A selection of commonly used interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview

  • Original address: github.com/30-seconds/…
  • Original author: github.com/fejes713
  • Translator: Yangfan2016


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Interviews can be intimidating, and they can make even seasoned professionals’ minds go blank under pressure. Review and learn what common interview questions are (gathered from the community and how they respond). By combining practice with real life, you’ll be ready for your next interview

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  • Create a Fandom function that returns the maximum number of ingredients in a recipe that can be used to cook an entire batch
  • What is the big O notation?
  • Create an andFunction.prototype.bindIndependent functions that do the same thingbind
  • How do you avoid callback hell?
  • What is a callback, and can you give an example?
  • How do you clone an object in JavaScript?
  • What is a closure, and can you give a useful example?
  • How do you compare two objects in JavaScript?
  • What is theCORS?
  • = == = =What is the difference between the equality operator?
  • What is event broker, why is it useful, and can you give an example of how to use it?
  • What is event-driven programming?
  • What’s the difference between an expression and a statement in JavaScript?
  • What are truthy and falsy in JavaScript?
  • Generates an array containing n Fibonacci sequence elements
  • 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3What is the value of the expression?
  • An array ofmap()forEach()Difference in methods?
  • What is functional programming?
  • In the following example,console.logWhat does it print out?
  • How does declarative promotion work in JavaScript?
  • Why wrap the entire content of a JavaScript source file in anonymous functions?
  • Explain the difference between imperative and declarative programming?
  • What is the difference between lexical scope and dynamic scope?
  • Create a function that covers the string (except for the last 4 characters) with the ‘#’ sign.
  • What is Memoization?
  • What are MIME types and what do they do?
  • Compare mutable versus immutable values, mutable versus immutable methods
  • In JavaScript, what value is not equal to itself?
  • nullundefinedWhat’s the difference?
  • Describe the different methods of object creation. Which method is recommended?
  • What is the difference between a parameter and an argument?
  • Is it passed by value or by reference in JavaScript?
  • Create a pipe function that returns a synthesized function that takes one argument and executes from left to right
  • i++++iWhat’s the difference?
  • What states can promises become?
  • Promises are Promises.
  • What is the difference between archetypal inheritance and classical inheritance?
  • What is a pure function?
  • What is recursion and when is it useful?
  • What does the following code output?
  • What does the following function return?
  • Is a semicolon required in JavaScript?
  • What is short-circuiting in JavaScript?
  • Explain the difference between static and instance methods
  • What’s the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in JavaScript?
  • thisWhat is the keyword and how does it work?
  • What is the result of the following code execution?
  • What are JavaScript data types?
  • What is the purpose of JavaScript UI libraries/frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular, Hyperapp, etc?
  • What is “strict mode” and what are the key benefits it brings?
  • let var constHow is it different from declaring variables without keywords?
  • What is the virtual DOM and why are libraries/frameworks using it?


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  • setStateWhat is the purpose of taking a callback function as an argument?
  • Which is more recommended: refs or findDOMNode?
  • Properties in the React component (prop)childrenWhat is?
  • ReactclassNameAttributes instead ofclass?
  • In React, what iscontext?
  • What’s the difference between Element and Component?
  • In React, what is the error boundary?
  • In React, what isfragments?
  • What are higher-order components?
  • React and HTML handle events differently?
  • What is an inline conditional expression?
  • What is key and what are the benefits of using it in lists?
  • What are the life cycles in React?
  • What are the phases of the life cycle in the React component?
  • React: What does a state boost mean?
  • How do you ensure that methods get defined in components defined in the React classthisIs that correct?
  • How do you input event handling or callback function data transfer?
  • In the React,portalsWhat is?
  • How do I verify Reactprop?
  • How do I write comments in React?
  • What is therefsHow do we use it?
  • What is a stateful component?
  • What is a stateless component?


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  • In the picturealtWhat does a property do?
  • <script>Of the labeldeferasyncWhat is?
  • What is the purpose of not using caching, and how do you achieve it?
  • What is theDOM?
  • Can I have more than one page<header>Elements,<footer>Elements?
  • Discuss the differences between HTML specifications and browser implementations?
  • How is XHTML different from HTML?
  • A brief elaboration of HTML5 semantic tags<header>.<article>.<section>.<footer>The use of the
  • What is HTML5 Web StoragelocalStoragesessionStorage?
  • When and whyrel="noopener"Attribute?


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  • What is CSS BEM?
  • A brief description of the CSS box model, and the various components?
  • What are the advantages of using CSS preprocessing?
  • What is the difference between generic sibling selectors and adjacent sibling selectors in CSS?
  • Can you describe how CSS priorities work?
  • emremUnit differences?
  • Using Flexbox, create a 3-column layout with each column taking a percent of the containercol-{n}/ 12
  • What is a focusing ring, and what is the correct solution?
  • Can you name@mediaFour types of properties?
  • What are the advantages of CSS Sprite graphics and how to use them?


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  • What are the advantages of the NodeJS error-first callback mode?
  • What is an event loop in Nodejs?
  • What is theREST?


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  • What is a cross-site scripting attack (XSS) and how do you prevent it?


MIT. Copyright (c) Stefan Feješ

  • The views expressed in this article are those of the author
  • Markdown files are compiled manually by translators. If there are any corrections, please correct them
  • The translation and the original use the same protocol, deletion