The Moon and Sixpence


I don’t know how many times on the “classic required” by these four words, read the book I’m non-inductive, inside of some description or even offensive to me, and the reason of this book is also very simple, on the one hand, there is no doubt that is attracted to advertising, on the other hand, it appears in many billions subsidies stood above is quite cheap.

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If you don’t want to be influenced by my opinion, please go online and check out the review of this book and look at it yourself. This book is a classic. Many people know the name but haven’t read it.

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3 stars (out of 5 stars), the beautiful sentences are memorable, but the story is not beautiful, confusing, even angry and helpless, and there is no doubt that 99% of people would choose the sixpence at their feet over the moon. You don’t think about whether you’re happy or not until you have enough to eat.

Personal assessment

In my eyes, this book is also a subway reading. The writing skills are very profound, and some sentences are very memorable. But in general, the story of this book is how confusing and angry people can be if they “do whatever they want”.

Notes from

In fact, it was originally read in paper books, and later read in ink screen, so it is directly exported to the notes of dao. As for the comments and opinions, in order not to affect the judgment of readers, I have left the answers in my heart here, and the following text is actually a brief description of part of the content:

Documents: the moon and sixpence general notes. The md (see personal is Mr. Li version, this resource is not the same as translator) link:…

Contents summary

The character prototype and background of this book can be seen in the preface of the translator (Li Jihong version). The following is a brief summary of what is discussed.

The story of this book can be divided into three parts, the first part is Strickland abandoned the middle-class life, abandon his wife, choose to complete his own ideal, set foot on his own journey. The second part tells the story of Strickland’s affair with his best friend’s wife, which leads blanchett to commit suicide out of despair. The third part is the tourists from all over the world outstanding strickland genius from the side of one side, he pursue his dreams and get married, your most ideal wife live on a desert island at the same time the original and quiet life, the last part of idyllic environment enable him to fully realize the ideal, is constantly drawing and pursuit of true beauty, From the doctor’s point of view, you can see the genius who created a masterpiece, only to be burned down by his wife.

So that’s what the story is about, and I think it’s kind of boring, but is it a must-read? Of course, this is because I have no sense of this work, so I have the above interpretation, different people have different views, the following content will tell the personal think more memorable part.

Do things you hate

“Doing two annoying things every day is good for the soul,” he says. “It’s obviously a smart person to say that because I get up every day and I go to sleep at night.”

Why do I have to mark such a common statement? This is so true of today’s society, where getting up early means going to work and going to bed means your time is over. It’s really a smart thing to say. Doing things you hate can actually build willpower, but once you get into the habit, it can be a happy thing.

Writers should seek the comfort of spreading ideas

The reward a writer should seek is the joy of writing and the ease of spreading his ideas, and the rest, let it be, regardless of praise or defamation, failure or success.

This is clearly related to the author’s own experience, the fact that his work was being attacked or discredited at the time of Maugham, and also at the time of the rise of Victorian literature. The realism that the author always insists on is not appreciated by others, so the author is probably consoling himself with these words.

But how many authors are there who can really concentrate?

Irony from Maugham

Some old don’t respect elders funny to imitate the noisy of the young, to prove their age has not yet gone, they like the most dynamic epigenetic trumpeting, but shout the slogan of the so empty, they are like old dang fu, attempted to regain by grooming and coquet youth of illusion, The wiser ones, who remember their complacent predecessors Shouting and slurring when they stepped under their feet, eased out of the way with a grin and a touch of forgiving sarcasm. They also foresaw that these torch-bearing warriors would one day relinquish their seats.

The more I read this passage, the more interesting it is. I can see how literary writers use language to attack and evaluate society. In addition, cultural people swear looked pretty feeling.

Weave the

In fact, many people’s faces are so vague, they live in the organic body of the society, and can not jump out of the system of the rut, slowly also vanished as people.

People living without ideals and goals are like the walking dead, no longer become a frog in the well within the inherent system, but to keep a change of perspective, with a new view of self, do not walk into the self-assigned cage.

Law of the jungle

If someone falls into the water, it makes no difference whether he is a good or bad swimmer: he will either struggle to get out or drown. Good material life comes from competition, which, no matter what age, is cold and cruel.

On beauty

How can you think that beauty, the most precious thing in the world, is like stones in the sand that any careless passer-by can pick up? Beauty is a mysterious and strange thing, only the soul of the tortured artist can extract from the chaos of the world, when the artist refined the beauty, this beauty is not everyone can know, to know him, you have to repeat the artist’s painful process. Beauty is the music an artist often plays to you. To hear it again in your mind, you need knowledge, sensitivity and imagination.

Beauty in the eyes of the author is something that can be met but cannot be sought for. Beauty is also the lifelong dream of the protagonist.

The evaluation of women

Don’t know what because novels describe the need or reason, I always think the author in the process of reading is discrimination against women, but the author’s s also normal, such as the following excerpt notes, can see from everywhere from the book in strickland think of women is a tool to satisfy his physical needs, women in front of the art is only a foil, And finally Strickland also wish to find can meet as, but love this willing to dedicate himself for his man’s people still let a person pity.

  1. A woman can forgive a man who hurts her, but she can never forgive a man for making sacrifices for her

  2. If he leaves you for a woman, you can forgive him, but if he leaves you for an ideal, you can’t, right? You think you’ve fought with other women, but you can’t fight his ideal, is that right?


Compared to the moon and sixpence, I prefer the dog money of doughnuts theory, we have no outside of doughnuts, there is no center of circular hole, outer ring is as important as the center of the circle, the circle, the greater the doughnuts can also more delicious, really worth pursuing is the center that we can not see the round hole, enlarge the round hole is no longer, however a lot of people, but in the narrow, But the smaller the hole, the smaller the doughnut.

In my opinion, we may not be able to see the moonlight, but we can find sixpence at our feet on the darkest road, which is perhaps the greatest brilliance and contradiction of being human. The person is in creation and shirking ceaseless progress and development.

Write in the last

I agree with the book, and some of the sentences are worth recalling, but I disagree with its values.