Heart and byte can only have one beat, life and wages can only spell a lot.

On the night of New Year’s Day in 2021, the cold and dim street lamp looked a little lonely in the strong wind and snow. People had already gone to sleep, but only the street lamp was still waiting for the girl who came back late. At half past one in the morning, the girl appeared in the light, her pace is not as steady as in the past, the body with the wind sway leisurely, in the familiar four unmanned street, slowly fell to the ground. This 98 year girl’s life, so in the snow on New Year’s eve by capitalists mercilessly took. Her name is Runfei (flower name), her ideal is for the company to lay the Xinjiang Internet to buy vegetable market world.

In the eyes of her friends, the girl is cheerful and positive. She sings very well and has a boyfriend who loves her. Her wonderful life has just begun, the mountains, lakes and seas have not been to see, kitchen day and night and love have not had time to share with her boyfriend. However, the girl still walked, the soul was torn to pieces by the capital. The company she fought for just said, “Look at the bottom of the people, which is not a life in exchange for money.” As far as the company is concerned, she is just a negligible underdog. Her departure is so insignificant that she will soon be replaced by cheap labor that the company does not even consider her departure to be related to the company.

In recent years, we have been busy resisting the “996” and “blessing”, but we have not noticed that the capitalists have given up the “996” and raised the banner of “starting the hard core mode of struggle” and started to “work all the year round”. Once we thought the great white crow declared at the annual meeting that “996” was the limit of capital exploitation, but it was only the starting point. Internet companies were said to be “putting a computer on everyone”, but today they have become “putting a person on every computer”. Capitalists hypocritically say that employees are the company’s most important asset, but they never tell employees that they are low-value expendable goods. Capital comes into the world dripping blood and filth from head to foot through every pore.

The capitalist makes a sickening face and says innocently that “one can control one’s own efforts”, implying that the sudden death of an employee is caused by his inability to balance work and health, and has nothing to do with the company. But the capitalists’ “efforts to control themselves” have nothing to do with the health of the workers, but merely with keeping them from crossing the threshold of death. But this time the capitalists went wrong in their control of workers’ efforts.

Since the beginning of this year, the Internet has been flooded with calls for the government to strictly regulate capital, and even some extreme calls for the complete negation of capital, which reflects the concern of the whole society on the current continuous expansion of capital and the opposition of capital without bottom line. In particular, China’s Internet giants not only make their main business oligopoly or even complete monopoly, but also set foot in media, finance, insurance and other aspects of life. On the one hand, the information of ordinary users who are in a weak position is seized by the giants, and on the other hand, the workers who are driven by the capitalists use big data for precise marketing and killing, which is also a kind of “mutual harm at the bottom”.

I scolded the struggle force, but also thought about the struggle force’s choice. Indeed, they grow up in a poor environment. Their parents may have part-time jobs and no medical insurance and social security. Their parents are not helpful for their future life, and they even need money to support and treat them when they get old and sick. Strugglers find that by working a few extra hours a day in the big city, they can earn a little more money, a little more hope for their car, a little more hope for their house, a little more hope for their love affair. The capitalist bet that He could work an extra hour without dying, and the capitalist bet that he could give Him another $500.

Housing prices, education, such as the environment, the struggle of the people’s choice is understandable, we are not overly critical. But the struggle forced them to intensify, when the capitalist whip down but also busy to be beaten posture, deep fear of the capitalist whip not stained with their own blood. I am in “with 996 to treat the company, how to treat dignity” in this article will be forced to struggle into “temporarily hold slaves” and “want to be slaves but not people”, slaves are cheap after all, but now some forced to struggle has been unwilling to do slaves and capitalists dog.

The ancient punishment does not go up the doctor, now has the punishment does not go up the capital, the labor law that is trampled by capitalist is time to pick up. We should be on guard against hypocritical capitalists using the so-called platforms, exercises and tests to PUA, knowing that in our socialist country, only the Party and the people can test us. No matter how important the position, the company can always quickly find someone to replace you, and if you are ripped off, it can be devastating for your family.

May there be no endless squeezing and PUA in heaven, may the girl be happy in heaven, and may the bloodthirsty and unscrupulous capital perish soon.