
This series started with preparing yourself for an interview. Later found more and more sorting, almost more than 120,000 characters, finally decided to share it to everyone.

  • Quan: In the preparation, I checked a lot of relevant materials, and strive to achieve a comprehensive coverage of knowledge points. Often, you stand out from other candidates because you know something that no one else, even the interviewer, knows or ignores. Impressive! But if there’s too much content, I’ll also link to what I think is the best article on the web right now.
  • Quasi: all the contents of all the articles published, are their own carefully read, try to figure out. The errors, clerical errors, lack of detail, difficult to understand in the reference article have been modified and integrated. And add their own work encountered some suggestions. Strive to achieve the accuracy of knowledge.
  • Detail: What sets this series apart from other interview articles is the degree of detail. Other interview essays are highly summarized, condensed, and perfect for cramming! But if the knowledge you don’t understand, just by rote memorization, the interviewer casually in-depth you will be blinded! So this series of articles, is to often test knowledge points, from the source to begin to explain, only you really understand, in order to cope with the interviewer’s various difficult.

In order to share the sorting out, I spent a lot of time, at least three times as much time as ONLY myself. If you like, welcome to collect, follow me! Thank you very much!

The article links

  • Front – end interview check and fill gaps -(1) tremble and throttling
  • (2) Garbage collection mechanism
  • (3) Cross-domain and common solutions
  • (4) Front-end local storage
  • (5) Rendering mechanism and redraw and backflow
  • Front – end interview -(six) browser cache
  • (7) XSS attack and CSRF attack
  • (8) Front-end encryption
  • (9) HTTP and HTTPS
  • Check and fill gaps in front interview –(10) Front authentication
  • (11) Front-end software architecture pattern MVC/MVP/MVVM
  • (12) From the input URL to the page to see the whole process (including three handshake, four wave detailed explanation)
  • Front – end interview leak -(13) memory leak
  • Front – end interview omission and filling -(xiv) algorithm and sorting
  • (15) Event Loop

Follow-up Update Plan

Design pattern, front-end engineering, project process, deployment, closed loop, vUE often test knowledge and other contents will be added in the future. If you think the content is good, welcome to collect, follow me! Thank you very much!

Ask for an extrapolation

I hope that you and HR sister can promote a reliable front-end position in Wuhan! Email :[email protected]. Thanks! ~