I wrote an article before that VS Code can be used directly on GitHub. How sweet! At that time, this function was still in the Beta permission application stage. When a friend successfully applied for it, Dapeng quickly tried it. After the experience, his feelings were as follows:

1. Create the environment

First go to GitHub and find any project. Users with Beta access will find an option to Open with Codespaces, which is the product name of VSCode on GitHub

Click to select the next step. If you have previously created an edit environment for the project, you can restore it, or you can select New Codespace to create a New environment

Environmental choice

Once the environment is selected, initialization begins

After initialization, you can see the complete development environment. The overall layout is almost identical to VSCode, and the plug-ins available for VSCode can be found here

2. Overview of development server

When you open up your development environment, I’m sure you’ll be wondering, like me, is this just an editor? And then the code doesn’t run after you edit it? What’s the point?

I’m here to tell you:

I’m sorry. I didn’t mouth it right

The basic information

  • Hard disk space: 180GB

  • CPU: 2 nucleus

  • Memory: 4 gb

  • Operating system: Ubuntu

As you can see, the configuration of the entire development server is still very powerful, the development of some small projects, is very enough

The development environment

The development server configuration is ok, but the development environment has to install their own trouble

I’m here to tell you:

Node, Python, Java, and Go are all available!

GCC, MVN, gradle, etc. You don’t need to install them yourself.

3. Develop examples

Said so much, depending on the environment, can really do development, here to give you a complete example.

First, open a front-end project and install the development package by executing the YARN command

After the installation, run the YARN start command to start the project. As shown in the following figure, the project is successfully started

Start-up success

This startup address is local http://localhost:3000, which can not access it. Don’t panic, click on the local address to visit, this time you can see there really is a page!

A visit to http://localhost:3000 automatically redirects you to the GitHub url

In addition, when developing code on the left, the right side will automatically update and change, exactly the same as the native development experience!

4. Other functions

In addition to being consistent with the native development experience, you can see more advantages

  • You don’t need to configure SSH yourself. GitHub does it for you

  • The menu bar of the native VSCode editor has been moved to better optimize the display space

  • Pull Request and Issue viewing is very easy, combined with GitHub Action is fantastic

  • There is also a Live Share feature that you can use to watch code programming together

5, summary

Local IDE has been scrapped! Editor finale! This isn’t entirely clickbait, GitHub’s cloud editor, which is in Beta, has quite a few advantages!

  • Run out, there is a network can be developed anytime, anywhere, do not consume local resources
  • The development environment is complete, register an account can directly write code online
  • Automatic integration deployment with GitHub Actions has no pain points
  • Combined with issues, Projects, wikis, and private repositories, it is extremely attractive for small team development

VSCode is already half the local developer editor, and GitHub’s Codespaces is taking it to the next level, giving developers more choice and a better experience

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