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Just because they reported negative news about Dafang, they were intimidated, threatened, and secretly monitored.

Gruesome packages containing live cockroaches, bloody pig face masks and funeral wreaths continued to arrive at homes, and death threats continued to arrive in mailboxes and on Twitter.

He was even asked to send sexually explicit messages to his neighbors under false pretenses.

An ordinary couple in all sorts of threats, once dare not go out of the house.

And the behind-the-scenes hand that does all this evil, be a few former employees of an old Internet company actually.

The 93-page indictment excoriates intimidation

Why would a former executive of a big factory “kill” an ordinary couple?

It all started with the company that Phi**** Lip Cooke used to work for: eBay.

It is a 26-year-old public company with total assets of $19.31 billion.

The main business is online auction, shopping, and domestic idle fish some similar.

However, due to the imperfect privacy policy, evaluation system and other aspects, the rights and interests of both parties in the transaction can not be well protected, and the platform has always been controversial.

The Naticks, editors of a news site that covers major e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay, have long been critical of eBay.

Their reporting is also closely watched by eBay’s leadership team, and the content they post and the comments they make are often disputed.

The trouble started in August 2019 when the Naticks posted a story about eBay.

Because the post was picked up by Devin Wenig, the former CEO of eBay.

According to prosecutors, Wenig read the article and sent this email to another executive:

It’s time to take her down.

That month, Cooke and other employees met to discuss plans for specific threats, including sending cockroaches, bloody pig masks, funeral wreaths and a book with death hints.

In addition, they rented a van to spy on David and Ina Steiner’s home and even tried to break into the couple’s garage to put a tracking device on their car.

“They were crazy,” said Allison Burroughs, the prosecutor.

I can’t imagine how a group of adults could sit down and come up with such a plan.

It’s worth noting that In addition to being a former eBay employee, Cooke also worked for the Santa Clara, California, Police Department for 27 years.

During the operation, he also tried to interfere with the police investigation.

Finally, in July, David and Ina Steiner filed a 93-page lawsuit against Cooke and his team.

In court, the two victims told the judge what they had been through was like a giant nightmare.

Of the seven people charged with the crime, five have pleaded guilty and two are on trial, according to court records.

Cooke was sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay a $15,000 fine.

In court, he was so guilty that he said:

I shouldn’t have done all this to please my boss.

This was wrong from the start.

The two on trial are James Baugh, eBay’s former senior director of safety and security, and David Harville, eBay’s former director of global risk.

On June 15, 2020, they were taken into police custody.

Netizen: And the person who ordered it got away with it?

In this case, eBay officials have not been charged, saying they will actively cooperate with the investigation and help authorities gather criminal evidence.

Former CEO Devin Wenig, the alleged mastermind, was not charged.

He is currently a director of GM’s Cruise Automation, a self-driving car company. In August 2019, he resigned from eBay with a $57 million compensation package.

Some people put forward:

So the executives who ordered it got away with it?

Some netizens said that a suggestive email does not convict him.

One text message is not enough to prove that he meant to “harass and cyber-stalk her.”

In any case, the emotional distress suffered by the couple must be taken seriously.

The victim, Ina Steiner, told the court that even two years later, she was still in deep fear and anxiety.

Home is the safest place in people’s hearts. But the people who attacked me, they took it away from me.

David also told the court that they were there to tell Cooke and others that what they were doing was hurting people, not just a name at the end of the blog.

Reference links: [1] www.reuters.com/world/us/fo… [2] www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/… [3] news.ycombinator.com/item?id=279…


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