The idea of shortcuts

Method Parameter Prompt

ctrl + p
Copy the code

Fold the code

ctrl + -
Copy the code

Global lookup text

ctrl + shift + F
Copy the code

Recently modified code

ctrl + E
Copy the code

Automatic code chip

ctrl + j
Copy the code

Implement interface methods

ctrl + i
Copy the code

The idea of git commit

ctrl + k
Copy the code

View subclasses of the current class

ctrl + h
Copy the code

Delete current row

ctrl + y
Copy the code

Overrides or implements an interface or superclass method

ctrl + o
Copy the code

Merges the current line with the next line

ctrl + shfit + j
Copy the code

Jumps the cursor to the line above the current line

ctrl + alt + enter
Copy the code

Shows relationships between classes

ctrl + alt + u
Copy the code

Delete packages that are not used in the class

ctrl + alt + o
Copy the code

Enter the Setting screen

ctrl + alt + s
Copy the code

Adds a line after the current line where the cursor is

ctrl + shfit +enter
Copy the code

Pop-up, the collection of methods in the current class

ctrl + F12
Copy the code

Add a bookmark

ctrl + f11
Copy the code

Quickly modify IDEA shortcut keys, display style, etc

ctrl + ~
Copy the code

Search for files

ctrl + shift + n
Copy the code

Search class together

ctrl + n
Copy the code

Extract local variables

ctrl + alt + v
Copy the code

Enter the implementation subclass

ctrl + alt + b
Copy the code

Formatting code

ctrl + alt + L
Copy the code

Idea Multiple cursor selection

Press the scroll wheel and drag the mouse up and down.Copy the code

Idea Displays the version control operation

alt + ~
Copy the code

The idea of the plugin

Alibaba coding specification

Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines 
Copy the code

Translate plug-in,

Copy the code

Mybatis plug-in

Free Mybatis plugin
Copy the code

Lombok plug-in

IntelliJ Lombok plugin
Copy the code

Lombok POM.xml file configuration

< the dependency > < groupId > org. Projectlombok < / groupId > < artifactId > lombok < / artifactId > < version > 1.16.18 < / version > <scope>provided</scope> </dependency>Copy the code