Indexing One of the problems I have with learning IOS on my own is that tutorials are step-by-step. So you need to separate the knowledge points and create different demos to categorize what you’re learning. For example, 1. Demo1 (elementary), 2. Demo2 (intermediate), 3. Demo3 (advanced) are divided into three folders. But the podfiles for all three demos are the same. I have to separate three folders, and I have to open another folder when I review and review, which is very troublesome. So can you put all three projects in one folder and switch Taget, run, and view when you need to view them

Create multiple Targets

  • Multiple targets a Podfile
    • Podfile creates terminal
    • CD + File path press Enter
    • pod init
    • “Pod ‘XXX'” to your Podfile
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'TargetsDemo' do

pod 'RxSwift'
pod 'RxCocoa'

Copy the code
  • Establish a target

  • Either way is fine

This completes the setup

Toggle Target and select emulator to run

In this way, I can complete my goal. As for the deeper problems, I need to supplement them again in the future