I’m sure you’ve all heard the story of a reporter who saw a boy herding sheep in a village

Ask him, “What are your dreams?” The child replied, “Herd the sheep!” “What are sheep doing when they are fed big?” “Sell it! “What with the money to sell the sheep?” ‘Marry a wife! “What’s a wife for?” “Have a baby! “What’s the point of having a baby?” “Herd the sheep! .

It’s a very popular joke, but let’s think about what’s behind the story. Herding children’s understanding of the world is that they herd sheep to make money, get a wife, have children and herd sheep. Knowledge of the outside world may have gone to zero, and in his world, that was all that was good, a happy life. The limitation of understanding the world will lead to the limitation of thinking, the limitation of thinking will lead to the limitation of goals, the limitation of goals will eventually lead to the limitation of behavior, which will affect the various choices in your life.

About the poor

The story of a

The story I read in Zhihu when did you experience the real gap between rich and poor? The story goes something like this.

In the summer of 2013, I happened to meet a young man dressed as a migrant worker and asked how to get from here to XX City. The writer was a little surprised, because it was more than 100 kilometers away from XX City, so he pointed to the direction and told him to go about 100 kilometers to the west. The young man nodded and thanked the elder brother and walked on, expecting a beggar or a vagrant, begging for some money or something to eat. But he only asked for directions, and he seemed to want to walk. The young man went out a few meters, sat down on the sidewalk, took out a bottle of water and drank a few sips. Then he lowered his head and played with something on the ground as if he were having a rest.

Curiosity drove the author to understand the situation, only to know that he is going to xx city to find his fellow towner, towner in xx city of a factory inside the work, the wages are higher than now, the towner gave him a message, he is now working in the place where the boss does not give him wages and buckle his ×××. So he prepared to walk more than 200 kilometers to seek refuge with his fellow villagers. The young man is uneducated and lives in a mountainous area of Yunnan province. He has no telephone and works to support his family. The few people from the same village are scattered now, without friends or support. When the young man was talking about this, he did not see in his eyes the hope of rushing to meet his fellow villagers or the anger after being bullied by the foreman. It seemed to him that everything was normal, as if he were narrating someone else’s story, and his drooped eyes were empty and unintentional, just like an old man waiting for tomorrow.

The second story

I once watched a program of CCTV, which was to interview the life of villagers living in mountains where traffic was blocked. There is a scene that I remember deeply. When CCTV interviewed a young man, the reporter asked him: “Why don’t you go out to work to earn money?” The young man said, “I don’t understand what you are saying.” This sentence deeply shocked me. The young man and I must be about the same age, about 30 years old. He had not been to a small mountain village for decades, yet he could not understand Mandarin and dared not go out to see the outside world. At that moment I felt like the world was lost in his eyes.

Later, the village head said that the village is blocked by roads all the year round, so people in the village need to go out by ox cart first and then by tractor for two days before arriving at the small county seat. There is only one primary school in the village, and there are six grade students in one classroom. Many children go home to work in the middle of the class. In the past two years, some young people have gone out of the village to work in Shenzhen and Dongguan, which has gradually brought some people along. However, there are still some young people who do not go out to live in the village farming because they cannot speak Mandarin and cannot communicate with people directly. This is the 21st century. Chances are they’ll never leave.

Poverty still exists in this day and age, but you may not know it. But poverty is not the most terrible, the most terrible is poor people don’t know the poor terrible, don’t know the world outside, so for them without the drive and courage to go out, only to let them know the outside world, to know the outside world, there has been a change from the ideological motivation and goal, can truly out of poverty.

Sometimes education is to open up wisdom, understand the world, can have a window to communicate with the outside world. So far, gaokao is still the fairest and most important way for many people to get out of their hometowns and across classes, although it still has many disadvantages.

Thought erroneous zone

When I was in junior high school, everyone envied people who didn’t go to school and went out into the world. Go to the south to work, become a soldier, learn a skill feel very fashionable, can not go to useless learning, brave out of the small county, their own money, their own spending, there is no school constraints. Junior high school, five brothers, two when a soldier, a to learn a haircut, a to learn the cook, only one admitted to high school, the writer to continue studying, come back every year they will talk about their stories in the outside, drink some beer, is envy and be attracted to the author, the outside world is full of hope, after many years didn’t know how many of them outside the bitter, But back home, it has to be good out there.

Is the ability of those who have gone to college better than those who have not? Maybe it was just the right choice at the beginning. We are all in a big current, not to say that after choosing not to read will not mix well, choose to read will certainly have a good life. However, in terms of overall opportunities, there are more college graduates than those without college education. Those without college education are mostly engaged in manual labor or skilled jobs, and those with college education are mostly white-collar jobs anyway.

Let’s not talk about a few exceptional people here, let’s look at why this is the case. Going to college makes you improve in those aspects. Many people barely study in college for four years, but still find a good job after playing for four years. Therefore, the improvement of people’s ability in college is not necessarily stronger than that of people who do not go to school, but the improvement of their ability in the outside world is faster. Personally, I think the most essential thing is that cognitive improvement will be different. Even if you haven’t done anything in the past four years, you will at least see what many people are doing, and the experience of others will become your experience. After graduation, when everyone goes to find a job, you will certainly follow suit, even if you are a little bit worse. It is in the cognition, the understanding of the world has a great difference, ultimately affect your future choices and goals.

This reminds me of Bowie’s theory that your standard of living is the average of the five people closest to you. I can’t believe you’re BFFS with Obama and you’re coding with me. In fact, take a close look at the executives around you, the senior level, the start is not in a level inside.

Programmers, in fact, are the same. Do you have a feeling that you are most confident when you just graduated from college for about a year? You feel that you have mastered the basic rules of program development and have no problem dealing with work. You are proficient in front-end, database, core Java and so on as described in your resume. On the contrary, after many years of work, I increasingly feel that the research is not in-depth enough and the coverage is not extensive enough, and many new and old technologies are still in the use stage. To illustrate this I drew two diagrams.

The whole IT knowledge field is represented by a circle, and the black solid part is the area we just started to recognize. Because we know less at the beginning, the circumference of the circle inside will be much smaller, and we feel that the things we need to know are relatively small.

When we broaden the boundary of our knowledge through continuous learning, just like the small circle inside keeps growing, we feel more and more unknown and realize that what we know is only a small part of the whole system.

Many people, not do not want to learn, but do not know how to learn, a lot of times encountered problems, do not know that there are many outside solutions. In addition, do not progress do not learn is not terrible, the most terrible is that more powerful than we work harder than us.

How to break

1, to jump out of your circle, I from Xi ‘an to Beijing, the IT industry working atmosphere, technical characteristics are not at the same level. Always jump out of your own circle and stand outside to see yourself.

2, reading, constantly reading, constantly reading good books, in fact, reading is to understand how the author sees the world, reading good books is to understand the understanding of many masters of the world. Through reading to open their own understanding of the world another window, in addition to reading technical books, technical people should read some books in other fields, to broaden their horizons.

3, for technology, browse the technical website, learn about the latest frontier knowledge, such as VUE active, blog park out of a lot of tutorials on VUE, micro service fire, blog park home page often have articles about micro services, often pay attention to let you know there is such a thing, Know that this is an option when you’re solving a problem or formulating a solution.

4, more out of their own perspective, as a programmer always to think about the program thinking. For example, when you encounter a problem, what does it mean for the product or the customer, how does the leader think about it, what does the leader care about when he asks you to do something? Here is a true workplace story to share with you.

A line of electric business platform, the Internet executives parachuted into a technology, for emergency online, a project must be three months online, arrangement, technical director seriously analyzes the demand and the existing company resources, inform the project at least need four months to work overtime to complete, executives say have no choice, director, said, is the limit. The executive immediately fired the director and asked how long the next director cycle would take. The director thought about it and said, “Two months.” The executive said, “You are in charge of the project.

5, cultivate a hobby outside the industry, the best is sports, only the body is good, the spirit is better, in order to experience the feeling of joy after the sweat. Specific, for example, insist on going outdoors every week. In Beijing, it is ok to go outdoors like green Field. If you attend several times, you can be integrated into the organization. Programmers, it is recommended to play badminton, feel this kind of sport is the most beneficial to programmers, to avoid all kinds of cervical spondylosis, swimming is also a good choice. People who exercise regularly have a different mental state. Most of us office workers are in a sub-health state. Exercise is really important.

Github is a treasure trove for programmers, submitting and sharing code is the most basic. You can build blogs, websites and tools for free. Github can be a great place for your creativity or practice, and you can also have a good look at other great people’s masterpieces. There are also plenty of third-party sites on Github that can help you find great open source projects.

The last

Most of the time, the change is not that we do not want to change, do not want to change, do not know how to change, do not know what is a good choice, or in a deeper point, many people still do not know what is good and bad. So a lot of times, change starts with a change in thinking, a change in thinking translates into action, and then it leads to real change.

We are not this version

“What are you doing as a programmer?” “Look for a decent job that pays well.” “What happens when you land your dream job?” “And find a good wife who is gentle and beautiful.” “And when you find a good wife?” “Have a smart, intelligent child!” “And after the baby?” “Teach your child to study hard, get into a good university, and be a programmer!” .

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Source: 51CTO Author pure smile link