Developers, certainly need some tools conveniently, and turnip greens highly uneven, this originally should not argue, but I always meet some net friend in the QQ group debate the editor to use of what, I thought that this debate should only appear between vim and emacs (refer to the editor of editor with god, the god of war), have never thought in the modern, this race Theory also.

I’m going to introduce front-end related editors on multiple levels, and I hope you can use them all. Pick one of your favorites and avoid arguments. Moreover, this article actually I also compare subjective, welcome everybody to leave a message to discuss.

1. sublime text

Advantages: fast speed plug-ins
Disadvantage: individual development charge renewal cycle is long
Comments: I’ve been using Sublime Text as a secondary editor since I was working on the back end, and it opens files really fast. The multi-line editor was a godlike feature for me at the time, and as I slowly moved to the front end it became my main editor, which I highly recommend.

2. atom

Pros: Many github plugins for free
Disadvantages: slow writing code has a sense of stuttering
Comments: used for a period of time, because is based on the browser core development of the editor, so the development of the plug-in performance is very cool, but the price is to lead to the editor more eat memory, very card. Overall if the configuration can keep up, this is also a good choice.

3. visutal studio code

Advantages: a lot of plug-ins Microsoft produced free fast
Cons: Not yet
Comments: Also based on the browser core development, but much faster than Atom, Microsoft does not lose the most powerful software vendors, and many excellent plug-ins, I love it. Many people have been influenced by articles about open source to think that using Microsoft stuff is a sin, and that they should regret missing out on a tool that works so well.

4 webstorm

Advantages: plug-in a lot of speed and complete functions
Cons: Charges
Comments: This is out of the scope of the editor to some extent, it is very comfortable to develop projects, the only disadvantage is the charge, and more expensive.