I wish you all a happy New Year of 2021.

The year 2020 is over, so what are the Internet industry’s words of the year for 2020? Check out the programmers’ nominations!

1. Working people

At the top of the list are “workers.” This word refers to people who work hard from dawn to dusk for little pay. Programmers earn high salaries, but they are the norm and can be laid off if they are not careful.

2. The workplace pua

Another popular term is “workplace pua”, which refers to the mind control of subordinates by superiors in the workplace. It can be seen from your comments that workers are most disgusted with PUA. After all, they just sell their labor to make money and have no obligation to be brainwashed and mentally oppressed by the company.

3. The pot

To shift the blame means to pass the buck and let someone else take the blame for something you have done wrong. There are those who throw the blame, and those who carry the blame are often those who are powerless to resist the bottom of the staff.

4. The struggle

Different from strivers, “striver” refers to those who work overtime and lick their boss without boundaries in the hope of getting a raise or a promotion to the top of their life. It’s not normal strivers that people hate. It’s those who change the rules of the workplace and drag others down with them.

5. Within the volume

“Enfolded” refers to irrational internal competition or “voluntary” competition. For example, an Internet company was originally 955, but a new struggle force tian Tian 996, forcing others to follow the forced 996, forming the inner volume. Inwinding is also a phenomenon that programmers hate, and it can lead to more competition, a worse workplace, lower wages, and more exploitation of workers.

Versailles literature

“Versailles literature” is to show off in a low-key way, first suppressing and then praising, denouncing and damning faint praise, talking to oneself, pretending to show off in a distressed, unhappy tone. For example, a common programmer great bull post complaining about his low salary, only a million annual salary, or his 32 years old when the P8 and other posts, is a typical Versailles literature.

7. Nothing

Rice workers refer to those who struggle to eat. In fact, most of them are rice workers. After all, only when you are full can you work hard, and working hard is to eat well. Have a meal not positive, thought has a problem!

8. Dry cell

Dry battery refers to feeling like a dry battery, running out of energy in the office’s “battery compartment,” only to be swept out and replaced with a new battery when it runs out.

In the ever-changing Internet industry, this feeling will be even more intense for programmers. After all, there is a so-called 35-year-old threshold, who is not a dry battery?

Down 9.

Wage inversion, especially in the Internet industry, refers to the phenomenon of old employees earning less than new ones. Many people have no choice but to jump ship to get a raise.

10. Enabling, grasping, etc

It’s a complex phrase, including empowerment, grip, alignment, pull, and so on, that comes out with a strong flavor and makes it a long story. The original lofty word in the non-standard environment is not standard use for a long time, gradually reduced to nonsense and jokes.

In addition to the above words, there are also some teeth broadcasting company contributed to “carry people”, some rice company contributed to “get diaosi win the world” and so on, on behalf of the hot discussion of netizens events, say the story behind these words do you know?

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Behind each hot word is a reflection of the influence of a certain phenomenon or event. Unfortunately, most of these buzzwords are derogatory and self-deprecating. We can see that there are still a lot of areas to improve in our workplace, such as the protection of employees’ rights and interests, the improvement of workplace atmosphere, the mental health of employees and so on.

Hopefully, 2021 will be more positive, less negative, more positive and less negative.

Of course, these buzzwords also reflect the working attitude of the new generation of Internet practitioners, who are beginning to get tired of meaningless exploitation and resist abnormal control. This is a welcome change.

Do any of these buzzwords hit home?