HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a text Markup Language used to describe web documents. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), translated as “Cascading Style Sheet” or “Cascading Style Sheet”, defines how HTML elements are displayed to control the appearance of a Web page. Through the use of CSS to achieve the content and presentation of the page separation, greatly improve the work efficiency. Styles are stored in style sheets, usually in sections or stored in external CSS files. As a trend of standardized web design, CSS has been widely supported by browser manufacturers and is being applied to web design more and more.

HTML is currently the most popular web page creation language. Most web pages on the Internet are presented to the viewer in HTML format. With the concept of Web 2.0, it is required that Web pages have better scalability and user experience, which makes CSS style sheets become more and more important in Web design. In order to enable the vast number of web makers to quickly master the skills and methods of web page production, the first part of the book in the form of grammar and examples of the combination of detailed explanation of HTML language elements and their attributes of the role, syntax and display effect. The second part starts from the basic concepts of CSS, explaining the CSS box model and positioning attributes, CSS control methods for the display of various elements, CSS layout skills and other knowledge. The last part in order to enhance readers’ practical ability, in the form of personal blog making detailed demonstration for readers to use HTML and CSS page making process. For ease of understanding, this book provides examples of each element and attribute.


The front-end HTML + CSS

Content List:

课时1: the origins of the Internet 11:44

课时2: HTML concepts 10:07

课时3: tag 10:47

课时4: HTML attributes 05:25

课时5: HTML fixed basic structure 12:11

课时6: first page 07:43

Lesson 7: Tool use 06:45

课时8: title 06:52

课时9: basic labels 11:05

Lesson 10: Image IMG tag 10:07

Period 11: Path Concept 15:33

课时12: hyperlink 12:10

课时13: table 05:12

课时14: form 24:24

课时15: form 08:27

课时16: text box 06:27

课时17: password box 06:38

Period 18: Single 06:55

课时19: check box 03:38

课时20: drop-down menu 07:29

课时21: upload 02:22

Period 22: Multi-line text 04:41

Class 23: Submit button 06:01

课时24: reset button 03:14

Lesson 25: Introduction to CSS 23:45

课时26: introduction to DIV and SPAN labels

课时27: CSS style rules 04:24

课时28: CSS style loading mode 28:01

Class29: CSS selector 32:29

课时30: pseudo-class 09:18

课时31: color 06:59

课时32: background 07:23

课时 33:33 text 06:44

课时34: font 05:51

课时35: table 05:20

课时36: CSS form 07:39

课时37: the difference between div and span 06:44

课时38: box model concepts 11:03

课时39: introduction to box model attributes

课 hour 40: Box model properties and default values write Camrec 17:18

课时41: display properties and examples

课时42: float and clear float 16:40

课时43: floating case 14:24

Lesson 44: Layer positioning 15:37

课时45: the background of the image 08:01

课时46: background color 06:17

课时47: image transparency 04:44

课时48: gradient 05:36

课时49: rounded corners 07:17

课时50: shadow 07:25

课时51: preparation 09:34

Period 52: Top 33:19

Period 53: Search area 17:01

Period 54: Advertising area 02:35

Period 55:13:33 in main area

Period 56: Comment area 21:03

课时57: foot information 03:56

The content is introduced

The essence of web page is HTML. This course starts from basic grammar, explains common HTML tags, forms, typesetting and other practical techniques, and also deeply explains the use of CSS style sheets and how to use DIV CSS to design web page layout. It also introduces the new features of CSS3.0, shadows, rounded edges and other practical cases.

Course objectives

Master the use of HTML and CSS

Suits the crowd

0 Basic population

Official website of Ali Yun University (Official website of Ali Yun University, Innovative Talent Workshop under cloud Ecology)