In this article, I describe the most important and developer-friendly features of Java since release 8. Why the idea? On the Web, you can find many articles with lists of new features for each Version of Java. However, the lack of articles makes it impossible to give a brief overview of the most significant changes since release 8. Ok, but why edition 8? Surprisingly, it is still the most commonly used version of Java. Even though we’re on the eve of the Java 16 release. As you can see, more than 46% of the responders are still using Java 8 in production. By comparison, less than 10 percent of respondents were using Java 12 or later.
From JDK8 to JDK15, we will introduce the new JDK features.
Lambda expressions
The most direct effect is to reduce the code, code directly reduced by 50%+, very concise
CPT = new Comparator<Integer>() {@override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return,o2); }}; TreeSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<>(cpt); System.out.println("========================="); // use JDK8 lambda expression Comparator<Integer> cpt2 = (x,y) ->,y); TreeSet<Integer> set2 = new TreeSet<>(cpt2);Copy the code
Public List<Product> filterProductByColor(List<Product> List){List<Product> prods = new ArrayList<>(); for (Product product : list){ if ("nike".equals(product.getName())){ prods.add(product); } } return prods; } // lambda public List<Product> filterProductByPrice(List<Product> List){return>"nike".equals(p.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList()); }Copy the code
Functional interface
Located in the java.util. Function package, the most commonly used ones are described below
- Predicate
Returns Boolean when receiving a value
Predicate p = t->true;
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- Supplier
No accepted argument returns a value
Supplier<T> s = () -> new T();
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- Consumer
Accepts a parameter with no return value
Consumer<String> c = c -> System.out.println(s);
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- Function<T,R>
Accepts parameter T and returns parameter R
Function<Long,String> f = c -> String.valueof(c);
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There are also some BiFunction, BiConsumer, DoubleSupplier, etc. We are interested in reading the source code
Method references
- Static reference:
Format: Class: : static_method
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","c");
list.forEach(str -> System.out.print(str));
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- Constructor call
Constructor method reference format: Class::new, calling the default constructor
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","c"); List<Test>; public class Test{ private final String desc; public Test(String desc){ this.desc=desc; }}Copy the code
- Method invocation format: instance::method
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","c"); Test test = new Test(); List<String>; public class Test{ private final String desc; public Test(String desc){ this.desc=desc; } public String toAdd(String desc){ return desc+"add"; }}Copy the code
Stream API
@test public void Test (){// Loop filter element ().fliter((p) -> "Red ".equals(p.gettcolor ())).foreach (system.out ::println); ().map(Product::getName).foreach (system.out ::println); // Map processing elements are converted to a List ().map(Product::getName).collect(Collectors. ToList ()); }Copy the code
Default and static methods in the interface
public interface ProtocolAdaptor { ProtocolAdaptor INSTANCE = DynamicLoader.findFirst(ProtocolAdaptor.class).orElse(null); default ProtocolAdaptor proxy() { return (ProtocolAdaptor) Proxy.newProxyInstance(ProtocolAdaptor.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ProtocolAdaptor.class}, (proxy, method, args) -> intercept(method, args)); }}Copy the code
- Optional
Used to handle object null pointer exceptions:
public String getDesc(Test test){
return Optional.ofNullable(test)
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Collection plant method
With a new feature in Java 9, the Collection factory method, you can easily create immutable collections with predefined data. You only need to use the of method on a particular collection type.
List<String> fruits = List.of("apple", "banana", "orange");
Map<Integer, String> numbers = Map.of(1, "one", 2,"two", 3, "three");
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Before Java 9, you could use Collections, but it was definitely a more complex approach.
public List<String> fruits() {
List<String> fruitsTmp = new ArrayList<>();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(fruitsTmp);
public Map<Integer, String> numbers() {
Map<Integer, String> numbersTmp = new HashMap<>();
numbersTmp.put(1, "one");
numbersTmp.put(2, "two");
numbersTmp.put(3, "three");
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(numbersTmp);
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Similarly, arrays.asList (…) can be created from ArrayList object tables only. Method.
public List<String> fruitsFromArray() {
String[] fruitsArray = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};
return Arrays.asList(fruitsArray);
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Private methods in the interface
Starting with Java 8, you can use public default methods inside interfaces. But starting with Java 9, you’ll be able to take full advantage of this feature because of the private methods in the interface.
ublic interface ExampleInterface { private void printMsg(String methodName) { System.out.println("Calling interface"); System.out.println("Interface method: " + methodName); } default void method1() { printMsg("method1"); } default void method2() { printMsg("method2"); }}Copy the code
Starting with Java 9 and Java 10, there are several useful methods for Optional. Two of the most interesting are orElseThrow and ifPresentOrElse. If there is no value, NoSuchElementException is thrown using the orElseThrow method. Otherwise, it returns a value.
public Person getPersonById(Long id) {
Optional<Person> personOpt = repository.findById(id);
return personOpt.orElseThrow();
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Therefore, you can avoid using if statements with arguments with isPresentmethod.
public Person getPersonByIdOldWay(Long id) {
Optional<Person> personOpt = repository.findById(id);
if (personOpt.isPresent())
return personOpt.get();
throw new NoSuchElementException();
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The second interesting method is ifPresentOrElse. If a value exists, it uses that value to perform the given operation. Otherwise, it will perform the given null-based operation.
public void printPersonById(Long id) {
Optional<Person> personOpt = repository.findById(id);
() -> System.out.println("Person not found")
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In Java 8, we can use if-else directly with the isPresent method.
public void printPersonByIdOldWay(Long id) {
Optional<Person> personOpt = repository.findById(id);
if (personOpt.isPresent())
System.out.println("Person not found");
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JDK 10 && JDK 11
Starting with Java 10, you can declare local variables that do not have their types. You only need to define the var keyword and not the type. Starting with Java 11, you can also use it with lambda expressions, as shown below.
public String sumOfString() {
BiFunction<String, String, String> func = (var x, var y) -> x + y;
return func.apply("abc", "efg");
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JDK 12
Using Switch expressions, you can define multiple case labels and return values using arrows. This feature is available since JDK 12. It makes Switch expressions really accessible.
public String newMultiSwitch(int day) {
return switch (day) {
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -> "workday";
case 6, 7 -> "weekend";
default -> "invalid";
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For Java below 12, the same example is much more complex.
public String oldMultiSwitch(int day) { switch (day) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: return "workday"; case 6: case 7: return "weekend"; default: return "invalid"; }}Copy the code
JDK 13
A text block is a multi-line string literal that avoids escape sequences and automatically formats the string in a predictable way. It also gives developers control over the formatting of strings. As of Java 13, blocks of text are available as previews. They begin with three double quotation marks (“””). Let’s see how we can easily create and format JSON messages.
Public String getNewPrettyPrintJson() {return """ {"firstName": "Piotr", "lastName": "Mińkowski"} ""; }Copy the code
Creating the same JSON string before Java 13 is much more complicated.
public String getOldPrettyPrintJson() { return "{\n" + " \"firstName\": \"Piotr\",\n" + " \"lastName\": \ \ "Mi ń kowski \ 'n" + "} "; }Copy the code
Using Records, you can define immutable pure data classes (getters only). It automatically creates the toString, equals, and hashCode methods. In fact, all you need to do is define the fields shown below.
public record Person(String name, int age) {}
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Classes with similar functionality such as Record contain fields, constructors, getters, and implement toString, equals, and hashCode methods.
public class PersonOld {
private final String name;
private final int age;
public PersonOld(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
PersonOld personOld = (PersonOld) o;
return age == personOld.age && name.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name, age);
public String toString() {
return "PersonOld{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", age=" + age +
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Using the sealed class feature, you can limit the use of superclasses. Using the new keyword, sealed you can define which other classes or interfaces can extend or implement the current class.
public abstract sealed class Pet permits Cat, Dog {}
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Subclasses that are allowed must define a modifier. If you don’t want to allow any other extensions, you need to use the final keyword.
public final class Cat extends Pet {}
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On the other hand, you can open extension classes. In this case, the non-sealed modifier should be used.
public non-sealed class Dog extends Pet {}
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Of course, the following visible declarations are not allowed.
public final class Tiger extends Pet {}
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The end of the
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