Welcome to watch, feel useful point wave attention!

You can download the latest version of Android Studio from www.android-studio.org/. Version 3.0 is used here for demonstration. The corresponding installation package is Android-Studio-IDE-183.5522156-Windows. The size of the installation package is 971 MB, without SDK.

2. As follows:

3. The following steps will be followed for installation after downloading:

The next step is to choose the installation path. I suggest that the large memory should not be changed randomly. D:\android\ Android Studio D:\android\ Android studio D:\android\ Android studio D:\android\ Android Studio

At this point the basic part is done.

4. The following must be completed step by step, carefully operate step by step:

Click on the second one

And then there are all kinds of hints, so let’s go here

Install the custom option to later change the installation location, otherwise, can only be installed on disk C

Choose a theme style: (Driving warning: Xiaobian likes black SIIIIIII… , of your choice)

If you need to change the installation path below must be changed to no punctuation marks, (Spaces and such do not have, in addition, the Chinese can not appear !!!!! All paths in this document cannot contain Chinese !!!! Newbie according to my to install good, don’t bother to change) check the content reference figure

The choice of memory, my personal memory is 16gb, I chose 4096MB you can choose according to the situation, preferably not less than 2G (2048MB).

To this next step, start frantically installing:

Of course, the choice is done! At last!! See below!

5. Start demonstrating the first Hello World application! Click on start a New Balabala above… Demo is a blank case, do not do other template display!

Project name, domain name, language, API level, according to your needs

Continue! The first time you install Gradle, you will need to configure the environment and run gradle. You will need to wait for gradle to be installed

After the analysis is done. Click on the hammer in the upper right corner, then click on the triangle

We need to configure a new emulator for our first installation.

Create a new virtual appliance

Select the type of template you want. I strongly recommend two of them

Continue to select picture material need to download 1 G! The following operation can be carried out according to the picture!

Done! The next step to change the name is irrelevant to complete directly! At this time, the front of the virtual device selection screen has a device, check!

See this picture congratulations to you, Android journey off!

The default is HelloWorld! First program complete! No action required!