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3 things technology managers need to think about

1. How to avoid becoming the bottleneck of the whole team? How do you get the best out of everyone on the team? By its very nature, everyone on the team needs to be able to think and understand their position to work. In short, need each individual to have independent personality, have the enthusiasm of work, initiative.

2. How to make a team into a real team? What is the real regimental pair? A group is composed of individuals. In order for a collective to become a real team, the most important thing is to let everyone in the collective play their strengths and make the best use of them. At the same time, they must perfect their shortcomings. Through the formation of mutual binding force between individuals to improve the collective, truly achieve 1+1>2.

3. What kind of engineers do we need? It’s not that the more skilled an engineer is, the better he is. Engineers should develop comprehensively from the four dimensions of self-management, knowledge management, professional quality and business quality, so as to improve their professional quality.

The technical team efficiency dynamic model is formed by considering the above three problems. The model mainly consists of two parts, namely, collective environmental efficiency and individual professional literacy, which can be further decomposed into other elements. What the arrows represent in the model is the driving relationship, that is, improving the content at the end of the arrows will result in improving the content that the arrows point to. Management support, engineering methods and project management are the driving factors of collective environmental effectiveness. Collective environmental efficiency also includes a process, data, seamless integration tool module. At the individual level, individuals need to have good self-management, knowledge management, professional quality and business quality. The multiplication of the four elements determines the final ability of individuals. The relationship between individual professional accomplishment and collective environmental efficiency is mutually promoting, forming a virtuous circle of individual transforming environment and environment influencing people. Only when each individual in the collective has good professional quality and good collective environmental efficiency can the efficiency of the technical team be truly brought into play.

Collective efficiency consists of management support, engineering methods and project management, which constitute the scaffolding of collective environmental efficiency. The following will be explained one by one:

Management support:

Any manager has his own thinking logic to determine whether the working state of team members meets his expectations, which can be formed into management principles. Managers not only consider each person through management principles, but also can better guide the individuals in the collective to develop along with management principles. A good system construction can help the team to operate more efficiently and restrain the bad behavior of individuals. System construction is a process of dynamic improvement, and timely adjustment is a necessary condition to ensure the benign development of the system. In reality, individuals all have their own personality labels. To unite all individuals in a collective, it is necessary to conduct communication and guidance. Soil cultivation is an effective measure to solve how to avoid becoming the bottleneck of the whole team. Good soil contains key elements such as openness, transparency, praise and criticism, so that individuals can naturally develop initiative in such soil and avoid the team becoming a manager.

Engineering methods:

How to convert user requirements into code is the main content of software development, and concept is the most important point in the process of transformation. Abstract the appropriate conceptual model for the software to be developed is the main task of software development, while the secondary task is to complete the concept expression through programming under the premise of meeting the constraints of time complexity and space complexity. Therefore, the outline design is a very important part of the engineering method, through the outline design can be seen the depth of thinking and experience of engineers. When coding is complete, unit testing engineers can ensure that the program behaves exactly as expected, and for this reason unit testing is one of the most important tools in engineering to ensure software quality. The essence of code is to enable communication between individual engineers, and to improve the readability of code we need all individuals on the team to follow common coding specifications. After ensuring software quality through unit testing, it is necessary to further check whether the naming in the code is accurate, whether the memory footprint is reasonable, and whether it matches the past experience. These are the concerns of the code review phase. Data-driven is to collect error information first and optimize it based on data analysis to form a closed loop of development work and business development. Platformization, instrumentalization and automation are also important means to constitute engineering methods. A good software development platform can achieve twice the result with half the effort to achieve new functions, new business, help products to market quickly for market exploration and trial and error; Instrumentalization and automation free people from manual labor to do more valuable things.

Project management:

Project system is in the form of project approval, the big task is divided into small projects in the form of promotion, the realization of small steps. Not only does sprinting reduce the overall risk of a big project, but it also allows you to interact with your users in a more timely manner, giving them certainty through rapid iteration and increasing engagement.


The cultivation of engineer habits is the focus of self-management, through which the engineer will instinctively do the work well in the beginning. The purpose of the daily work is to allow individual work information to flow fully through the team in order to facilitate more cooperation and knowledge and experience sharing. Institutional compliance is to train engineers to Revere rules and ensure the order of collective working environment through institutional constraints. Commitment is the cornerstone of team affairs. Only by individual commitment can the system, norms and project execution be well implemented. In addition to self-management, the self-discipline of individuals is the top priority to form the binding force of a team. By pointing out the shortcomings of others and helping to improve them, the collective can form a self-repair mechanism. Job rotation is a good way to cultivate individual self-management ability, so that individuals can have a sense of empathy in their roles and promote their thinking, so that they can have a broader view of how the team operates and understand their responsibilities and obligations more clearly in this process.

Knowledge management:

Documentation, honor quantification and continuous improvement are the three organizational parts of knowledge management. The key to documentation is to be concise and to present reasons, principles, and conclusions in a structured logical framework. On the basis of documentation, quantification of honor is formed in the form of document revision history to enhance individual participation enthusiasm. In order to make the document not become a decoration, we need to guide people to use the document in their work, and continue to improve the document content when it is expired, forming a virtuous circle of knowledge management work.

Professional quality:

From a professional perspective, one of the most important skills to understand an engineer’s level is software design. It includes whether individuals can form their own software design ideas and whether they can pursue the beauty of design in software design work. Another aspect of professional literacy is engineering efficiency. Only by carrying out the work efficiently can we really give full play to what we have learned. Otherwise, all kinds of technical knowledge we have mastered may become strange and skillful. The rapid development of the Internet era requires higher team efficiency to cater for, individual development path is no longer “I do what I know” but “I learn what I need”, so engineers need multi-stack development.

Business literacy:

Project delivery is the first element of business literacy, where individuals strive to achieve their mission. When performing technical work, engineers need to understand the customer value behind software functions to avoid differences between work results and customer demands. Business communication requires engineers to go out and communicate with customers, gain insight into needs, exchange ideas and seek new opportunities for cooperation and development through communication.

Practice experience: 1. The belief that a good team is cultivated, rather than recruited, is the most important thing. Team effectiveness problems are harder to solve than technical ones. 2. Individual plasticity is more important than existing experience and ability. Finding the right person is more important than anything else. 3. Human nature can be understood but not controlled

The first task for personal development is to be confident, and the second is to distinguish priorities. We should learn to say “no” to some work, and on this basis, we should carry out systematic learning and keep good patience. 2. Quality-efficiency oriented process and results, sustainable development of business and team. 3. Professionalism requires a professional and standardized attitude, certain rules to follow when engaged in work, clear value creation and entrepreneurial spirit. 4. Stimulate the efficiency of collective learning curve, face straight humanity, humanized management.

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