Author: Zhang Handong

The roots aren’t deep but the seeds are planted!

It has been five and a half years since Rust stable 1.0 was released on May 15, 2015.

For the first three years Rust grew slowly. By the time Rust 2018 Edition was released, Rust was gradually making its way into the enterprise. When I launched Rust Daily in 2018, there were still few applications of Rust in the world, and I was still wondering where to find Rust updates. But by the end of 2020, Rust Daily was no longer worried about Rust Dynamics, with new projects and articles popping up almost every day, covering every aspect of Rust applications. Witness the trend of Rust.

However, 90 percent of these Rust trends come from foreign communities. In fact, in the past two years, Rust has been gradually adopted by some companies in China, and some excellent original Rust learning articles have been gradually read in China. At last year’s RustChinaConf2020 conference, we also saw many individual projects from domestic companies and the open source community. However, at present, the major domestic Rust application companies and Rust communities still lack many original high-quality output, or many high-quality output are hidden in the flood of Internet information, which has not been discovered by us.

In this context, the idea of running an electronic magazine was born. So, Rustacean, Rust Chinese Collection is launched today!

The goal of Rust Chinese Collection is to connect companies, communities, universities and individuals to discover more original content in the Rust field in China, so that people can communicate with each other. Rust Chinese Picks will be permanently open source and non-commercial.

Rust Chinese Collection is published on the last day of each month and is available in three ways:

  • Read online. You can find the entry of this publication through our designated channels, click the link to read directly online. For the time being throughGitHub PageI’ll find some time laterGiteePublished above.
  • Read locally. You can also access the magazine directly from our source repository and execute locallymdbook build && mdbook watch --openYou can read it.
  • PDF electronic version. It can be downloaded from the GitHub repository and selected channels.

The contents of this publication are expected to cover but not limited to the following:

  • Rust Newsletter this Month. From”RustHighlights of the month are excerpted and collated in the daily.
  • Rust in Production. introduceRustSome production practice and experience in the enterprise.
  • The open source project. From application to implementation principle and details, introducedRustSome of the best open source projects.
  • Rust language. shareRustLanguage concepts, skills, design patterns, engineering practices, etc.
  • Rust compiler. shareRustCompiler overall architecture, implementation details, contribution.
  • Rust Security. shareRustThe causes and solutions of some security holes in language and ecology.
  • The game development. shareRustAll aspects of game development and learning.
  • The operating system. shareRustAspects of operating system development and learning.
  • Embedded Rust. shareRustDribs and drabs of embedded development.
  • Distributed development. shareRustPractice in the distributed domain.
  • Web development. shareRustEvery aspect of web development.
  • Cloud native. shareRustPractice in the cloud native space.
  • The front-end development. shareRustWebAssemblyApplication practice in the front end.
  • Graphical development. shareRustPractice in graphical development.
  • Big data/artificial intelligence. shareRustPractices in big data and artificial intelligence development.
  • Rust algorithm. withRustWhat is the experience of brush algorithm?

We hope you can contribute and participate in editing. You can send PR directly to our GitHub warehouse, even if it may not be selected, you can also send out your voice! Once a month, this means that once a month you will devote yourself to creating a great article summarizing your practice in the company and learning from Rust.

It is also hoped that more and more companies will participate in the construction of periodical content. For the company, it is not only experience sharing, but also a kind of technical and cultural output.

In this impetuous age, I hope this journal can help you find the original aspiration and ambition of technology.

This e-magazine is licensed under “CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License agreement”. For non-commercial reproduction, please indicate the source. For other requirements, please contact us.