# This article gains and value

After reading this series of articles, you will be able to make the following 100% restore ctrip V8.22.0 homepage GridNav interface:

You will use and become familiar with the following widgets:

  • The Container and BoxDecoration;

  • ClipRRect and BorderRadius;

  • The Row with the Expanded;

  • The Stack and Positioned;

  • FractionallySizedBox;

# Preparations

  • This article requires you to have a basic knowledge of Flutter. The specific functions of various widgets are not covered in this article.

  • If you are familiar with or know how to use Chrome for H5 interface debugging, it is best. If not, it does not matter, I have put all the resources you need in the code;

All right, let’s get started:

  1. Chorme opened a new page, press F12 into debugging, the address bar enter http://m.ctrip.com/html5/, enter, you will see the following interface:

Now you can view ctrip H5 page layout and color, font and other configurations (not important here: relevant configurations have been posted in the code);

  1. To create a Flutter project named Ctrip_gird_demo, I used VSCode here, because Android Studio 3.6.2 was too slow on my computer. I tried all kinds of methods, but I still could not solve the lag and the high CPU usage.

  2. Remove all the code in main.dart and add the following code;

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    void main() => runApp(CtripGridApp());
    class CtripGridApp extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Flutter Demo',
          theme: ThemeData(
            primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
          home: Scaffold(
            appBar: AppBar(
              title: Text(
                Ctrip Grid Layout,
                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
            body: Container(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 146),
              margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16, right: 16),
              // todo: add girdWidget),),); }}Copy the code
  3. Create a new file named grid_widget.dart and add the configuration code that we got in 1 for colors, backgrounds, fonts, etc.

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    class GridWidget extends StatelessWidget {
      final List<Color> _hotelColors = [
        Color(0xfffb8650)];final List<Color> _platformColors = [
        Color(0xffffd252)];final List<Color> _flightColors = [
        Color(0xff53bced)];final List<Color> _travelColors = [
        Color(0xff6cd557)];final String _hotelBGImageUrl =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final String _minsuBGImageUrl =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final String _platformBGImage =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final String _flightBGImageUrl =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final String _trainBGImage =
      final String _tripBGImage =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final String _dingzhiBGImage =
          'https://pic.c-ctrip.com/platform/h5/home/[email protected]';
      final TextStyle _titleStyle = TextStyle(
        color: Colors.white,
        fontSize: 14,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
      final TextStyle _platformStyle = TextStyle(
        color: Color(0xffa05416),
        fontSize: 14,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
      final BorderSide _borderSide = BorderSide(
        color: Color(0xfff2f2f2),
        width: 1,);final Radius _radius = Radius.circular(8);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      	// todo: add grid rows
        return Container();
    Copy the code
  4. Dart add import ‘Package :ctrip_gird_demo/grid_widget.dart’; Import the GridWidget and replace // todo: add girdWidget with child: GridWidget();

  5. Now that we’re done with the preparation, we’ll implement the layout the same way we did with Row in Cloumn. We can see in 1 that the gridNav Row height is 64(H5’s borderTop 1px produces an additional 1px height), and we’ll start the formal layout code:

Ctrip GridNav layout – prepared article

Next please move to Flutter to achieve ctrip GirdNav layout