This blog post is a temporary addition, mainly due to the recent serialization of the Spring Cloud Alibaba Foundation Tutorial series, there is a relatively common problem among the readers’ inquiries: version selection. The relationship between Spring Boot and The Spring Cloud version is one of the most important aspects of the Spring Cloud system.

The particularity of current version of Spring Cloud Alibaba

The current Spring Cloud Alibaba is not included in the main version management of Spring Cloud, so we need to import the version information ourselves, like the example in the previous tutorial:

            <version>0.2.1. RELEASE</version>
Copy the code

Instead of importing the main versions of Spring Cloud (Dalston, Edgware, Finchley, Greenwich, etc.), you can use Spring Cloud directly. We need to introduce spring-Cloud-Alibaba-dependencies separately as in the above example to manage the component versions under Spring Cloud Alibaba.

Since Spring Cloud is built based on Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud Alibaba is based on the specification implementation of Spring Cloud Common, when we use Spring Cloud Alibaba to build microservice applications, You need to know the versioning relationship between these three.

The following table summarizes the compatibility relationship between the current version of Spring Cloud Alibaba, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud version:

Spring Boot Spring Cloud Spring Cloud Alibaba
X 2.1. Greenwich 0.2.2 (not released yet)
X 2.0. Finchley 0.2.1
X 1.5. Edgware while
X 1.5. Dalston while

So, whether you are reading my Spring Boot Basics tutorial, Spring Cloud Basics Tutorial, or the ongoing Spring Cloud Alibaba series tutorials. When you follow the blog sequence step by step, but the debugging is not successful, it is strongly recommended to check whether the version you use matches the relationship in the table above.

Recommended: Spring Cloud Alibaba basics tutorial

  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics: Service Registration and Discovery using Nacos
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basic Tutorial: Several service Consumption Modes supported
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics: Using Nacos as the Configuration Center
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basic Tutorial: Details of Nacos Configuration loading rules
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics: Managing Multiple Environments for Nacos Configurations
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics tutorial: Multi-file Loading and Sharing configuration for Nacos Configuration
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics tutorial: Data Persistence in Nacos
  • Spring Cloud Alibaba Basics tutorial: Cluster Deployment of Nacos

Examples of code for this tutorial series:


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