JavaScript has nice modules and methods for sending HTTP requests that can be used to send or receive data from server-side resources. In this article, we’ll look at some popular ways to make HTTP requests in JavaScript.


Ajax is the traditional way to make asynchronous HTTP requests. You can use the HTTP POST method to send data and the HTTP GET method to receive data. Let’s look at sending a GET request. I’ll use JSONPlaceholder, a free, online REST API for developers who return random data in JSON format. To make HTTP calls in Ajax, you need to initialize a new XMLHttpRequest() method specifying the URL endpoint and the HTTP method (in this case, GET). Finally, we use the open() method to bind the HTTP method to the URL endpoint and call the send() method to trigger the request. We use XMLHTTPRequest. Onreadystatechange in readystatechanged events trigger event handler to be called by the property record HTTP response to the console.

JQuery has many ways to handle HTTP requests easily. To use these methods, you need to include the jQuery library in your project.


JQuery Ajax is one of the easiest ways to make HTTP calls.

$.get method

The $.get method is used to perform the GET request. It takes two arguments: the request address and the callback function.


The $.post method is another way to publish data to the server. It takes three parameters: the URL of the request the data you want to send and the callback function.


The $.getjson method retrieves only data in JSON format. It takes two arguments: the URL and the callback function.

JQuery has all of these methods to request or publish data to remote servers. But you can actually combine all of these methods into one: the $. Ajax method, as shown in the following example:


Fetch is a powerful new Web API that lets you make asynchronous requests. In fact, this fetch is one of the best and favorite ways to make HTTP requests. It returns a “Promise,” a feature of ES6. If you’re not familiar with ES6, you can read about it. Promise allows us to handle asynchronous requests in a smarter way. Let’s take a look at how fetch technology works.

As you can see, FETCH has many advantages for making HTTP requests. In addition, there are other modules and plug-ins in FETCH that allow us to send and receive requests to and from the server side, such as Axios.


Axios is an open source library for making HTTP requests and provides many powerful features. Let’s see how it works.

Usage: First, you need to include Axios. There are two ways to include Axios in your project. First, you can use NPM: NPM install axios –save

And then you need to import it import axios from ‘axios’

Make requests using AXIOS: With AXIos, you can retrieve and publish data from the server using GET and POST.


Axios supports many other methods and options. You can read about them on the website