
In my work, I met a requirement that users create a Word template by themselves, upload it to the web page, and render our data in the corresponding place of Word and export it.

Github decided to use the following techniques:

  1. Upload and package data with PizZip…
  2. Docxtemplater is used to assign and render variables in the document…
  3. Use FileSaver to realize the local saving of document data…

One of the simplest implementations

Docxtemplater can get variables wrapped with special symbols (such as’ {} ‘) in the imported Word data and assign values to them, thus accomplishing the assignment of templates.

Here’s a simple implementation using Angular:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as docxtemplater from 'docxtemplater';
import * as inspect from 'docxtemplater/js/inspect-module';
import * as PizZip from 'pizzip';
import * as pizzipUtils from 'pizzip/utils';
import * as FileSaver from 'file-saver';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html'
exportClass AppComponent {/ / load file loadFile (url, callback) {pizzipUtils. GetBinaryContent (url, callback); // Load the file into binary}generate() {
      this.loadFile('.. /assets/test.docx'.function(error, content) {

          if(error) { throw error; } const zip = PizZip(content); // Convert content to PizZip const doc = new docxTemplater ().loadzip (zip); // Get the templater object // Assign the variable in Word to doc.setdata ({title:'Template Tests',
            anthor: 'elc',
            time: '2019-10-2', content: `docxtemplater is a mail merging tool that is used programmatically and handles conditions, loops, and can be extended to insert anything (tables, html, images).` }); try { doc.render(); } catch (error) {const e = {message: error. Message, name: error. Name, stack: error.stack, properties:, }; console.log(JSON.stringify({error: e})); throw error; } // Generate output data, The data type is bloB type recognized by FileSaver plug-in. It can also generate string, Base64, Uint8array, Arraybuffer console.log(doc.getzip (). Generate) const out = doc.getzip (). Generate ({type: 'blob'
          FileSaver.saveAs(out, 'output.docx'); // Save and print}); }}Copy the code

Here is the file template passed in:

This is the result of exporting the file:

Import circular data

The template importing loop data is wrapped with ‘{#}’ and ‘{/}’. Such as:

    heros: [
        heroName: 'Lina',
        heroCamp: 'radiant',
        heroEquipment: 'drogon'
        heroName: 'Earth Shocker',
        heroCamp: 'radiant',
        heroEquipment: 'blink dragger'
        heroName: 'Lion',
        heroCamp: 'Dire',
        heroEquipment: 'drogon'}}]);Copy the code

Such a loop can be used in a table

    heroTable: [
        hero_name: 'Lina',
        hero_camp: 'radiant',
        hero_equipment: 'drogon'
        hero_name: 'Earth Shocker',
        hero_camp: 'radiant',
        hero_equipment: 'blink dragger'
        hero_name: 'Lion',
        hero_camp: 'Dire',
        hero_equipment: 'drogon'}]});Copy the code

Import data by condition

Variables starting with # can add conditions to control the import, {/} can represent or, to control various conditions. To use this method, you need to import the Angular Parse plug-in and set up the template. The following cases:

            users: [
                name: 'John'
                name: 'Mary'
                name: 'Jane'
                name: 'Sean'}}]);Copy the code


Using basic usage and looping data, you can start with almost any template creation. Official also provides some table, HTML,grid and other more convenient plug-ins, but to charge…

{title} and {title} are two variables.

To get template variables dynamically, import the inspect Module to parse the data:

import * as inspect from 'docxtemplater/js/inspect-module';

getTages(doc: docxtemplater) {
    const iModule = inspect();
    const tags = iModule.getAllTags();
    return tags;
Copy the code

Other more detailed things. Please refer to the document docxtemplater readthedocs. IO/en/latest/I…