
This time write a small Node server architecture, using KOA +swig, gulp, jsdocs generated documentation, there is not much content to record, for the next large project architecture preparation. Attach GitHub address

Node JWT certification for the front-end architecture of large project architecture!!

1. Project Catalog

-Dist: Automatic generation, docs, config: configuration files, models: Data interaction, Web: not used yet, and tests: files to store. -dist: Automatic generation, docs, config: Configuration files, controllers, models: Data interaction, Web: not used yet, and tests: files to store. Front-end automation test Karma, Backstopjs, Selenium- WebDriver, Mocha)

2. Write gulpfile. Js

First create file gulpfile.js, realize compilation, listen to the file changes automatically compiled

Es6 NPM install -d babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs gulp gulp-babel gulp-watch NPM install -d cross-envCopy the code

const gulp = require('gulp')
const babel = require('gulp-babel')
const watch = require('gulp-watch'); // Production environment gulp.task('buliddev', () = > {return watch('./src/nodeuii/**/*.js'// listen on SRC /nodeuii all js {ignoreInitial:false },
      () => {
         gulp.src('./src/nodeuii/**/*.js'// compile this file.pipe (Babel ({babelrc:false."plugins": ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]
            .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // output to dist})});let _task = ['buliddev']
if(process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production') {
    _task = [];
gulp.task('default', _task)Copy the code

3. Write config > index. Js

// Lodash NPM install-s lodashCopy the code

import _ from 'lodash'
import path from 'path'// Static path, will be used laterlet config = {
    'viewDir': path.join(__dirname, '.. /views'),
    'staticDir': path.join(__dirname, '.. /assets'Const init = () => {const init = () => {if(process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'){
        const localConfig = {
        config = _.extend(config, localConfig)
    if(process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production'){
        const localConfig = {
        config = _.extend(config, localConfig)
    return config
const result = init()
export default resultCopy the code

4. Configure package.json and start the node with Supervisor

// Install supervisor NPM install -d SupervisorCopy the code

  "scripts": {
    "test": ""."server:bulid": "gulp"."start": "pm2 start"."bulid": ""."docs": "jsdoc ./src/nodeuii/**/*.js -d ./docs/jsdocs"."start:dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development supervisor ./dist/app.js"
  },Copy the code

5. Write app. Js

// Install NPM install-s koa kao-simple-router koa-swig koa-static
Copy the code

import Koa from 'koa'
import router from 'koa-simple-router'
import render from 'koa-swig'
import serve from 'koa-static'
import co from 'co'
import config from './config'
import controllerInit from './controllers'Const app = new Koa() // config template path app.context.render = co. Wrap (render({root:config.viewDir, autoescape:true,
    cache: 'memory', 
    ext: 'html',
    varControls: ["The [["."]]"],// Change the data template style originally {{}} writeBody:false})); ControllerInit (app, router) // Configure a static path app.use(serve(config.staticdir)) console.log(config) app.listen(config.port, () => { console.log(`success listening on${config.port}`)})Copy the code

Write index.js indexController.js in controllers


import IndexController from './IndexController'Const indexController = new indexController () // Route integration centerexport default (app, router) => {
    app.use(router(_ => {
        _.get('/', indexController.indexHome()),
        _.get('/', indexController.indexAction())
}Copy the code


import IndexModel from '.. /models/IndexModel'
class IndexController {
    constructor() {}indexHome() {return async (ctx, next) => {
         ctx.body =  'First Node Server architecture, somewhat interesting'}}indexAction() {return async (ctx, next) => {
            const IndexModelIns = new IndexModel()
            const result = await IndexModelIns.getData()
            ctx.body =  await ctx.render('index',{ data: result }); }}}export default IndexControllerCopy the code

Write indexModel.js in models

/** *@fileOverview implements the Index data model * @author Chen */ ** ** IndexModle class generates a segment of asynchronous data * @class */exportDefault class IndexModel {/** *@constructor * @example{string} app koA2 context */ constructor(app){} /** *return{Promise} returns asynchronous data * @example *return new Promise
     * getData()
    getData() {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(function () {
                resolve('Asynchronous data')}, 1000)})}}Copy the code

You can run NPM run start:dev to access

If there is an error, please analyze it yourself, or continue:

6. Create folder Assets: Store static files, views: store template files

See the app.js configuration file above


    background: var(--mainColor);
}Copy the code


console.log(111)Copy the code


<! DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/index.css">
<div id="app"> <h1>[[data]]</h1> The next... <inputtype="text" v-model="data">
<script src="/js/index.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
  var app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
      data: 'Interesting !!!! '
</html>Copy the code

You can use vue as well as swig templates.


7. Generate documents

NPM install -d jsdocCopy the code

Run NPM run docs

Open index.html and the document is generated


It’s almost done. It’s interesting.

Next time we will update the architecture of a large project, background: Node, Express, JWT; Database: mysql, ORM: Sequlize; Front end: Webpack, Vue + Element UI, this is more interesting.