Check-in System Based on KOA and mongoDb (PART 1)
Flexible working schedule due to the company, but at eight o ‘clock every night more than words can apply for a 30 piece meal allowance, overtime work every day is not fixed, lead to apply for work overtime meals fill didn’t know exactly how many days work overtime this month, so I plan to make a sign in management system to record the daily clock time, headphones, by the way.
Create a new folder signServer
mkdir signServer
cd signServer && npm init
Copy the code
Install koa Mongoose Koa-BodyParser to parse POST requests
yarn add koa mongoose
Copy the code
To create the app. Js
Database, create the database folder, create index.js, export the method to connect to the database
Userschema. pre(‘save’) can’t use arrow function on the second function, otherwise this.password will not be available
Create a route, create an API folder, create index.js,
Create the modules folder to create a route to the user.js user module
Create token.js and user.js in the utils folder
To import our routes and database in app.js, token interception is needed for some routes. We write the routes that do not need token verification in an array
Ok, we need to install Nodemon globally again, this will enable our Node to achieve hot update without restarting. We strongly recommend
, start app.js, open postman and start testing.
The login
Obtaining User information
Todo List
- Log in
- Sign in
- Get the sign-in list
- .
Sign in the relevant
Reference documentation