Introduction: Kubernetes as the cloud native era “operating system”, familiar with and use it is a necessary skill for every user. This article provides an overview of the knowledge graph of container service Kubernetes. Some of the content references the knowledge graph on the web to help users better understand K8s.

1. An overview of the

Container service Kubernetes knowledge graph, part of the content refer to a knowledge graph online, more combined with Ali cloud container service.

The original source:…

2. Links and remarks

category knowledge Knowledge links note
Docker principle KVM–> ECS…

Network tunneling technology –>VPC…

NameSpace… The Namespace technology actually modifies the scope of the application process’s view of the entire computer. Its access is restricted by the operating system and can only “see” certain specified contents.

CGroup… Linux is the Control Group. Its main function is to limit the upper limit of resources that a process group can use, including CPU, memory, disk, network bandwidth, and so on.

RootFS(Union FS) Coolshell. Cn/articles / 17… Rootfs is only the files, configurations, and directories contained in an operating system, not the operating system kernel. In Linux, these two parts are stored separately. The kernel image of the specified version is loaded only when the operating system starts up.

windows 2019
Windows Server 2019 supports namespace
Container service deployment Docker Desktop… It is highly recommended to install this software on a Mac for learning purposes

kubernetes Kubernetes cluster, Aliyun Container service support

DashBoard Kubernetes. IO/docs/tasks /… Kubernetes cluster GUI management tool, container Services Console integration and extension of the application

EasyPack… A collection of scripts that deploy clusters such as Kubernetes

minikube Kubernetes. IO/docs/tasks /… New mini k8s
Tool components kubectl Kubectl management tool for running Kubernetes cluster commands

kubeadm Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… Kubernetes official provided for the quick installation and configuration of the Kubernetes cluster tool

Similar to RPM, yum, k8S is a tool for installing components (software package: chart)

APP Hub In the Open Cloud Native Application Center, all default Helm Charts (Helm format applications) are regularly synchronized from the Helm Hub north American official site and hosted on Github. In this process, the Cloud Native Application Center will automatically “localize” all Charts that are synchronized.

CFSSL… _CFSSL_ is an open source PKI/TLS tool used in K8s certificate creation
Mirror warehouse Aliyun private image repository Aliyun launched the mirror warehouse, suggested the enterprise version

Cloud – effect configuration mirror warehouse
Cloud effect enterprise Settings, configuration support from Ali cloud private image warehouse to pull the image

Harbor Mirror warehouse Open source free enterprise Registry server for storing and distributing Docker images
component kube-apiserver(Master) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… A layer of official default Apiserver (Static Pod) packaged on Generic Server

etcd(Master) Class zk based onRaftProtocol implementation, start the process

Kube-scheduler(Master) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… The scheduler that distributes pods to nodes (static Pods)

kube-controller-manager(Master) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… Controllers for base objects such as Deployment (static Pod)

cloud-controller-manager(Master) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… The controller for cloud resource usage is the cloud service integration controller (Daemonset)

kubelet(Node) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… Communicate with Master to manage worker(Node) life cycle

kube-proxy(Node) Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… Network Agents running on nodes (Daemonset)

containner runtime(Node)
CRI interface

DNS Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Aliyun container service with CoreDNS(Deployment)

Ingress controller Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Aliyun container service uses nginx Ingress Controller, which can be used as a unified routing (Deployment) for HTTPS services

Heapster & influxdb
Timing database for monitoring data acquisition and storage (Deployment)

Federation Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Cluster alliance, high availability, resource synchronization and so on

Aliyun also provides its own Terway component (Daemonset).

logtail… Aliyun Log Acquisition Component (DaemOnset)
Based on the object POD Container group, the basic unit for running the application container, Kubectl get Pods

Node Cluster node server, work node in Kubernetes.

NameSpace To distinguish and isolate applications

Deployement Stateless deployment is the most common deployment configuration

Daemonset Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Daemon-like process

StatefulSet Stateful deployment

Job & CronJob Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Scheduling tasks

Static POD Kubernetes. IO/docs/tasks /… Static POD configuration, yamL in Master

HPA Kubernetes. IO/docs/tasks /… Horizontal scaling scheduler

Service Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Service exposure configuration, including Cluster,NodePort,SLB, etc

Ingress Ali Cloud provides nginx ingress routing by default

Secret Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Confidential dictionary, including TLS, private warehouse key, Opaque

ServiceAccount Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… The account used for resource objects, such as granting access to a private image of a Namespace

RBAC Kubernetes. IO/docs/refere… K8s Role-based access control,role, roleBinding

Volume Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Mapping the disk

Storge Class Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep…

Custom extension resources
Plug-in extension CNI(Falnnel/Terway) Kubernetes. IO/docs/concep… Container network interface

FlexVolume Open source Volume plug-in, ali Cloud use

Cloud Provider
Cloud service provisioning interface
Container service optimization – Best practices Master selection and disk specifications……

Network selection…

Worker node selection…

Ingress Controller is deployed independently

Master change with…

A node is changed or restarted, removed, or added

Basic image development

Service combines with SLB

Cluster audit…

Deployment implementation releases in batches

StatefulSet releases in batches…

Set permissions on the Fortress by application…

Pods are deployed evenly…

Applications go offline gracefully, exit gracefully

ApiServer access control


Cloud Native technology open class… Ali Cloud and CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) jointly developed this set of cloud native technology open course, the course is free!
Service governance Istio Aliyun supports the most popular grid service architecture

Linkerd First proposed grid services company’s products

Cloud effect
Support container service K8s CI/CD ali cloud production

Jenkins Famous for the most commonly used CI/CD products, container services are provided by one-click installation of products

Author: Ping Name

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