Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Install html2canvas first

npm install html2canvas --save
Copy the code

The introduction of Canvas2Image. Js

/** * covert canvas to image * and save the image file */
var Canvas2Image = function () {
	// check if support sth.
	var $support = function () {
		var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
			ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
		return {
			canvas:!!!!! ctx,imageData:!!!!! ctx.getImageData,dataURL:!!!!! canvas.toDataURL,btoa:!!!!!window.btoa }; } ();var downloadMime = 'image/octet-stream';
	function scaleCanvas (canvas, width, height) {
		var w = canvas.width,
			h = canvas.height;
		if (width == undefined) {
			width = w;
		if (height == undefined) {
			height = h;
		var retCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
		var retCtx = retCanvas.getContext('2d');
		retCanvas.width = width;
		retCanvas.height = height;
		retCtx.drawImage(canvas, 0.0, w, h, 0.0, width, height);
		return retCanvas;
	function getDataURL (canvas, type, width, height) {
		canvas = scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height);
		return canvas.toDataURL(type);
	function saveFile (strData) {
		document.location.href = strData;
	function genImage(strData) {
		var img = document.createElement('img');
		img.src = strData;
		return img;
	function fixType (type) {
		type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i.'jpeg');
		var r = type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/) [0];
		return 'image/' + r;
	function encodeData (data) {
		if (!window.btoa) { throw 'btoa undefined' }
		var str = ' ';
		if (typeof data == 'string') {
			str = data;
		} else {
			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) {
				str += String.fromCharCode(data[i]); }}return btoa(str);
	function getImageData (canvas) {
		var w = canvas.width,
			h = canvas.height;
		return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0.0, w, h);
	function makeURI (strData, type) {
		return 'data:' + type + '; base64,' + strData;
	/** * create bitmap image * generates the image header and body according to the rules */
	var genBitmapImage = function (oData) {
		var biWidth  = oData.width;
		var biHeight	= oData.height;
		var biSizeImage = biWidth * biHeight * 3;
		var bfSize  = biSizeImage + 54; // total header size = 54 bytes
		// typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER {
		// WORD bfType;
		// DWORD bfSize;
		// WORD bfReserved1;
		// WORD bfReserved2;
		// DWORD bfOffBits;
			// WORD bfType -- The file type signature; must be "BM"
			0x42.0x4D.// DWORD bfSize -- The size, in bytes, of the bitmap file
			bfSize & 0xff, bfSize >> 8 & 0xff, bfSize >> 16 & 0xff, bfSize >> 24 & 0xff.// WORD bfReserved1 -- Reserved; must be zero
			0.0.// WORD bfReserved2 -- Reserved; must be zero
			0.0.// DWORD bfOffBits -- The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure to the bitmap bits.
		// typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER {
		// DWORD biSize;
		// LONG biWidth;
		// LONG biHeight;
		// WORD biPlanes;
		// WORD biBitCount;
		// DWORD biCompression;
		// DWORD biSizeImage;
		// LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
		// LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
		// DWORD biClrUsed;
		// DWORD biClrImportant;
			// DWORD biSize -- The number of bytes required by the structure LONG biWidth -- The width of the bitmap, in pixels
			biWidth & 0xff, biWidth >> 8 & 0xff, biWidth >> 16 & 0xff, biWidth >> 24 & 0xff.// LONG biHeight -- The height of the bitmap, in pixels
			biHeight & 0xff, biHeight >> 8  & 0xff, biHeight >> 16 & 0xff, biHeight >> 24 & 0xff.// WORD biPlanes -- The number of planes for the target device. This value must be set to 1
			1.0.// WORD biBitCount -- The number of bits-per-pixel, 24 bits-per-pixel -- the bitmap
			// has a maximum of 2^24 colors (16777216, Truecolor)
			24.0.// DWORD biCompression -- The type of compression, BI_RGB (code 0) -- uncompressed DWORD biSizeImage -- The size, in bytes, of the image. This may be set to zero for BI_RGB bitmaps
			biSizeImage & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 8 & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 16 & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 24 & 0xff.// LONG biXPelsPerMeter, unused LONG biYPelsPerMeter, unused DWORD biClrUsed, the number of color indexes of palette, unused DWORD biClrImportant, unused
		var iPadding = (4 - ((biWidth * 3) % 4)) % 4;
		var aImgData =;
		var strPixelData = ' ';
		var biWidth4 = biWidth<<2;
		var y = biHeight;
		var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
		do {
			var iOffsetY = biWidth4*(y-1);
			var strPixelRow = ' ';
			for (var x = 0; x < biWidth; x++) {
				var iOffsetX = x<<2;
				strPixelRow += fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+2]) +
							   fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+1]) +
			for (var c = 0; c < iPadding; c++) {
				strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(0);
			strPixelData += strPixelRow;
		} while (--y);
		var strEncoded = encodeData(BITMAPFILEHEADER.concat(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) + encodeData(strPixelData);
		return strEncoded;
	 * saveAsImage
	 * @param canvasElement
	 * @param {String} image type
	 * @param {Number} [optional] png width
	 * @param {Number} [optional] png height
	var saveAsImage = function (canvas, width, height, type) {
		if ($support.canvas && $support.dataURL) {
			if (typeof canvas == "string") { canvas = document.getElementById(canvas); }
			if (type == undefined) { type = 'png'; }
			type = fixType(type);
			if (/bmp/.test(type)) {
				var data = getImageData(scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height));
				var strData = genBitmapImage(data);
				saveFile(makeURI(strData, downloadMime));
			} else {
				varstrData = getDataURL(canvas, type, width, height); saveFile(strData.replace(type, downloadMime)); }}};var convertToImage = function (canvas, width, height, type) {
		if ($support.canvas && $support.dataURL) {
			if (typeof canvas == "string") { canvas = document.getElementById(canvas); }
			if (type == undefined) { type = 'png'; }
			type = fixType(type);
			if (/bmp/.test(type)) {
				var data = getImageData(scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height));
				var strData = genBitmapImage(data);
				return genImage(makeURI(strData, 'image/bmp'));
			} else {
				var strData = getDataURL(canvas, type, width, height);
				returngenImage(strData); }}};return {
		saveAsImage: saveAsImage,
		saveAsPNG: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'png');
		saveAsJPEG: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'jpeg');
		saveAsGIF: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'gif');
		saveAsBMP: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'bmp');
		convertToImage: convertToImage,
		convertToPNG: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'png');
		convertToJPEG: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'jpeg');
		convertToGIF: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'gif');
		convertToBMP: function (canvas, width, height) {
			return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'bmp');
export default Canvas2Image;
Copy the code

Then import using components

import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';
import Canvas2Image from '.. /assets/js/canvas2image'
Copy the code

And then the page code

      <el-dialog title="View certificate" top="0" :visible.sync="dialogkaifa" width="600px" center :destroy-on-close='true'>
        <div class="center" style="margin-top:10px;">
          <el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="createImg" >Download the certificate</el-button>
        <div id="about-kaifa" ref="contain" @contextmenu.prevent>
          <div style="position:relative;">
            <img src=".. /.. /.. /static/img/kaifa.jpg" style="width:100%;" alt="" srcset="">
            <p class="roleinfo" v-if="comSta===1">{{crumbs.user_info.com_name}}</p>
            <p class="role-num" v-if="comSta===1">{{crumbs.user_info.developer_no}}</p>
            <p class="role-time" v-if="comSta===1">{{crumbs.user_info.com_time | formatDate}}</p>
Copy the code


    var opts = {
        useCORS: true.// Support image cross domain
        allowTaint: false.// This attribute and useCORS cannot both be true
        logging: false.letterRendering: true}; html2canvas(this.$refs.contain,opts)// Pass in the DOM where you want to generate the image
          function(canvas) { 
          var img = Canvas2Image.convertToImage(
          var url = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); // Get the base64 encoded data of the image
          var a = document.createElement("a"); // Generate an A element
          var event = new MouseEvent("click"); // Create a click event
 = name || "Certification Certificate"; // Set the image name
          a.href = url; // Set the generated URL to the A.ref property
          a.dispatchEvent(event); // Triggers the click event of A}); },Copy the code