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Catalogue of Flutter tips | |
【Flutter Tips 01】– TextField text is vertically centered | |
Configure Flutter environment variables | |
Common errors are recorded | |
【Flutter Tips 04】– Design the Flutter architecture | |
【Flutter tips 05】– Discussion on Flutter hybrid integration scheme | |
【Flutter Tips 06】– Implementation of Flutter folding heads, frosted-glass effects and message prompts |
Demand is the most effective motivator for learning skills
The life cycle of Flutter requires that the system interface of the Flutter should be opened in the foreground of app, and the user should refresh the permission status when returning to the foreground of app.
Implement WidgetsBindingObserver in initState method void initState() {// TODO: Implement initState super.initState(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); }Copy the code
In didChangeAppLifecycleState listening state Can monitor app in front desk, leave the front desk of the callback. And then you can do something about it. void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) { // TODO: implement didChangeAppLifecycleState super.didChangeAppLifecycleState(state); switch (state) { case AppLifecycleState.inactive: Utils.logs('inactive'); break; case AppLifecycleState.resumed: Utils.logs('resumed'); _provider.initPermissionData(); break; case AppLifecycleState.paused: Utils.logs('paused'); break; case AppLifecycleState.detached: Utils.logs('detached'); break; }}Copy the code
In the dispose remember remove void the dispose () {/ / TODO: implement the dispose WidgetsBinding. Instance. RemoveObserver (this); super.dispose(); }Copy the code
Execution sequence of APP life cycle:
CreateState: this function is the method to createState in StatefulWidget, CreateState initState is executed immediately when StatefulWidget is called: this function is called for State initialization and can do some initialization. DidChangeDependencies: this function returns the widgets that need to be rendered when the State on which the component depends changes. Avoid status anomalies caused by multiple executions. Reassemble: This function is used for development time. In Debug mode, this function is called every time a hot reload occurs, so you can add debug code during this time to check for code problems. DidUpdateWidget: This function is called only when a component is rebuilt, such as a hot overload, and the parent component builds, and then the build method in the component is called. Deactivate: Called after a component has been removed from a node. If it has been removed and has not been inserted into another node, dispose is called to remove it permanently. Dispose: Permanently removes a component and releases component resources.Copy the code
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