
In 2020, this year, I left the company for three years, independently completed the front and background projects, saved the first PC, began to brush algorithm, write the public…. Looking back on this year, I think I’ve been trying to get out of my comfort zone and learn more.

Impressive. “Big event.”

1. Save the PC

At the end of 2019, I finally laid off my Dell notebook which I had used for four or five years, and saved my first PC. The more I adjusted the budget from CPU, graphics card to memory and motherboard, the more the budget was insufficient. The budget really increased and increased, and finally I used 1W+, which was the most expensive property I had filled in these years, after all, I lived on it.

Laid off notebook originally intended to dismantle to see what hardware can be used, later dismantle also did not use, and want to change it into a server, found that raspberry PI more convenient to use has been dismantled and put there.

At the beginning of 2020, I returned to Shanghai before the road was closed in my hometown. After two weeks of isolating work at home, MY newly accumulated PC was put to work in glory. The new computer was smooth and happy!

2. Change jobs

When I came to Shanghai, I came to my old company and witnessed the front-end team of the company from two or three people to twelve or three people. In my old company, I finished the process from novice to intermediate.

At the end of the third year in 2020, I chose to leave my old employer with trepidation out of my comfort zone and curiosity to see how the big factory wanked. At the beginning of the year, due to the serious epidemic, I didn’t have time to have a farewell party with my colleagues, and later I didn’t have the opportunity to make up for it together. It’s a pity.

My regret this year is that I failed to get into the big factory: because I haven’t had an interview for a long time, AND I don’t know what was wrong with me at that time. I thought there was no need to prepare for the interview, just keep the status of my daily work, and whether I would follow fate, and sure enough, I didn’t hit it off with the big factory in the end.

At the beginning of the year, because of the epidemic, we had telephone interviews:

  • Ele. me: What impressed me most was the onion ring model of KOA.
  • Ali: I have a chance to talk about hangzhou. If I don’t plan to go to Hangzhou, I won’t have a face there.
  • Byte: Pushed in by the big guy, directly failed to filter (now think of some shadow)

The last four or five thought that their level might not be enough to enter the big factory, so they found the current company, of course, did not enter the big factory, although very disappointed, but now the job is good

3. Completed the front and back office projects independently

Just changed the job not how to work overtime, catch up with this vacancy, the friend wants to do a site (including PC, small program, H5, background management) the server has been bought, in line with a person is the requirement of a team, use the spare time of 3 months, completed basically.

From installing mysql, Redis, node under GitLab and LUNIX, to third-party API, and then to deploying and fixing bugs, the process is always accompanied by the excitement of discovering new continent.

In my previous work, I basically used VUE, and my understanding of React and Node was limited to reading articles and following tutorials on dome project. This time, I used React on the front end and Express on the server.

In the dead of night, with his unfamiliar frame before and after the end together, to achieve a function, often remind myself of the beginning of the code farmer those young years, that is my lost youth

4 brush algorithm, write articles, public number

Up to now, LeetCode has submitted more than a thousand times, and the nuggets and public number of good articles are about 150

It has been more than six months since I submitted at least one algorithm a day in June, and I feel vaguely that I am getting started

I started to see the big guys in Leetcode, and it always felt like there were big guys everywhere, and I was under pressure as a rookie. Began to try to write their own solutions every day, in order not to waste every day wechat public number can send an article of the plan, I was miraculously adhere to it.

Brush algorithm and write the public number, every aspect is to catch up with the big guy, see them is also for their own incentive, thank you!!

5. Wedding photos

We’re married!!

This must be the biggest harvest of this year, whether it is the panic of the people during the epidemic or the quiet and calm years, it is the happiest to have a lover to accompany you!!

What also don’t say, each big guy, I get rich first you come later ha!

6. Look at source code to learn open source, from the spectator to have a sense of participation

Since the new work involves the Skywalking and Grafana open source frameworks, the work requires familiarity with both open source UIs. This year, without the help of others to explain the source code, the vuE3 update and the various UIs that are following the vUE update gradually have a sense of participation

7. Streaking blogs have been deleted

My blog is delete library this year and next to a blog before, is already haven’t updated for a long time, began to brush algorithm will also put the answer key synchronization, find open is 404, open the database to delete library is found, the first reaction is not recover data at that time, was a little surprised and happy, at least more than a chat stunt.

Later has been busy has not had time to refactor, the solution is also lazy directly hosted on Github and code cloud


It’s the end of 2020. It’s been an eventful year, but now I look back and I think it went too fast.

What I’ve been doing lately:

  1. Look at JS advanced fourth edition (from the front of the meeting room to pay attention to a certain big guy, affected also began to develop the habit of getting up early to read, 6:10 in the morning, reading to 7:30)
  2. Set of algorithms for finishing brushes
  3. B station learning algorithm and data structure, compilation principle
  4. Write a uni-app as an amateur

2021 newYear

The New Year hasn’t even started yet, but there are already a lot of things to do: refactoring the blog, updating the previous vuE2 template to VUE3, and adding a new column…. to the official account

Only make yourself busy to have a new change.

Make a New Year flag for yourself:

  1. Nuggets up to LV3
  2. Try to enter the big factory
  3. The public account has more than 500 followers
  4. Write react (at least 1 or 2 complete projects)
  5. Learn reactNative, Flutter (can develop a simple project)
  6. Create an open source project on Github (UI templates, plugins, etc.)

Thanks to summarize

2020, the eventful year is finally coming to an end. There are many regrets in this year, such as no perfect projects, no colleagues to say goodbye to, and no gods to catch up with. This year has also been a great one for me, her, the new horizons of stepping out of your comfort zone, the thrill of trying new technologies….

Thanks to my classmates who paid attention to me when I first started writing, you gave me a lot of encouragement at the beginning, thanks to the big guys who helped me solve my problems, and thanks to the big guys who I paid attention to or didn’t pay attention to, you are my inspiration there

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