There are a lot of anti โ€“ throttling codes on nuggets, I was also read a star to learn the most. I didnโ€™t pay much attention to the rest, but as a result, what he wrote was wrong. If I didnโ€™t react quickly and really understand the principle during the interview, I would be ruined by him ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€. Anyway, feel quite deceiving, send blog, if canโ€™t do accurate words that share out is not harm people? The most SAO is his that article dot like number ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป is the most, you dare to believe? (That shows how many people he screwedโ€ฆ) Without further ado, go to the code

I will explain the idea of two methods, remember to grasp the idea!

Ps: There is nothing wrong with the anti-shake in that article, there is something wrong with throttling.


/ / image stabilization
// Thought: each trigger, reset timer โฐ
function debounce(func, timer){
    let hasTime = null
    return (. args) = > {
        // The essence of anti-shock is the following line of code ๐Ÿ‘‡ reset timer โ—๏ธ
        hasTime = setTimeout((a)= >{
   args) }, timer) } }// Be sure to write test code and run around the console
var a = (a)= >{console.log('aaa')}
var b = debounce(a,2000)
Copy the code
/ / throttling
// Thought: after each execution, the timer can be reset โฐ
function throttle(func, timer){
    let bool = false
    return (. args) = > {
        if(bool) return
        bool = true
        setTimeout((a)= >{
   args)// The point is that the next one can only be done โ—๏ธ
            bool = false
// Be sure to write test code and run around the console
var a = (a)= >{console.log('aaa')}
var b = throttle(a,2000)
Copy the code

Below is the source of LoDash, well loDash throttling using anti โ€“ shake implementation. Because loDashโ€™s anti-shake feature is very powerful. You can control method execution at the beginning or end of timing

Source line too many, I this is a shortened version, the full version of my stamp ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป

/ / lodash stabilization
function debounced(. args) {
    const time =
    const isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time)
    lastArgs = args
    lastThis = this
    lastCallTime = time
    if (isInvoking) {
      if (timerId === undefined) {
        return leadingEdge(lastCallTime)
      if (maxing) {
        // Handle invocations in a tight loop.
        timerId = startTimer(timerExpired, wait)
        return invokeFunc(lastCallTime)
    if (timerId === undefined) {
      timerId = startTimer(timerExpired, wait)
    return result
Copy the code
// The Lodash section has two parameters for anti-shaking
function throttle(func, wait, options) {
  let leading = true
  let trailing = true

  if (typeoffunc ! = ='function') {
    throw new TypeError('Expected a function')}if (isObject(options)) {
    leading = 'leading' inoptions ? !!!!! options.leading : leading trailing ='trailing' inoptions ? !!!!! options.trailing : trailing }// ๐Ÿ‘‡ is called
  return debounce(func, wait, {
    'maxWait': wait
Copy the code


Know is know, noknow is noknow, is also know.

See the article must oneself begin an experiment! A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit ๐Ÿคฎ