The hottest GitHub projects in June 2021 are:

  • HarmonyOS Operating system

  • Automatic bicycle driving system

  • Jin Yong’s Legend of Heroes 3D remastered

  • Ali Cloud disk little Sheep edition

  • Computer fundamentals notes

  • Spring Boot vulnerability learning materials

  • MySQL Binlog incremental subscription & consumption component

  • One-click Face change app

  • Some simple projects written in Python

  • Art of the command Line

01. HarmonyOS HongMeng

The first inventory of this month must be given to Hongmeng. HarmonyOS Huawei’s open source operating system has quickly topped the GitHub hot list.

Address: the code

The Hongmeng OS is the first full-scene distributed OS based on the microkernel and is independently developed by Huawei. On August 9, 2019, Hongmeng system was officially released at Huawei Developer Conference. Huawei will take the lead in deploying in smart terminals such as smart screens, vehicular terminals and wearable devices. In the future, more and more smart devices will use the open source Hongmeng OS.

Hongmeng OS modularized coupling, corresponding to different devices can be flexibly deployed, Hongmeng OS has three layers of architecture, the first layer is the kernel, the second layer is the basic service, the third layer is the program framework. Can be used in large screen, PC, car and other different devices. It can also be used on your phone at any time, but for now Huawei phones will still use Android first.

The bottom layer of Hongmeng OS consists of Hongmeng microkernel, Linux kernel and Lite OS, which will be developed into a complete Hongmeng microkernel architecture in the future.

02. Self-driving bikes

This project has redefined the bicycle, and the author of this project is officially B station Up. He’s done a lot of interesting little projects before, like the mini TV that went viral a while ago.

This time, he closed the four and work out an automatic driving system. But the self-driving system isn’t for electric cars, it’s for bicycles. This project is the most hardcore phase of UP. The whole development process of autonomous driving system took four months on and off.

Video: address: the code

03. 3D reprint of The Legend of The Heroes of Jin Yong

Jin Yong 3D Remake is a non-profit game project that remakes the classic Jin Yong 3D Remake and supports a series of mods and secondary development.

The reset version is polished by the author purely for interest and learning in his spare time. Recently, the author is busy, so it is open source and I hope that interested friends can develop it together.

The project’s authors also posted an introduction video of the reset version on site B. As you can see in the video, the reset prints are of better quality and have more vivid details.

Address: the code


04. Ali Cloud Disk Little Sheep edition

This is a PC client developed by the author based on ali cloud disk web edition, which has realized the basic functions of ali cloud disk official client.
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05. CS – Notes

This REPO is a prerequisite for technical interviews, including algorithms, computer operating systems, computer networking, system design, and more.

The content of the project is not a random patchwork of online materials, except for a few references from books and technical documents, the rest is the original work of the bloggers.

Address: the code

06. Spring Boot related vulnerability learning materials

This article is a learning resource for Spring Boot-related vulnerabilities and is intended only for security research and authorization testing. Do not use it for illegal activities.

This project summarizes 16 cases from the two aspects of information leakage and remote code execution, provides detailed steps to attack the mentioned vulnerabilities, and also expounds the principles of vulnerabilities and conducts vulnerability analysis.

Address: the code

For example, here is how to exploit the vulnerability to obtain a password desensitized by an asterisk:

MySQL Binlog incremental subscription & consumption component

In the early stage, Because of the deployment of double machine rooms in Hangzhou and the United States, Alibaba had the business requirement of cross-machine room synchronization, and the realization method was mainly based on business trigger to obtain incremental changes. Since 2010, businesses have gradually tried database log parsing to obtain incremental changes for synchronization, resulting in a large number of database incremental subscription and consumption services.

Address: the code

08. One-click Face change

FaceSwap is a tool that uses deep learning algorithms to replace faces in pictures and videos. Based on Tensorflow, Keras, and Python, Faceswap runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

By installing this app, you can build your own face change model on your computer in a visual and interactive way.

Address: the code

09. Simple projects written in Python

The repository contains simple projects written in Python, including an all-in-one media player, virus scanning software, and a Bilibili video one-click download tool.

There are also brute force cracking compression password, password book, cracking wifi password, call WinRAR cracking compression password, aggregation search, batch rename, the platform hot list and so on.
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The art of the command line

The command line can make us more efficient and flexible. This article summarizes the techniques of using the command line on Linux, covering basic usage, file manipulation, data processing, and more.

With a section specifically for Windows or macOS, this tutorial is suitable for beginners and experienced people alike, with practical examples to help you understand.

Address: the code