Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most popular aaa games of the end of 2020. The main character is thrown into 2077, when technology has not brought a better life for everyone, but a more torn American society. The player is thrown into a dark future society. Story happened in a place called “City of the Night (Night City)” the metropolis, with its background of the game tells the story of such a person struggle, he grew up in the streets, trying to find their way among the slums, in the endless struggle of gangs and industry giants to survive, grow up in this City full of dirt and sin. Drugs, violence, poverty and dictatorship have not disappeared in 2077, and people still retain their greed, intolerance and cowardice decades later.

The level of science and technology in Cyberpunk 2077 is also surreal. Cyberpunk does not refer to many science fiction movies to make black holes, hyperspacetime transformation, curvature engine and time reversal, which cannot be falsified and only stay in theoretical property science. The technology in Cyberpunk is one to one corresponding to the technology in 2021, which is the extension and development of our technology in 2011. The following author gives you an inventory!

I. Autonomous driving technology AI speech recognition

In Cyberpunk, AI voice technology is no longer Apple’s “SIRI”, or Xiaomi’s “Xiao AI Classmate”, which can simply wake up some mobile phones and check the weather, but can control cars in a real sense. It even connects the car to the medical team for rescue, which is a perfect combination of autonomous driving and AI voice recognition in a real sense. However, the game does not overstate the use of this technology, which is nearly 60 years away from 2077. It is believed that similar technology can be achieved in the game by then. The best voice recognition company in China is IFLYtek. Google, Apple and MSRA have done basic research on voice recognition for a long time and are technically good. Automatic driving technology domestic Baidu, Xiaopeng, foreign Tesla outshine others! Speech recognition and automatic driving mainly use programming languages such as Java, Python and Scala, and speech recognition is actually a technical realization based on big data, so it must be used. But big data requires not only learning the language, but also learning the relevant processing technology of big data. Such as Hadoop, Hive, hbase, Spark, and Kafka.

Second, the VR AR

Another element of Cyberpunk is AR and VR. The scene of AR means that V can read the information of surrounding objects and characters through enhanced scanning function of artificial eye. Combining image recognition with 5G networks, this is already possible on a small scale. However, to achieve large-scale implementation, it is necessary to have a perfect database, image semantic recognition ability, high-speed mobile network, which also involves some ethical issues such as privacy data protection.

Cyberpunk’s AR and VR technologies have reached the state of “Mewdreams /BD*”, which is the recording of other people’s experiences (including sensory ones) that can later be recreated by the player.

At this time, our AR VR technology in 2021 has already begun to take shape. Apple can use AR for many games and tools, and Nintendo has also released a number of AR games, such as maliou Kart LIVE Home Tour, which integrates AR technology.

It’s nothing compared to 2077’s AR and VR, of course, but Nintendo did give us a glimpse of what 2021 can do with AR VR. AR and VR are visual presentation technologies. VR needs to master the following programming languages: C#, C++ language, Java, javascript and relevant frameworks, other computer graphics and GPU programming.

AI technology and computer networks in Cyberpunk

Almost all of these technologies rely on powerful AI and complex computer networks to support them. One of the most important elements of the game is that you can enter cyber-space. In the cyberpunk world, cyber-space is a grander existence than the physical world. Hackers find a living space in it, and people can escape the ruthlessness of real life and immerse themselves in the virtual network world. This point has been reflected in many science fiction movies, in the world of Cyberpunk, there are rebels who escape from this life, they seek themselves, free from the slavery of high-tech. This means that Cyberpunk’s AI technology has reached matrix level!

And our current AI technology can only achieve big data recommendation shopping cart Douyin AI recognition of your preferences back to the video you want to similar scenarios widely used. Cyberpunk 2077 is a long way from AI technology, and the programming language AI must learn is Python

Python is the preferred choice for the following reasons:

  • It has a great ecosystem of language libraries. Some commonly used libraries are sciKit-learn processing, Pandas for advanced data structures and analysis, Keras and TensorFlow for deep learning, and Matplotlib for visualization. Today, most AI engineers use Keras and TensorFlow.
  • For AI developers, the learning curve is much simpler.
  • The Python language is flexible, reduces the possibility of errors, and you can always combine Python with other languages.
  • Because Python is platform independent, it saves time testing on different platforms. It allows your applications to run anywhere on one platform, similar to the Java JVM! Then there’s LISP and Prolog

4. Prosthetic BCI in Cyberpunk

The core technology of prosthetic limbs is how to connect people to the brain, which relies on brain science and cognitive neuroscience. At present, state-of-the-art has been able to “read” the basic instructions of the brain to realize the control of the prosthetic hand, and has achieved considerable accuracy:

At the beginning of the year, Silicon Valley’s Iron Man, who just became the richest man on the planet, is also exploring human brain-computer interface. Of course, the gap between the current technology maturity and cyberpunk is still quite large!

If you want to learn the brain-computer interface technology, you must start from C++ compilation principle, assembly proficiency is still quite difficult to learn, because the brain is the brain is the input device, the machine of course with C language decoding efficiency is higher

The reason Cyberpunk 2077 is such a hit is not just because it has the dazzling graphics that a triple-A masterpiece should have that require a high-performance graphics card to hold. Instead, it’s a great aaa blockbuster with a realistic genre, and the team has a little bit of a concern for the future of humanity and technology besides making money, and those concerns aren’t just holes in the sky. Finally, experience the technology in the game to explore the future life in the darkness of cyberpunk. And this era has also come to the mentioned technology is the crossroads of humanity, the last or hope that science and technology will not tear our life and the common happiness of mankind.