The theme of the fourth issue "Front-end Planning"Copy the code

1. A brief introduction

A few weeks ago, I saw the advertisement of “Early Talk about the fourth issue of the front End” on the Nuggets community by accident. I clicked on it and thought it was quite suitable for my current situation, so I signed up for it. For this reason, I spent the afternoon listening to the front-end planning of the bigwigs. Although the overall time is quite long and my ears hurt a little when I wear the earphones, it is worthwhile to expand my knowledge and plan for my career no matter how hard it is. Next, I will talk about the harvest of today’s live broadcast.

2. How to break the bottleneck from beginner to expert

2.1 About Hierarchy

2.2 Bottleneck and game breaking

2.2.1 p4, p5


Passive execution, just do it well

I complained about the simple and boring tasks assigned by my superiors and the repetitive work. I didn’t find problems and think about them, but just finished the tasks.


1. Consider how to respond to demand, scheduling, division of labor, schedule control and risk review

2. How to design the front-end technical solution? Modules, layers, architecture? Maintainability, scalability? How to write technical documentation

3, improve work efficiency, summarize their own ineffective overtime, where is the problem? Is it their own technical problems, one by one to solve the current problems

4. Deepen the understanding of the business

5, improve restore degree, coding quality, on-line stability, runtime performance, etc

6, more communication with users, because 80% of the problems are communication problems, so we should know where the problem appears, how to solve it


Go from point to line, solve problems, and do the best you can on the job

2.2.2 p5, p6


Do your own thing, your subconscious mind sets boundaries


Business understanding, code quality, performance, communication are all fine, but not sharing, mentoring, and staying in your own circle


1. From the inside to the outside, the senior constantly absorbs the essence in the soil of the group before, but after the senior, we should know how to give back to the team and grow together with the team


Curve to surface, specific capabilities

2.2.3 p6》p7


Solve the problem alone, solve the problem at hand


His own ability has stood out from the rest of the crowd, but he is still fighting alone and does not lead the team to solve the problem


1. How can problems be avoided

2. Lead the team to solve problems together


Surface to solid, system capability

2.2.2 p7》p8


Cross business, cross department


Although the ability of all aspects has been very strong, but because of the dimension, breadth, span, depth involved slightly shallow, others have corresponding solutions, the space for improvement is still stagnant


Involve the dimension, breadth, span, depth is more extensive


System to system, multidimensional capabilities

2.3 comprehension

In the growth process, to learn from the scene, to find a solution, it can achieve the wasted effort effect, rather than blindly go to cope with, the way of growth, we will also consider itself as a promotion, promotion is a result not goal, however, promotion is had the ability can be promoted, if want a promotion, the premise is important to promote own ability. Can not get the corresponding promotion or salary, may leave, then how about leaving this watch, departure is matching behavior rather than impulse, if their ability is still in the bottleneck section, choose to leave because of a temporary impulse, is not recommended departure is not the way to solve the problem, but want to consider a problem from their own point of view, find and solve problems. Your value depends on your ability to solve problems.

3. How to make expert-level technology and technical product planning

3.1 Why planning?

Shortcuts = Avoid detours. Know what to do next early and avoid unnecessary pitfalls.
Write code programmatically

3.2 How to Plan?

3.3 comprehension

I did not do a good job in technology and product planning before, which led to many problems and loopholes in the follow-up. After this live broadcast, I deeply feel the importance of planning. Planning well in advance can reduce many detours, reduce the frequency of stepping on puddles, and write codes in a planned way. In planning, we need to avoid copying architecture, architecture design must match the current problem to be solved, there is no optimal framework, only the appropriate framework; Reasonable design stratification, analysis of the correlation between modules; Pay attention to solve the whole problem, do not focus; Define the layerization of business functions required by different users/roles and different undertaking methods in architecture. Generally, C is pyramid and funnel, and B is decision, process and task, for example, customers in the browsing stage and customers in the transformation stage.
Task patterns facing decision makers and task executors; Technical product architecture tends to be more functional architecture based on domain model. User processes are abstractly clustered based on business requirements and problems. Which are abstract services and which are concrete functions

4. How to make career Planning

4.1 Why do YOU plan your career

The workplace is not a straight upward path. There is often a need to step back for the sake of moving forward, to get worse for the sake of getting better. Invest capital in order to make progress. (Count Stuart)

4.2 What is Career Planning

According to their own interests, hobbies, ability, characteristics of a comprehensive analysis to determine the best career goals, and to achieve this goal to make effective arrangements

Know yourself:

One of the three proverbs of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi:

Know yourself.

The MBTI’s full name is MyersBriggs Type Indicator.

In essence, it is a forced selection and self-report personality assessment model

What do you want:

Write the code? Do management?

A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier, but not

All men must be fit to be generals. Zhuge Liang fits

As a strategist, Liu Bei is fit to be a general.

4.3 Growth route of technical personnel

Technical aspects are not solid enough, it is not recommended to take management too early, after all, it will affect the growth of their own technology.

4.4 P5, P6, P7 Core concerns (effective arrangements)

4.5 Manage your time

4.6 summarize

Career planning is of great significance to our career. When I was in school, I didn’t know the real meaning of career planning, and I just made career planning to complete the learning hours. Now really feel the importance of career planning, career planning, career also had a guiding star, then you won’t feel confused in life, so young, completes the career plan early, like earl Sir Mark moody-stuart said, in the workplace is not listed on a straight line, often need to before and then retreat, in order to better and worse; Acquiring capital in order to make progress. So for better, for progress, for capital, we have to plan a good career. Cheng Chi teacher also said that his career planning experience, along the way is really not easy. He also summed up the past for himself (picture below), at the same time, I will remember the teacher wrote this profound experience, always remind myself.

5. How to cultivate more front-end technical experts in TL team

5.1 As TL, do you really know your team?

Understand human nature and human heart

Within every climber there is a camper

Also believe that everyone is born with a core drive to climb

5.3 Relationship among business, team and individual

5.4 TL responsibilities and breakthroughs

5.5 What are the capabilities of front-end technical experts

Ability to deconstruct business problems

Technical settling capacity


5.6 Successful promotion is the next starting point

Find ways to avoid it, to know what to expect next, not like campers who have worked hard and achieved a certain level of achievement and status

They relaxed and set up camp in place

5.7 comprehension

Don’t give yourself limits, the pursuit of the next station of their own


Today’s live broadcast has brought me a lot of feelings, and I should also summarize myself:

1. Plan your career in advance

2. Make technical and product planning in advance

3. Lay solid technical foundation, depth and breadth

4. Accumulate project experience, pay attention to structure and coordination

5. Systematic project construction and Leadership training

6. Get rid of impetuosity and take the long view

7. Focus on technology to enhance core competitiveness

8. Break through the front-end bottleneck, do not do pure management, technology sensitive, focus on management, one person’s efficiency is not as efficient as the whole team, overcome everything personally, want to do everything by yourself.

Talk about the front end of the conference early

About the conference: front-end early chat conference goal to become useful, understand, copy to go front conference, plan to do 12 in 2020, jointly held by the front-end early chat and nuggets, the future front-end early chat conference schedule dynamic, data download please scan the code below the public number to follow:

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