Let’s start with a method
Object.defineproperty () is an important method for implementing MVVM principles like Vue. As it is an ES5 method, it is not compatible with IE8 and below. This is why Vue is not compatible with IE8.
Object.defineproperty () is a method that defines attributes for an Object. We usually do this when we assign attributes:
There seems to be nothing wrong with that.
We can modify this property, delete, enumerate… Random flirt
Such a definition may seem convenient and the data can be processed at will, but in fact it has many inconveniences, such as
If we define an attribute like this, length will be iterated, which will cause us a lot of trouble. How is this attribute defined? This is done using Object.defineProperty
Object.defineProperty(obj,prop,descriptor)Copy the code
The object on which attributes are to be defined.
The name of the property to define or modify.
The property descriptor to be defined or modified.
The property descriptor has a total of four parameters, and we can pass in an object
The property descriptor can be changed and deleted from the corresponding object only if and when the property is configured with true. The default is false.
An attribute can appear in an object’s enumerated property if and only if its Enumerable is true. The default is false.
The value corresponding to this property. It can be any valid JavaScript value (numeric value, object, function, etc.). The default is undefined.
Value can be changed by the assignment operator if and only if the writable of the property is true. The default is false.
Next, write a little
At this point, description also takes four parameters
The property descriptor can be changed and deleted from the corresponding object only if and when the property is configured with true. The default is false.
An attribute can appear in an object’s enumerated property if and only if its Enumerable is true. The default is false.
A method that provides a getter for a property, undefined if there is no getter. The value returned by this method is used as the attribute value. The default is undefined.
A method that provides a setter for a property, undefined if there is no setter. This method takes a unique parameter and assigns a new value for that parameter to the property. The default is undefined.
Next, write a little
Computes the object length when the array. length property is invoked
To start the
Let’s take a look at Vue first, about the use of Vue is probably like this aunt son:
The end result of the implementation looks like this:
The implementation of these features will be explained in the following sections
We will write a new framework for mymvvm.js to implement these functions
Of course it still is
Data hijacking Observe
Data hijacking refers to redefining the attributes we defined for the data in an Object using Object.defineProperty
We successfully bound my object with properties and get/set accessors
Of course, if we have more than one layer of data that is called only once, the deep layer of data is not hijacked by the data, so we need to recursively call, loop assignment, which is why observer() and observer() are written separately
We’re not done here
For example, if we assign a value to name, we will use the get method, but if we change the value of name to an object, the name will become that object, and get and set do not exist, so we must also do data hijacking for the newly changed data
Data brokers
In our usual Vue usage habits, we will not use Vue.$data.name, but directly use Vue
In Vue’s official documentation:
When this data changes, the view is rerendered. Note that properties that exist in data are reactive only when the instance is created. That is, if you add a new attribute, such as:
Changes to B will not trigger any view updates. If you know you’ll need an attribute later, but it’s empty or nonexistent at first, you just need to set some initial values. Such as:
New data cannot be added to Vue because new data does not have get and SET methods, so data hijacking cannot be implemented and changes of data cannot be monitored
Template compilation
After binding all the data to the instantiated object, template compilation begins, replacing all the data in {{data}} with real data
So we need a compiler function Complie
Call template compilation after we have hijacked all the data
On the page, the effect of data replacement is realized:
Publish and subscribe model
At this point we can see that the data is compiled correctly, but when we change the data, the data on the instance is changed, but the data on the template is not updated, so we need to implement the data refresh
Take a look at the publish-subscribe model
Subscribe is pushing the functions you want to monitor into an array, and publish is notify letting the methods of the objects in the array execute
Publish subscribe mode is used when we update the view. When assigning values to the data, notify will be called and the monitored object will execute, and the monitored object should be the method compiled by the template in Compile, so we will Watcher it
In the meantime, we’ll rewrite the newly crude Watcher constructor
When the data changes, we call notify in set
This allows the view to update as the data changes
Two-way data binding
In Vue, one of the biggest features is two-way data binding. When the object data is changed, the view is updated. Similarly, if the data on the view is changed, the data on the object is updated as well as other parts of the view that use the data are updated
Next, we will implement such two-way data binding function. First, we will assign the data of name to the value of input, which also needs to use our template compilation method. Before compiling {{}}, we need to determine the text node, while V-Model needs to determine the element node
We also need to change the value in the input when the object data changes, so we need to subscribe here as well
The next step is to implement that when the data box is entered, the object’s data is also updated. Here we listen for the input event
So we have two-way data binding
Calculate attribute
I will write here, I have written too much, I really have no energy, with… The world is boring (attached source code)
Here attached source code, or I hope you can knock over the code, a clear understanding of the entire framework from scratch to have experienced each stage, and I hope this article can help you
https://github.com/q869939686/myProject.gitCopy the code