GZH ID: Xjjdog

Programmer overtime is very serious, but in the end your overtime is meaningful? There are different answers for different people. Xiao Wang, my former colleague, is a typical, polar opposite of me.

Xjjdog on the story: If it’s true, I hope it’s not true. If it’s fake, I hope it’s real.

Every time in the dead of night, I would go to a small park. There is a wooden chair in the park that is comfortable to lie on.

Leaning back in a wooden chair and looking up at the stars is easier to soothe the restless soul. Unfortunately, light pollution in the city is so bad that you can’t see many stars. However this also has nothing to do with, if the black of ink is easier to let a person seize the void of dodge.

What’s the point of living? I asked the insects emerging from the grass, silent, freshly frightened by the old woman dancing in the square; I asked the noisy cicadas, who ignored me, lost in their own monotone voice.

Maybe life is about being immersed in something and hypnotizing yourself, only being meaningful to yourself. Even monotonous repetition.

I suddenly think of Xiao Wang. To him, he is most like cicadas, work is life. It happens to be tomorrow Saturday. I’d like to meet him.

The next day, as the dappled sun tore through the darkness, I set out.

Xiao Wang, a colleague from my previous company, had such malnourished yellow hair that for a long time I thought he had dyed his hair that way.

He is a social animal who likes 996. Oh no, this is only a rational assessment, he stays up until 2 or 3 o ‘clock a lot of the time. But don’t compare him to one of those puffers who work overtime. He’s there for real, not like some people who sit in the office and play games on the air conditioning.

This kind of careful attitude, combined with his introverted personality, made the leaders like to assign work to him. However, when he worked too much, he was prone to make mistakes. No one would notice how much work he did, only how many mistakes he made. Therefore, the leader did not like him very much.

At this time xiao Wang touched his head of yellow hair curly hair, very depressed to me. Because I’m xjjDog, I can listen and feel his pain. One and two, we became good friends.

This combination is actually very inharmonious, I usually don’t work overtime, because AT night I have to lie in the wooden chair to think about things, my brain is easy to short-circuit, easy to depression. Xiao Wang and I are on the contrary, full of work, even drinking water kung fu have no, hyperactive. He was so often a role model that I was like the light of the moon.

For a person who is in the zone, no dissuasion can help. As his best friend, I’m sure I have his best interests at heart. I said to him: You work so late every night, why don’t you post a picture of working overtime or something?

It’s too old and disgusting. I can’t do it, Wang said. Leaders are not fools. Besides, my life is work.

I contemptuously smiled, the boss see value orientation, your value and I do not work overtime person value. Value and meaning are synonyms, and there is no way to measure them, I think, just in my mind. Wang could also feel that he was worth more than me when he was a model worker.

Why am I always so impressed by Xiao Wang? It wasn’t that I fell in love with him, but he always reminded me of the meaning of life. Is it living in the eyes of others? Or live in your own way? Too busy to think? Or too idle to be rational? There is no answer.

Conflict with Xiao Wang occurred after a meeting in the company. The boss stressed that some people left work early. Xiao Wang immediately jumped out, proposed the company to catch up with the trend, the implementation of 996. He also gave the example that he himself was 10107,996 and had nothing to lose.

A few thoughts popped into my head:

  • Is the company downsizing in disguise?
  • Is the company going to have a big order?

If it is the latter, but also really with a fight, after all, spelling on three years two years in exchange for a life idle or acceptable. If the former… Hum… I can’t help it. I’m not with the Bureau of Labor.

The result is neither, it is wang’s wishful thinking. He felt that his theory can help us find the goal of struggle, find the meaning of life. Such politically correct proposals certainly play into the hands of the leadership.

I had a qualitative change of heart about Xiao Wang. I think he’s bad.

Life is a balance, living on the left, working on the right, not favoring one side over another. Xiao Wang is a disgusting weight, so that my life was sold cheaply, lost the meaning of living. Xiao Wang owes much to my ability to resign from my previous company without hesitation.

The meaning of my life is to have time to think by myself, to lie on a wooden chair without meaning and feel the tranquility of heaven and earth. Now he’s doing what I’m doing, but I don’t think he’ll ever understand.

Actually, I feel sorry for you, I said to Xiao Wang. He didn’t answer.

Do you still think you were right about that? He remained silent.

You hope to meet Jack Ma, is Ren Zhengfei, feed the Wolf when raising the Wolf. But unfortunately what you run into is a mutant Wolf, but is distressed just.

With that said, I put flowers on his grave. I hope this bouquet of brilliance will nourish his cardiac arrest.

Little Sister Flavor (XjjDog), a GZH that doesn’t allow programmers to get sidetracked. Focus on infrastructure and Linux. Ten years architecture, ten billion daily flow, and you discuss the world of high concurrency, give you a different taste.