /…
InnoDB deletes the entire table row by row, while MyISAM deletes the entire table
Text/BLOb data types cannot have default values, and there is no case conversion when querying
When does an index fail
A like fuzzy query starting with %
Hermit type conversion occurs
The leftmost prefix rule is not satisfied
- For multi-column indexes that are not used for the first part, the index is not used
Failure scenario:
- Use in where clauses should be avoided! = or <> otherwise the engine will abandon the index and perform a full table scan
- Avoid using OR to join conditions in the WHERE clause. This will cause the engine to abandon indexes and perform a full table scan, even if there are conditional indexes
- If the column type is a string, the data must be quoted in the condition, otherwise the index will not be used
- Try to avoid functional manipulation of fields in the WHERE clause, which will cause the engine to abandon indexes for full table scans
For example, select IDfrom t where substring(name,1.3) = 'abc'- the name; Select ID if the value starts with ABCfrom t where name like 'abc%'For example, select IDfrom t where datediff(day, createdate, '2005-11-30') = 0 – '2005-11-30'; Should be changed to:Copy the code
- Do not perform functions, arithmetic operations, or other expression operations to the left of the “=” in the WHERE clause, or the system may not use the index properly
- Expression operations on fields in the WHERE clause should be avoided as much as possible, which can cause the engine to abandon indexes for a full table scan
Such as: select idfrom t where num/2 = 100Should be changed to: select IDfrom t where num = 100*2;Copy the code
For example, the set enum column is not suitable. (Enum types can add NULL, and the default value automatically filters out Spaces. Set values are similar to enumerations, but only 64 values can be added.)
If MySQL estimates that a full table scan is faster than an index, then the index is not used
What is a clustered index
- The B+Tree leaf holds data or Pointers
- MyISAM index and data separation, using non-aggregation
- InnoDB data files are index files and primary key indexes are clustered indexes
Summary of Redis command
Why so fast?
Based on memory, written by C language
Use multiplex I/O multiplexing model, non-blocking IO
Use single threads to reduce interthread switching
- Since Redis is a memory-based operation, CPU is not the bottleneck of Redis. The bottleneck of Redis is most likely the size of the machine’s memory or network bandwidth. Since single-threading is easy to implement and the CPU is not a bottleneck, it makes sense to go with a single-threaded solution (there is a lot of trouble with multi-threading after all!). .
Simple data structure
The VM mechanism was built to reduce the time to call system functions
- High performance – Redis can read 110000 times /s and write 81000 times /s
- Rich data types
- Atomic – All operations in Redis are atomic, and Redis also supports atomic execution after several operations have been combined
- Rich features – Redis also supports publish/subscribe, notifications, key expiration, and more
What are Redis transactions?
- A mechanism for packaging multiple requests and executing multiple commands in sequence at once
- The transaction function is implemented through multi,exec,watch and other commands
- Python redis-py pipeline=conn.pipeline(transaction=True)
Persistent mode
RDB (snapshot)
- Save (synchronization to ensure data consistency)
- Bgsave (asynchronous, default for shutdown, no AOF)
AOF(Append logs)
How to implement queues
- push
- rpop
Commonly used data types (Bitmaps,Hyperloglogs, range queries, etc not commonly used)
String: counter
- Integer or SDS (Simple Dynamic String)
List: a List of users’ concerns, a List of fans
- Ziplist or double Linked List (contiguous blocks of memory where the length of each entry node is stored in the header)
To Hash:
Set: A user’s followers
- Intset or hashtable
Zset(Ordered Collection) : Real-time information leaderboard
- Skiplist
With Memcached difference
- Memcached can only store string keys
- The Memcached user can only APPEND data to the end of an existing string and use the string as a list. But when deleting these elements, Memcached hides them by blacklisting them, preventing them from being read, updated, or deleted
- Both Redis and Memcached store data in memory. Both are in-memory databases. But Memcached can also be used to cache other things, such as images, videos, and so on
- Virtual memory – Redis When physical memory runs out, some values that have not been used for a long time can be swapped to disk
- Storage data security – When Memcached is down, the data is gone; Redis can be saved to disk periodically (persistent)
- The application scenario is different: Redis can be used as NoSQL database, but also can be used as message queue, data stack and data cache; Memcached is good for caching SQL statements, data sets, temporary user data, deferred query data, sessions, and more
Redis implements distributed locking
- Using setnx to implement locking, you can also add timeout through expire
- The value of a lock can be a random UUID or a specific name
- When a lock is released, the uUID is used to determine whether the lock is the same as the uUID. If yes, run delete to release the lock
Cache avalanche
- Cache data expires in a short period of time and a large number of requests to access the database
The cache to penetrate
- When the data is requested, it does not exist in the query cache, nor in the database
Cache warming
- Initialize the project to add some commonly used data to the cache
The cache update
- Data expires. Cache data is updated
Cache the drop
- When traffic surges, service problems (such as slow or unresponsive response times) occur, or non-core services affect the performance of the core process, you still need to ensure that the service is still available, even at the expense of the service. The system can automatically degrade according to some key data, or manually degrade by configuring switches
Consistent Hash algorithm
- Ensure data consistency when using clusters
Based on Redis to achieve a distributed lock, requiring a timeout parameter
- setnx
Virtual memory
Memory jitter
Unix five I/O models
Blocking IO
Non-blocking IO
Multiplexing IO using Selectot in Python
- Concurrency is not high and the number of connections is very active
- Not much better than SELECT
- This applies to the case where the number of connections is large but the number of active links is small
Signal driven IO
Asynchronous IO (Gevent/Asyncio implements asynchrony)
Better command manual than MAN
- TLDR: a manual with command examples
Difference between kill -9 and -15
- -15: The program stops immediately/stops after the program releases resources/the program may continue running
- -9: Because of the uncertainty of -15, use -9 to kill the process immediately
Paging mechanism (memory allocation management scheme for separating logical and physical addresses) :
- The operating system manages memory efficiently and reduces fragmentation
- The logical address of the program is divided into fixed-size pages
- Physical addresses are divided into frames of the same size
- The page table corresponds to logical and physical addresses
Segmented mechanism
- To satisfy some logical requirements of the code
- Data sharing/data protection/dynamic linking
- Each segment has a continuous internal memory allocation, and each segment is allocated discretely
Check the CPU memory usage?
- top
- Free Check available memory and rectify memory leaks
Design patterns
The singleton pattern
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ' ' '
Style #
def Single(cls,*args,**kwargs):
instances = {}
def get_instance (*args, **kwargs):
if cls not in instances:
instances[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return instances[cls]
return get_instance
class B:
Way # 2
class Single:
def __init__(self):
print("Singleton pattern implementation method two...")
single = Single()
del Single Call single every time
# Method 3 (the most common method)
class Single:
def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
if not hasattr(cls,'_instance'):
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls,*args,**kwargs)
return cls._instance
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The factory pattern
class Dog:
def __init__(self):
print("Wang Wang Wang")
class Cat:
def __init__(self):
print("Miao Miao Miao")
def fac(animal):
if animal.lower() == "dog":
return Dog()
if animal.lower() == "cat":
return Cat()
print("Sorry, it has to be: dog,cat.")
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Structure mode
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ''' class Computer: def __init__(self,serial_number): self.serial_number = serial_number self.memory = None self.hadd = None self.gpu = None def __str__(self): info = (f'Memory:{self.memoryGB}', 'Hard Disk:{self.hadd}GB', 'Graphics Card:{self.gpu}') return '.join(info) class ComputerBuilder: def __init__(self): = Computer('Jim1996') def configure_memory(self,amount): puter.memory = amount return self # def configure_hdd(self,amount): pass def configure_gpu(self,gpu_model): pass class HardwareEngineer: def __init__(self): self.builder = None def construct_computer(self,memory,hdd,gpu) self.builder = ComputerBuilder() self.builder.configure_memory(memory).configure_hdd(hdd).configure_gpu(gpu) @property def computer(self): return self.builder.computerCopy the code
Data structures and algorithms Built-in data structures and algorithms
Python implements a variety of data structures
Quick sort
def quick_sort(_list):
if len(_list) < 2:
return _list
pivot_index = 0
pivot = _list(pivot_index)
left_list = [i for i in _list[:pivot_index] if i < pivot]
right_list = [i for i in _list[pivot_index:] if i > pivot]
return quick_sort(left) + [pivot] + quick_sort(right)
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Selection sort
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ' ' '
def select_sort(seq):
n = len(seq)
for i in range(n- 1)
min_idx = i
for j in range(i+1,n):
if seq[j] < seq[min_inx]:
min_idx = j
ifmin_idx ! = i: seq[i], seq[min_idx] = seq[min_idx],seq[i]Copy the code
Insertion sort
def insertion_sort(_list):
n = len(_list)
for i in range(1,n):
value = _list[i]
pos = i
while pos > 0 and value < _list[pos - 1]
_list[pos] = _list[pos - 1]
pos -= 1
_list[pos] = value
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Merge sort
def merge_sorted_list(_list1,_list2): # merge ordered lists
len_a, len_b = len(_list1),len(_list2)
a = b = 0
sort = []
while len_a > a and len_b > b:
if _list1[a] > _list2[b]:
b += 1
a += 1
if len_a > a:
if len_b > b:
return sort
def merge_sort(_list):
if len(list1)<2:
return list1
mid = int(len(list1)/2)
left = mergesort(list1[:mid])
right = mergesort(list1[mid:])
return merge_sorted_list(left,right)
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Heapq module for heap sorting
from heapq import nsmallest
def heap_sort(_list):
return nsmallest(len(_list),_list)
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The stack
"Have a problem and no one to answer it? We have created a Python learning QQ group: 857662006 to find like-minded friends and help each other. There are also good video tutorials and PDF e-books in the group. ' ' '
from collections import deque
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.s = deque()
def peek(self):
p = self.pop()
return p
def push(self, el):
def pop(self):
return self.pop()
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The queue
from collections import deque
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.s = deque()
def push(self, el):
def pop(self):
return self.popleft()
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Binary search
def binary_search(_list,num):
mid = len(_list)//2
if len(_list) < 1:
return Flase
if num > _list[mid]:
elif num < _list[mid]:
return _list.index(num)
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Interview enhancement questions:
About database optimization and design
How to implement a queue with two stacks
Reverse a linked list
Merges two ordered lists
Delete the linked list node
Invert the binary tree
Design short url service? Base 62 implementation
Design a feed stream?
Why is it better to use incremented integers as primary keys in mysql database? Is it ok to use uUID? Why is that?
- When InnoDB tables are written in the same order as leaves in the B+ tree index, access efficiency is highest. Use self-growing ID primary keys for storage and query performance.
- For InnoDB’s primary index, data is sorted by primary key. Due to the disorder of UUID, InnoDB will have a huge I/O pressure. In this case, it is not suitable to use UUID as physical primary key, it can be used as logical primary key, and the physical primary key still uses self-increment ID. For global uniqueness, you should index other tables with uuid or do foreign keys
How do we generate the increment ID of the database in a distributed system?
- Using redis
Based on Redis to achieve a distributed lock, requiring a timeout parameter
- setnx
- setnx + expire
What happens if a single Redis node goes down? Are there any other industry solutions to implement distributed lock codes?
- Use the hash consistent algorithm
Caching algorithm
- LRU(least-recently-used): replaces the least recently used object
- LFU(Least frequently used): the Least frequently used data. If a data is rarely used in the recent period, it is less likely to be used in the future
Direction of server performance optimization
Use data structures and algorithms
The database
The index optimization
Slow query elimination
- Slow_query_log_file Enables and queries slow query logs
- Troubleshoot index problems through Explain
- Adjust data Modify index
Batch operations to reduce I/O operations
Use NoSQL: such as Redis
Network IO
- The batch operation
- pipeline
The cache
- Redis
- Asyncio Implements asynchronous operations
- Use Celery to reduce IO blocking
- multithreading
- Gevent