What is RAL color card? Since 1927, when RAL became involved in color, a unified language has been created to establish standard statistics and nomenclature for colorful colors that are widely understood and applied worldwide. The 4-digit RAL color has been used as a color standard for 70 years and has grown to more than 200 colors. The matte color base card rAL-840HR and the glossy color base card 841-GL meet a wide range of applications and are used by many important companies and research institutions. Ral-840hr and RAL-841GL colour registers are used as colour samples in the design, and they also include safety and signal colours in compliance with DIN and ISO colour requirements.
RAL design systems have been developed for professional color design and are particularly useful to the construction industry. It contains 1688 colors arranged in a regular order. So the seven-digit colors are divided into separate RAL colors. Unlike RAL classical color cards where the color codes of RAL design systems are not arbitrary, the seven-digit colors display chroma, brightness and chroma (color saturation) technical measurements of HLC. Because the color numbering is based on the international standard CIE color solid, the coding is clear and easy to understand, you can find any color you want to choose, it is an excellent tool for designers and others involved in color, using this system to coordinate color combination generation will be very easy.
Below is a collection of RAL values for your reference.