In my work, I met a requirement that users create a Word template by themselves, upload it to the web page, and render our data in the corresponding place of Word and export it.
Github decided to use the following techniques:
- Upload and package data with PizZip…
- Docxtemplater is used to assign and render variables in the document…
- Use FileSaver to realize the local saving of document data…
One of the simplest implementations
Docxtemplater can get variables wrapped with special symbols (such as’ {} ‘) in the imported Word data and assign values to them, thus accomplishing the assignment of templates.
Here’s a simple implementation using Angular:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as docxtemplater from 'docxtemplater';
import * as inspect from 'docxtemplater/js/inspect-module';
import * as PizZip from 'pizzip';
import * as pizzipUtils from 'pizzip/utils';
import * as FileSaver from 'file-saver';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
exportClass AppComponent {/ / load file loadFile (url, callback) {pizzipUtils. GetBinaryContent (url, callback); // Load the file into binary}generate() {
this.loadFile('.. /assets/test.docx'.function(error, content) {
if(error) { throw error; } const zip = PizZip(content); // Convert content to PizZip const doc = new docxTemplater ().loadzip (zip); // Get the templater object // Assign the variable in Word to doc.setdata ({title:'Template Tests',
anthor: 'elc',
time: '2019-10-2', content: `docxtemplater is a mail merging tool that is used programmatically and handles conditions, loops, and can be extended to insert anything (tables, html, images).` }); try { doc.render(); } catch (error) {const e = {message: error. Message, name: error. Name, stack: error.stack, properties:, }; console.log(JSON.stringify({error: e})); throw error; } // Generate output data, The data type is bloB type recognized by FileSaver plug-in. It can also generate string, Base64, Uint8array, Arraybuffer console.log(doc.getzip (). Generate) const out = doc.getzip (). Generate ({type: 'blob'
FileSaver.saveAs(out, 'output.docx'); // Save and print}); }}Copy the code
Here is the file template passed in:
This is the result of exporting the file:
Import circular data
The template importing loop data is wrapped with ‘{#}’ and ‘{/}’. Such as:
heros: [
heroName: 'Lina',
heroCamp: 'radiant',
heroEquipment: 'drogon'
heroName: 'Earth Shocker',
heroCamp: 'radiant',
heroEquipment: 'blink dragger'
heroName: 'Lion',
heroCamp: 'Dire',
heroEquipment: 'drogon'}}]);Copy the code
Such a loop can be used in a table
heroTable: [
hero_name: 'Lina',
hero_camp: 'radiant',
hero_equipment: 'drogon'
hero_name: 'Earth Shocker',
hero_camp: 'radiant',
hero_equipment: 'blink dragger'
hero_name: 'Lion',
hero_camp: 'Dire',
hero_equipment: 'drogon'}]});Copy the code
Import data by condition
Variables starting with # can add conditions to control the import, {/} can represent or, to control various conditions. To use this method, you need to import the Angular Parse plug-in and set up the template. The following cases:
users: [
name: 'John'
name: 'Mary'
name: 'Jane'
name: 'Sean'}}]);Copy the code
Using basic usage and looping data, you can start with almost any template creation. Official also provides some table, HTML,grid and other more convenient plug-ins, but to charge…
{title} and {title} are two variables.
To get template variables dynamically, import the inspect Module to parse the data:
import * as inspect from 'docxtemplater/js/inspect-module';
getTages(doc: docxtemplater) {
const iModule = inspect();
const tags = iModule.getAllTags();
return tags;
Copy the code
Other more detailed things. Please refer to the document docxtemplater readthedocs. IO/en/latest/I…