This is the sixth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
I developed web games using AS3 as metal slug for a long time. Now after the decline of Flash, a new generation of H5 game engines have emerged, including Coco2d. js, Unity-2D, Laya, and Egret2D and Egret3D. Egret is recommended if you’re comfortable with TS, or if you’re a fan of native JS (and you already support TS, so why not try Egret?). Today I’m going to take you through Phaser, a lightweight, efficient and free H5 engine.
Phaser is an open source, free framework for H5 2D game development. It supports JS and TS, is based on the Pixi.js engine, and has built-in physical properties for game objects. It supports Canvas and WebGL rendering modes, and can be switched between browsers.
Because Phaser is lightweight, easy to use and free to use, there are obvious advantages to developing small games using Phaser. You can reference or install Phaser directly in a Canvas browser to develop games.
The last article talked about the Phaser lifecycle and Phaser resource references, modules for different main functions,
Audio and video import
function preload(){"bgmap3"."./assets/audio/bg.ogg");
function create(){
var bgmusic ="bgmap3");;
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Create an audio object, BGMusic, to play, pause, and adjust the volume. Note: Because of cross-domain, loading of audio files requires setting up a local server.
// Common audio apis include play, pause, resume, stop, segmenting, fade in and out
this.preload = function(){'music'.'asset/sound/1.mp3');
this.create = function(){
var sound ='music'.0.1);
var btn_play = game.add.button(260.20.'btn_play'.function(){; / / play
var btn_pause = game.add.button(260.145.'btn_pause'.function(){
sound.pause(); / / pause
var btn_resume = game.add.button(260.280.'btn_resume'.function(){
sound.resume(); / / recovery
var btn_stop = game.add.button(260.415.'btn_stop'.function(){
sound.stop(); / / stop
AddMarker (name, start, duration, volume? , loop?) ;
// Remove the sound.removeMarker(name);
/ / note
var btn_play = game.add.button(260.20.'btn_play'.function(){'marker1'); / / play
var sound ='music');
var btn_play = game.add.button(260.20.'btn_play'.function(){
sound.fadeIn(3000); / / fade in
var btn_pause = game.add.button(260.145.'btn_pause'.function(){
sound.fadeOut(3000); / / out
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Phaser basic events
Game. Onblur Lose focus
Game. OnFocus gets focus
Game. onPause Pause focus
Game. OnResume Resume event
Game. Scale. OnFullScreenChange entry, exit full screen
Somehow the screen switch game. Scale. OnOrientationChange equipment
Game.scale. OnSizeChange Game size changes
Game.load. OnFileComplete A single resource is loaded
Game.load. OnFileError When the file fails to load
Game.load. OnFileStart when the file starts loading
Game.load. OnLoadComplete When all resources are loaded
Phaser commonly uses animation
var tween = game.add.tween();
tween.onStart // Start animation
tween.onComplete // The animation is complete
tween.onLoop // Animation loop
tween.onRepeat // The animation repeats
var animation = new Phaser.Animation()
animation.onStart // Start animation
animation.onComplete // The animation is complete
animation.onLoop // Animation loop
animation.onUpdate // When the animation frame changes
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Phaser. Input object
It includes mouse events, keyboard events, touch events, and so on.
function create(){
// Callback event after pressing
// Press the callback event after leaving
// The callback event after the tap
// Callback event after long press
// Mouse/finger movement monitor
// Remove mouse/finger movement listener
function move(){
document.title = game.rnd.between(0.100)}Copy the code
Phaser. Pointer object
A Pointer object is a Pointer object that can be a mouse, finger, or other input device.
function create(){
this.pointer = game.input.activePointer;
// Get a Pointer object
function update(){
document.title = this.pointer.clientX;
// this.pointer.clientY
// this.pointer.x / this.pointer.y
// The x and y coordinates of the pointer event
// The callback after the pointer is pressed
// A callback after the pointer is up}}Copy the code
Phaser. The rid_device_info_keyboard object
function create(){
// Get the keyboard object
this.keyboard = game.input.keyboard;
// Add a key object
this.keyA = this.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.A);
// Create a arrow key object
this.cursor = this.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
// Listen for all key callbacks, including onDown,onUp...
// The callback function after pressing the custom key object
// The callback function after releasing the custom key
// If the custom key is still in the pressed state or other states, it will not be executed})}function update(){
// Press the state of the custom key
// Press the left key
// Press the right key}}Copy the code
For example, in a common business scenario, clicking on a button or clicking on a specific area of the game can be used to pause the game according to the conditions of the game.
function create(){
console.log("Game has been suspended.")})}function update(){
game.paused = true;
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Game object interaction
Phaser. Events object
A collection of events, attached to the host (the display object in the game), and also partially system events.
function create(){
game.state.backgroundColor = "#F20";
this.oBtext = game.add.text(0.0."Test subject");
// Enable the input event of the object (can receive callback events)
this.oBtext.inputEnabled = true;
// onInputDown, onInputUp, onInputOver, onInputOut Push, release, pass, or leave;
function testOnDown(){
// Click the callback function after "test Object" in the stage
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Phaser. InputHandler object
Encapsulates host-specific user interaction methods and user input properties.
function create(){
game.state.background = "#F20";
this.oBtext1 = game.add.text(0.0."Test subject")
this.oBtext2 = game.add.text(0.0."Text object")
this.oBtext2.inputEnabled = true;
// Turn on the input event of the object (not click on input, but allow event)
this.inputHandler = this.oBtext2.input;
// Get the inputHandler object of the text object
// Do not drag
// Run the drag object
this.inputHandler.boundsSprite = this.oBtext1;
// Limit the drag range of oBtext2 to the text size of oBtext1
this.inputHandler.useHandCursor = true;
// Whether to use the mouse hand icon
// Check whether the pointer is inside the object
// Determine whether the pointer is outside the object
// The x coordinate relative to the object when the pointer is inside the object
// The y coordinate relative to the object when the pointer is inside the object
// Whether the object is displayed at the top when clicked or dragged (usually true)
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The Phaser interaction events are far more extensive, but as someone who has never been a porter of the official API, these are the basic interaction events that I find most common, enough to develop a small pager, and the first things you should learn about Phaser. The specific PAI will be summarized in the form of a table, which is convenient for me and everyone to study together.
Before the game is ready
The general game stage is generally composed of background, elves, stage and other unrelated buildings. As mentioned above, these resources are loaded step by step in the boot function stage or the loading stage. When the resources are loaded, we usually use indicator bars or other forms to inform users of the current state of the game. When all the resources are loaded, you can directly enter the main function of the game, or display a picture or file. User clicks trigger events to enter the game, such as adding events with button or text to enter the main game, for example
function Menu(game) {
this.preload=function () {
game.gameData = {
{name:"map-0".entries: [[]]},
{name:"map-1".entries: [[], [], []]},
{name:"map-2".entries: [[], [], []]},
{name:"map-3".entries: [[], [], []]},
{name:"map-4".entries: [[], [], []]},
{name:"map-5".entries: [[]]}],currMap:0.currPos: [7.5].currFace:"DOWN".items:[]
this.create = function() {
var txt = game.add.text((game.width)/2.200."Tap the screen to start the game.", {fontSize: "16px".fill: "#FFFFFF" });
game.input.onDown.add(function(){game.state.start("main"); },this);
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As the next installment begins, we’ll start documenting the actual game, and eventually achieve a Phaser version of fingertip Adventure.